
  1. 岗位竞争制与国有企业经理人激励博弈分析

    Competing Mechanism And Incentive Of Manager In State-Owned Enterprise

  2. 岗位竞争条件下的个人人力资本投资行为分析

    An Approach to Investment Behavior of Private Human Capital Based on Position Competition Effect

  3. 在提高干部保健队伍素质上靠重点学科带动,靠各种培训提高,靠岗位竞争促进;

    Improve quality of medical team by key subjects , by varieties of trainings , by duty competition ;

  4. 但是除了激烈的岗位竞争意外,许多毕业生承认他们在面临着另一个重大问题--就业歧视。

    However , besides fierce competition , many graduates admit that they face another big problem -- employment discrimination .

  5. 移民导致公共交通过于拥挤、低薪岗位竞争激烈、房价不断上涨、收入差距不断扩大。

    Immigration has led to overcrowding on public transport and competition for lower-paid jobs , escalating housing costs and widening income disparities .

  6. 在就业岗位竞争愈加激烈的环境下,创新思路发展大学生自主创业不失为一个很好的扩大就业的有效措施。

    At the more intense competitive environment , innovation and the development of university students thought undertaking is a good way to expand employment .

  7. 论述了岗位竞争及解聘威胁对经理人的激励作用,通过建立模型,探讨了岗位竞争、解聘威胁与分成激励之间的关系。

    A model is set up , and is used to investigate the relationship among post competition , dismissal threat , and participation incentive .

  8. 班主任岗位竞争很激烈,教员室的墙上张贴着图表,按照每周考试的总成绩给每个班级排名次。

    The competition to hang onto these spots is intense . Charts posted on the walls of the faculty room rank classes by cumulative test scores from week to week .

  9. 强调医院职工在工作中要注意体现无形资产的有形价值,要学会珍惜和运用自身无形资产,不断提高劳动技能和创造才能,从而在激烈的岗位竞争中取胜。

    The paper stresses that hospital staff ought to try and give expression to the tangible value of personal intangible assets , learn to treasure and make use of them , and constantly improve their work skills and creative abilities so as to survive fierce job competitions .

  10. 例句这个新设立的管理层岗位招聘竞争非常激烈。

    The competition for the new management position was cutthroat .

  11. 如今,年轻求职者对政府岗位的竞争可谓空前未有。

    Today 's young job seekers are vying for government posts in record numbers .

  12. 一方面,美国人失业率上升,对现有就业岗位的竞争更加激烈。

    On one hand , fewer Americans have jobs and competition for available work is intensifying .

  13. 这意味着在中国公司岗位的竞争很快将会白热化。

    And that means competition for jobs at mainland companies could soon start to heat up .

  14. 大学中终身教职岗位的竞争给学者们带来很大的压力,他(她)们不得不长时间投身于研究工作。

    The competition for tenure track faculty positions in universities puts increasing pressure on scholars to put in long hours on research .

  15. 我们现在也有机会、有权利在下一轮高科技制造业岗位的竞争中战胜其他国家。

    We also have the chance , right now , to beat other countries in the race for the next wave of high-tech manufacturing jobs .

  16. 工作要求高、知识危机感、工作岗位的竞争以及学历提升等对教师职业压力的影响较大,本课题对此进行了具体研究。

    The high request of work , a sense of knowledge crisis , as well as the work competition , and the promotion of qualifications affect it mostly .

  17. 岗位靠竞争分配凭贡献&我院人事分配制度改革的经验及体会

    To get a post through competition and division based on contribution & The experience and understanding on the reforming internal division regulation in personnel service in our hospital

  18. 岗位管理、竞争择优;

    Station management , competition and choosing excellent ;

  19. 意思是说,很多人都在为同样的东西,比如好的工作岗位,而竞争。

    That means many people are competing for the same things , like good jobs .

  20. 再次,改善税务体系以吸引投资、增加就业岗位,重建美国竞争优势。

    Third , we are going to restore America 's competitive edge by making our tax system more attractive for investment and for job creation .

  21. 本文在内部市场化条件下建立了煤炭企业岗位货币化管理的基本框架,包括岗位设置、岗位供求、岗位定价和岗位竞争;

    This paper establishes the basic frame of post monetary management in coal enterprises under the condition of internal marketization , which includes the post installation , the supply and demand of post , fixing the price of post and the post competition ;

  22. 体面的工作岗位的增加数量远远赶不上一茬又一茬毕业的大学生的人数,对于一些稀缺岗位的竞争往往最终成了家庭关系网和财力的比拼。

    Growth in decent jobs has lagged far behind the non-stop bumper crops of college grads , and competition for scarce positions often comes down to family connections and cold hard cash .