
jì mínɡ ɡǔ piào
  • registered share;registered stock;inscribed stock
  1. 记名股票的转让,由公司将受让人的姓名或者名称及住所记载于股东名册。

    In the case of assignment of registered share certificates , the company shall record the assignee 's name and domicile on the record of shareholders .

  2. 记名股票被盗,遗失或者灭失,股东可以依照民事诉讼法规定的公示催告程序,请求人民法院宣告该股票失效。

    In the event registered share certificates are stolen , lost or destroyed , the shareholder may , pursuant to the procedures for public invitation to assert claims contained in the code of civil procedure , request the people 's court to declare the share certificates invalid .

  3. 无记名股票的发行总数;

    The total number of unregistered shares issued ;

  4. 各股具有两次表决权的记名股票

    Double vote registered shares

  5. 美元与50000股公司多达800人,如果所有的无记名股票存放与英属维尔京群岛托管人。

    USD800 for Company with up to50,000 shares , if all bearer shares are kept with a BVI Custodian .

  6. 对社会公众发行的股票,可以为记名股票,也可以为无记名股票。

    Share certificates issued to the public may be in the form of either registered share certificates or bearer share certificates .

  7. 第一百四十一条无记名股票的转让,由股东将该股票交付给受让人后即发生转让的效力。

    Article 141 The transfer of an unregistered stock becomes valid as soon as the stockholder delivers the stock to the transferee .

  8. 发行无记名股票的,公司应当记载其股票数量,编号及发行日期。

    A company issuing bearer share certificates shall record the number of such share certificates issued , their numbers and dates of issue .

  9. 特别是,巴拿马在2015年年底收紧了无记名股票(任何持有股权凭证的人即为所有者)的规则。

    In particular , Panama tightened its rules on bearer shares - which bestow ownership on whoever holds the share certificates - at the end of 2015 .

  10. 第176条无记名股票之股东,非于股东会开会五日前,将其股票交存公司,不得出席。

    Article176a holder of bearer share certificates shall not attend a meeting of shareholders unless he shall have deposited his share certificates with the company five days before the meeting .

  11. 对于非上市公司的股票因其以纸面形式存在,如果是记名股票则需要在股票上进行背书并移转于质权人占有,以及在公司股东名册上进行质押登记;

    To the stocks of non-listed company , if they are order stocks , they should be transferred to the pledger with endorsement and also be registered on the register members ;

  12. 公司股权资本中的股份数量,只能发行为注册股票,不得发行为或交换为无记名股票。

    The number of shares in the Company into which the share capital is divided may be issued only as registered shares and may not be issued as or exchanged for shares issued to bearer .

  13. 公司向发起人、法人发行的股票,应当为记名股票,并应当记载该发起人、法人的名称或者姓名,不得另立户名或者以代表人姓名记名。

    The stocks issued to initiators or juridical persons shall be registered stocks , which shall state the names of such initiators or juridical persons , and shall not be registered in any other person 's name or the name of any representative .

  14. 任何获得记名股票证书的成员,对因拥有该证书、任何人错误或陈述造成的损失,应向公司进行补偿,使其不受损害。

    Any member receiving a share certificate for registered shares shall indemnify and hold the Company harmless from any loss which it or they may incur by reason of any wrongful or representation made by any person by virtue of the possession thereof .

  15. 发行之记名普通股股票未在外国证券市场挂牌交易。

    Any registered common shares that it issues must not have been previously listed on a foreign securities market .