
jì mínɡ bèi shū
  • endorsement in full;special endorsement;full endorsement
  1. 提货前,你应在提单上记名背书。

    Before take a delivery , you shall endorse In full the bill of lading .

  2. 指示提单:经过记名背书或者空白背书转让;

    An order bill of lading may be negotiated with endorsement to order or endorsement in blank ;

  3. 背书可为无记名背书或特别背书,亦可附有条件,使其成为有限制背书。

    An indorsement may be made in blank or special . It may also contain erms making it restrictive .

  4. 不记名背书:一种支票或流通票据的背书,没有收款人名字,可支付给持票人。

    Blank endorsement n.an endorsement on a check or negotiable note that names no payee , making it payable to the bearer .

  5. 凡汇票载明付款予持票人者,或票上唯一或最后之背书为无记名背书者,均属以持票人为收款人之汇票。

    A bill is payable to bearer which is expressed to be so payable , or on which the only or last indorsement is an indorsement in blank .

  6. (三)记名提单:无需背书,即可转让。票据的)不记名背书

    A bearer bill of lading is negotiable without endorsement . blank indorsement