
  1. 同时完成了胜利油田采油厂中层管理者岗位业绩评价指标体系应用软件的开发工作;

    At the same time , completed the development of application software of assessment and appraisement system for the middle manager of oil extraction in shengli oil field .

  2. 最后,提出了薪酬体系改善的设计目标、原则和具体措施,并根据3P薪酬理论,经过岗位价值评估、业绩评价和能力等级鉴定等环节,设计改善了A公司的薪酬体系。

    At last , the dissertation gives the goals , guiding principle and detail measures through , job evaluation , performance evaluation and the determination of ability . And designs the better compensation system based on the 3P compensation theory .