
  • 网络Quality of Working life;Quality of work life;QWL;Quality of Work and Life
  1. 这三个层面的工作生活质量受到其追求目标的牵引,在冲突与融合的过程中呈螺旋上升趋势。

    The QWL in these three levels are pulled by their targets , spirals up through conflict and fusion .

  2. 由于探讨工作生活质量的定义涉及到不同群体的立场和利益,至今也没有得出一个广泛接受的定义。

    Because discussion of definition of QWL involves position and interest , there is no final result that is widely accepted .

  3. 工作生活质量(qualityofworklife)这个概念最早于20世纪60年代产生于工会组织,很快便被西方工业国家广泛接受,并发展成为一场普遍的社会运动。

    The concept of quality of work life emerged in the trade union in 60 ages , quickly , it was accepted by western society broadly , and became a kind of universal movement .

  4. 随着时代的进步和员工意识的抬头,员工对组织提出了更高的要求,工作生活质量(Qualityofworkinglife,QWL)近年来成为我国人力资源管理比较关注的话题之一。

    With the progress of the society and the consciousness of employees , higher demand is requested in the organization . In recent years , QWL ( Quality of Working Life ) obtain more attention in human resources management .

  5. 工作生活质量(QWL)运动是发达国家企业人力资源管理理论和实践长期发展的必然结果,对我国企业人力资源管理有重要的借鉴意义。

    The movement of QWL is the necessary results of the developed countries ' human management theories and practice development . It has important warning sense to our countries human management of enterprises .

  6. 工作生活质量的影响因素及评价指标

    Factors Affecting the Quality of Working Life and Its Evaluation System

  7. 浅议高校教师工作生活质量的提高

    Primary Analysis of Quality Improvement of Work Life for College teachers

  8. 职业经理人工作生活质量与组织公民行为的关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between QWL and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Professional Manager

  9. 工作生活质量与组织承诺的关系研究尚不多见。

    The research on the relationship between QWL and organizational commitment is rare .

  10. 知识型员工工作生活质量与组织绩效关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Relationship between Enterprise Performance and Knowledge Workers ' QWL

  11. 此外,员工满意度还是员工工作生活质量的一项重要心理指标。

    Besides , the satisfactory degree of the employee is an important psychological index .

  12. 高校教师工作生活质量现状分析与思考

    Deliberation and Analysis of the Quality of Work and Life of Faculties in Colleges and Universities

  13. 小学教师工作生活质量评价指标体系研究

    Research on the Evaluating Indicators System of the Quality of Primary School Teacher 's Working Life

  14. 教师学校归属感是衡量教师工作生活质量的重要指标。

    School membership is an important indicator that measures the quality of teachers ' working life .

  15. 企业文化与员工工作生活质量关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Corporate Culture and Employee 's Quality of Work Life

  16. 中小学教师工作生活质量问卷的编制及初步应用

    Development and Preliminary Application of Primary and Secondary School Teachers ' Quality of Work Life Questionnaire

  17. 笔者进而探讨了工作生活质量各维度对行业离职和酒店离职的影响情况。

    The author discussed the various dimensions of quality of working life towards the departure of hotel industry .

  18. 知识员工工作生活质量评价指标体系的构建研究

    The Research on the Construction of the Evaluating Indicator System of Quality of Work Life of Knowledge Workers

  19. 研究发现,不同统计特征人群在工作生活质量维度(影响因素)上存在差异。

    The study found that there are differences among the quality of work life dimensions ( factors ) .

  20. 发达国家已经有很多理论和实践证明了工作生活质量对人力资源管理的影响作用,并被系统地、广泛地应用在实际的生产管理活动中。

    Many theories and practices in developed countries have validated the influence that QWL have on human resource management .

  21. 本文介绍了工作生活质量的内涵,分析了影响教师工作生活质量的主要因素,并提出改善和提高教师工作生活质量的基本途径。

    This article introduces concept of quality of work life and analyses main factors influencing quality of teachers'work life .

  22. 本文做了如下方面的探索:1、探究知识经济时代工作生活质量的新含义。

    The research explores the new definition of the QWL of knowledge worker in the knowledge economic times . 2 .

  23. 本研究需要验证的核心假设为:企业知识型员工工作生活质量与工作绩效之间具有显著的正相关性。

    The core hypothesis is that there is a distinct positive correlation between QWL and job performance of knowledge workers .

  24. 过度的压力不仅会使个人工作生活质量下降,而且也会严重影响组织的效率。

    Excessive pressure will not only decrease the quality of life , but also seriously impact the efficiency of the company .

  25. 这一过程是基于两个目的:一方面为了提高组织效率,另一方面为了改善员工工作生活质量。

    This process is based on two objectives : improving organizational efficiency and improving the quality of life and work of employees .

  26. 此外,又有一些学者从工作生活质量的内容结构入手,也进行了一些实证研究得出不同结论。

    Besides , there are other scholars start from the content and structure of QWL , obtaining different results from case studies .

  27. 而随着人本主义的兴起,人们对工作生活质量越来越关注和重视。

    With the rise of humanistic quality of life , people pay more and more attention to professional quality of work life .

  28. 会计师事务所审计人员属于知识性员工,对自身工作生活质量具有较高的意识。

    The audit staff of accounting firm are informative staff , they have a high awareness of their own quality of work life .

  29. 提高组织工作生活质量水平,有利于组织的健康成长,为员工提供更多的回报和保障。

    Improving the level of organizational QWL will help the organization to develop healthily and the employee to get more pay and job security .

  30. 进入21世纪,提升工作生活质量的管理理念,越来越受到研究者和实务管理者的重视,组织通过改善员工的工作生活质量,提高员工组织承诺感,促进组织的工作绩效。

    For the 21st century , the management concept of improving the quality of work life has got more attention from researchers and practical managers .