
  1. 组织岗位调查并编写岗位说明;

    Organize job investigation and job description writing ;

  2. 整个薪酬设计建立在岗位调查、岗位评价和岗位说明书等的科学规范的工作基础之上。

    The entire compensation design is based on scientific and standard post surveys , post appraisals and post specifications .

  3. 岗位能力调查结果分析及对策思考

    Analysis and Countermeasure of Post Ability

  4. 在对采油厂联合站各岗位深入调查的基础上,分析和评价了该站11个岗位的作业条件危险性,进行了危险度分级,确定了重大危险岗位。

    Based on the investigation to the different post of the oil field unite station , analysis and assessment are conducted to the productive risk of 11 post , the risk level is made and the major hazard station is determined .

  5. 浙江省社区护理人员岗位培训需求调查

    Investigation into demand of training programs on community nurses in Zhejiang province

  6. 三甲医院护理部主任岗位培训需求调查分析

    An survey on post training needs of nursing department directors of grade 3A hospital

  7. 妇产科护理人员岗位固定年限调查

    Investigation on Fixed Number of Years Set for Regular Post of Nursing Staff in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department

  8. 重庆市全科医学岗位培训效果的调查分析

    Effect Analysis of Chongqing General Practice Training