
ɡōnɡ běn fèi
  • cost of production
  1. 收费标准是房屋所有权证工本费10元/本,印花税5元/本。

    Rate is building droit card cost of production 10 yuan of / this , stamp duty 5 yuan of / this .

  2. 如果卡有损伤,卡的工本费就不能退了。

    If the card is damaged , then it cannot be refunded .

  3. 能退卡的工本费吗?

    P : Can I have the cost of the card refunded ?

  4. 职员:请支付15元,包含换卡工本费5元,挂失手续费10元。

    Clerk : Please pay 15 yuan , includes 5 yuan cost and 10 yuan handling charge .

  5. 前项工本费之收支,应依预算程序办理。

    The incomes and expenditures of the above-mentioned basic price shall be handled according to the budget procedure .

  6. 自九十九年六月一日起泳证遗失办理补发,工本费自200元调整为100元,特此公告。

    Charge of re-issuing for lost swim pass adjusted to NT $ 100 from NT $ 200 with effect from Jun.1,2010 .

  7. 艺文护照由学生自行保管,若有遗失得申请补发,但申请补发者每本酌收工本费伍拾元。

    Students should take good care of their Arts Passport and may apply for reissue of the passport if they lose it .

  8. 医疗机构应患者的要求,为其复印或者复制病历资料,可以按照规定收取工本费。

    The medical institutions may charge costs of production when photocopying or reproducing case history materials as per the requirement of patients .

  9. 经过二十年的工本费椅子已下降,而更多的人受益的影响。

    After twenty years the cost of producing the chairs has gone down and more and more people are benefiting from the effects .

  10. 对其他生活确有困难的居民,在其初次申请领取和换领居民身份证时,可以减收工本费。

    For other residents with actual living difficulties , they may pay a deducted production cost for their initial application for obtaining and changing the identity card .

  11. 居民身份证工本费标准,由国务院价格主管部门会同国务院财政部门核定。

    The standard for the production cost of the identity card shall be determined by the administrative department of price of the State Council jointly with the finance department of the State Council .