
  • 网络Nature of work;Job Nature;job category;Job Duties
  1. 但是,工作性质的变化也起到了很大作用。

    But the changing nature of work also plays a big role .

  2. 患者病程、工作性质及文化程度与焦虑抑郁的发生有明显相关性(P0.05)。

    Course of patients , nature of work and education of the occurrence of anxiety and depression are significantly correlated ( P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 将有一周的交接期供约翰向安解释工作性质。

    There will be an overlap of a week while John teaches Ann the job .

  4. 你可以用不同的方法描述你的工作性质。例如:Iworkinaschool。

    You can describe the nature of your work in various ways , eg : I work in a school .

  5. 正如上面所述,请求、任务,以及活动可以进一步利用定义这个工作性质的“Type”属性来修改。

    As mentioned above , Requests , Tasks , and Activities can be further refined with a " Type " attribute that identifies the nature of the work .

  6. 好多人都分不清两者的真正分别,不过他们与WeddingPlanner的工作性质是好不同的。

    Many people cannot understand the difference between the two of them , however the nature of the work for planning a wedding is not the same .

  7. 双日出版社(Doubleday),26.95美元。本书描述南北战争以来的办公室设计与技术,洞察到工作性质的改变。

    ( Doubleday , $ 26.95 . ) This account of office design and technology since the Civil War offers insights into the changing nature of work .

  8. 对JZ公司实行岗位分析,预计对JZ公司岗位级别分为七级,从岗位对公司业绩的影响、岗位对任职者的要求、岗位的工作性质、岗位工作环境以及岗位工作特征几个角度进行分析。

    JZ companies implementing post , is expected to be divided into seven JZ company job level , from the job performance of the company , job incumbents , job nature of the work , several aspects of post working environment as well as post job characteristics were analyzed .

  9. 试论导学员的工作性质和重要作用

    On the Quality and Important Effect of the Guiding Learning Attendant

  10. 他的工作性质是什么?

    What kind of work did he do for you ?

  11. 他一点也不了解我的工作性质。

    He knows nothing of the nature of my work .

  12. 幼儿教师作为专业人员,其完成教育使命的工作性质及其教学的实践性特征都要求他应当拥有专业自主权。

    Preschool teachers should own autonomy rights in their profession .

  13. 地基承建商&工作性质包括设计及建筑地基工程。

    Foundation contractor-works including design and construction of foundation projects .

  14. 对于我的工作性质,我认为我的薪酬是合理的。

    My salary is reasonable respect to my job nature .

  15. “工作性质说明”这一栏阐述该岗位的职责。

    JOB DESCRIPTION tells the duties attached to this post .

  16. 水泥土在模拟交通荷载下的工作性质

    The In-service Behaviour of Soil-cement under Simulated Traffic Loads

  17. 电脑将改变很多工作性质。

    Computers will change the nature of many jobs .

  18. 此处是周奔驰根据工作性质来推断她的专业!黄小蓉:不,我大学学的是企业管理。

    Yes , I learned Business Management in university .

  19. 不同工作性质的高校教师在心理授权上存在显著差异。

    University teachers with different work were significantly different on the Psychological Empowerment .

  20. 他是驼背,可能是因为他的工作性质。

    He had a hunch , maybe from paperwork .

  21. 这可能取决于工作性质。

    This can depend on the type of job .

  22. 他的业余爱好同他的工作性质截然不同。

    His hobbies are quite distinct from his work .

  23. 高校图书馆的工作性质正在变化

    The Changing Nature of Work in Academic Libraries

  24. 然后概述大学生村官的定义、工作性质和成效。

    Students then outlined the definition of village officials , the nature and effectiveness .

  25. 由于工作性质的关系,他们只得按时作息。

    They are forced to keep regular hours by the nature of their job .

  26. 性伴通知的其他影响因素可能包括感染源、工作性质和门诊的级别等。

    Among other influential factors , there were infection way , occupation and clinic 's level .

  27. 中国工程机械工业协会按产品类型和工作性质成立了29个分会和工作委员会。

    CCMA has set up29 Bureaus or committees according to the product categories and working performance .

  28. 我这次旅行是半度假、半工作性质的,所带的东西全都要装在一个随身携带的手提箱里。

    My trip is part holiday , part work , all from the same carry-on suitcase .

  29. 一个人的工作性质和所受待遇很大程度上取决于其英语能力。

    The type of job and treatment a person gets depends much on his English ability .

  30. 图书馆的工作性质决定了编目工作者的责任。

    The work of library requires the library catalogue workers to take the readers in mind .