
  • 网络Job security;work safety
  1. 相对于以前,美国人的工作安全感变得更少。

    Americans have less job security than ever before .

  2. 过去几年出现了太多的裁员,许多人在裁员中失去了朋友和同事,并且意识到,他们曾经不以为然的工作安全感不复存在了。

    Due to so many layoffs in the last few years , many have lost friends and colleagues , and have realized that job security , taken for granted at times , is gone .

  3. 心理契约则是以员工一定的忠诚、创造力等交换经济契约以外的期望,如寻求工作安全感、公平合理的待遇以及企业支持发展的愿望等等。

    Psychological contract gets expectation such as secure work , reasonable treatment and enterprises ' help by loyalty , creativity of employees .

  4. 工作安全感低(如果他们能找到的话),再加上薪水不断下滑以及经济增长缓慢,这些因素都导致了消费能力的下滑。

    Insecurity over jobs , if they can get one , plus falling wages and sluggish economic growth , all account for the decline in spending power .

  5. 说明工作不安全感通过组织承诺影响进谏行为。

    It means job insecurity affects voice behavior through organizational commitment .

  6. 工作不安全感及其对工作压力感、工作满意感和绩效的影响

    Impact of Job Insecurity on Job Pressure , Job Satisfaction and Performance

  7. 工作不安全感得分较高指标主要集中在涉及薪酬、收入的方面。

    Job insecurity is mainly centralized on salary and wage .

  8. 员工工作不安全感及其应对措施研究

    Study on the Job Insecurity and Relative Countermeasures of Employee

  9. 员工工作不安全感与员工工作投入呈现极其显著性负相关关系。

    Job insecurity has significant negative relation to job involvement .

  10. 有效控制工作不安全感的范围。

    To control the range of job insecurity effectively .

  11. 情绪劳动对工作不安全感两个构成变量与情绪耗竭的关系中起到了中介作用。

    Emotional labor can mediate the relationship between job insecurity and emotional exhaustion .

  12. 他们对工作没有安全感。

    They do not have security in their work .

  13. 工作不安全感、组织支持感与离职倾向的关系研究

    A Study of Relationship between Perceived Job Insecurity , Perceived Organizational Support and Turnover Intention

  14. 临时工、短期合同工的工作不安全感都显著地高于长期合同工。

    Temporary employees and short-term contracted employees report more serious job insecurity than long-term contracted employees .

  15. 工作缺乏安全感会要了你的命。

    Job insecurity can kill you .

  16. 工作不安全感部分中介程序公平对整体工作满意度和组织承诺的影响。

    Job insecurity partially mediated the influences between procedural justice on job satisfaction and organizational commitment .

  17. 经济危机背景下,民营企业员工工作不安全感较严重。鉴于此,本研究将对此问题进行探讨。

    Under the economic crisis , the problem of job insecurity is serious in the private enterprises .

  18. 关于可雇佣性动态管理和工作不安全感有效疏导的讨论,具有重要的现实意义。

    Dynamic management of employability and effective dredge of job insecurity discussion have an important practical significance .

  19. 首先,采用因子分析验证了可雇佣能力和工作不安全感的五维结构。

    First , we validate the five-dimensional structure of employability and job insecurity by using factor analysis .

  20. 但钻井平台带来的动荡不安,以及仍在持续的紧张关系,已经破坏了这份工作的安全感。

    But the unrest over the rig and continuing tense relations have rattled his sense of job security .

  21. 工作不安全感与员工绩效、身心紧张的关系:可雇用性的调节作用

    The Relationships between Job Insecurity and Employees ' Performance , and Strains : the Moderating Effect of Employability

  22. 结论:通过改善程序公平,可以减少员工的工作不安全感,并进而增强其工作满意度和组织承诺。

    Conclusion : Improving procedural justice can decrease employees ' job insecurity and thus increase their job satisfaction and organizational commitment .

  23. 同时,本文引入工作不安全感和内部动机作为中介变量,探究工作需求和资源影响工作形塑的作用机制。

    Also , we choose job insecurity and intrinsic motivation as the mediating variables , to better study the mechanism of the model .

  24. 作为西方组织行为领域的重要构念,工作不安全感已形成了丰富的研究成果。

    As an important concept in the field of behavior of western organization , perceived job insecurity has got plenty of research results .

  25. 工作不安全感是指建立在员工对现有工作环境总体认知和评价基础上的一种主观负性体验,对员工自身、家庭和企业有较大影响。

    Job insecurity is a negative subjective feeling , which is based on employees ' perception and evaluation of the existing work environment .

  26. 在关于到底什么导致发达国家出生率较低的讨论中,观点指向各种各样的因素,从工作不安全感,到缺乏国家提供的托儿服务。

    The debate about what exactly drives lower birthrates in developed countries points to everything from job insecurity to lack of state-supplied childcare .

  27. 组织支持感与工作不安全感显著负相关;组织支持感与组织承诺显著正相关。

    Organizational support has a significant negative correlation with job insecurity ; Organizational support has a significant positive correlation with organizational commitment . 4 .

  28. 其次,采用独立样本T检验和单因素方差分析,探讨了不同个体和组织特征对工作不安全感的影响差异。

    Second , we discuss the differences of employees ' job insecurity on individual and organizational characteristics by using independent samples T-test and one-way ANOVA .

  29. 组织变革和工作不安全感显著正相关,组织变革和工作特征、工作本身显著正相关;

    Organizational change were positively related to perceived job insecurity , and it also has a positive relationship with job features and the total job ;

  30. 居高不下的失业率不仅仅影响失业家庭的幸福感,同样也影响着那些仍在岗位上但却对工作缺乏安全感的人们。

    High unemployment impacts the happiness not just on the families of the unemployed but also those in work who feel less secure in their jobs .