
  • 网络Internal settlement;Inner settle
  1. 通过将局部Agent决策目标的总和与全局Agent决策目标进行对比,证明了所引入的内部结算价格就是全局Agent目标函数关于物流平衡约束的Lagrange乘子。

    Comparing the object of global agent and the sum of objective functions of local agents , it is verified that internal price just is Lagrange multipliers of the objective function of global agent for logistic balance constraints .

  2. 加强内部结算管理提高资金使用效率

    Strengthen Management of Internal Accounting , Raise Efficiency of Capital Use

  3. 谈公司改制后内部结算中心的管理问题

    On Management Problems in Intermal Account Settlement Centre with Company System Reformed

  4. 煤矿企业内部结算中心的设置方式

    Establishing fashion of internal settlement center in coal mine enterprises

  5. 浅谈企业内部结算价格的确定

    Preliminary Discussion on Now to Determine the Internal Settlement Price in Enterprise

  6. 内部结算价格是企业财务核算的基础。

    Internal settlement price is the basis of financial account of enterprise .

  7. 钢铁企业内部结算价格浅探

    Elementary approach to the internal settlement price of the iron & Steel Enterprise

  8. 内部结算中心的机构设置有两种方式,即附属型方式和独立型方式。

    There are two establishing fashions of internal settlement center : affiliated and independent .

  9. 林木采伐计划管理内部结算成本问题的探讨

    Discussion about Cutting Program Managing Internal Cost Settlement

  10. 煤矿由于有着不同于其他行业的一些自身特点,故其内部结算中心的设置方式也不同于一般的制造业企业,以设置独立型内部结算中心为宜。

    For coal mine enterprises , independent settlement center is better , for they have their own special conditions .

  11. 为发挥集团公司的作用,集团公司要成为成员企业的投资中心,内部结算中心,监控调节中心,资产经营中心和服务中心。

    In order to give full play to group company , we should make it the center of investment , the center for settling accounts , and center of supervision and regulation , capital management and service .

  12. 并通过比较详细的展示了实践中运用的统收统支、拨付备用金、内部结算中心、内部银行、财务公司等几种模式的功能和特点。

    And adopted a more detailed display of the practice , the allocation of imprest , the internal settlement center , the internal banks , financial companies , such as several models of the functions and characteristics .

  13. 阐述了成立鞍钢财务公司的必要性以及财务公司在鞍钢所起的作用和内部结算的重要性,提出了今后的发展方向。

    The paper explains the necessity of establishing AISC Finance Company and the role of the company in AISC , and the importance of internal settling accounts . It also points out the development direction of the company .

  14. 通过对财务公司内部结算业务的介绍和分析,总结、归纳其优势及作用,提出进一步完善内部结算,更好地发挥财务公司的金融职能,提高集团公司的资金使用效率的途径。

    Through introduction and analysis of internal accounting business in financial company , summed up its advantages and function , presented the way to further perfect internal accounting , play better part of the financial function of financing company and raise the efficiency of capital use of the group .

  15. 论高校内部资金结算中心

    Centre of Settling Accounts Inside Colleges and Universities

  16. 福瑞内部交易结算矛盾时有发生,对企业管理造成较大困扰。

    Many problems caused by internal transactions have occurred , causing the internal management of enterprises large disturbance .

  17. 涉及公司的商务写作主要是报告和收据之类的内部财务结算表、工作报告以及提交关于改进公司管理和成本控制的提议等。

    Business writing for the company is mainly internal financial statements like reports and receipts , working reports and proposals for improving the company management and cost control .

  18. 介绍实行内部转账结算制度能有效的协调、控制企业的资金,建立企业正常的结算秩序,可保证企业结算资金安全;降低企业融资成本、财务费用,笔者结合工程实例予以说明。

    Internal transfer and settlement system can effectively regulate and control funds , establish normal settlement procedure , ensure the security of settlement fund and reduce financing cost and financial expenses , thus creating higher profits for the enterprise .

  19. 现代财务管理的核心是资金的管理,而高校内部资金结算中心就是以货币资金管理为中心,针对目前高校资金紧张现状,加强资金管理的职能部门。

    The core of modern financial management is the fund management . The centre of settling accounts inside colleges and universities puts focus on managing currency fund and strengthening the role of managing department considering the present situation of fund shortage .

  20. 通过对福瑞内部交易结算问题研究,作者从企业角度分析了跨国公司通过规划内部交易活动实施企业战略及规范内部管理的思路和方法,为各方了解跨国公司内部交易结算提供了参考。

    Internal trading settlement on the issue of FIH , of transnational corporations from the corporate point of view of internal trading by planning the implementation of activities and standardize in management corporate strategy idea and method , for the internal operations of multinational companies provided samples and reference .

  21. 附属型方式是在企业会计部门内部设置内部结算中心;

    The affiliated is to set up internal settlement center in accounting department of an enterprise .

  22. 本文在总结有关单位改革试点经验基础上,从理顺管理关系、界定业务范围、规范内部行为、明确结算规程等方面来建立改革模型,实现改革目标。

    In this paper , a model is set up based on the summary of the previous experiences in the reforms of the related units to achieve the reform objective by straightening the management relationships , defining the business scope , normalizing the inside behavior and clarifying the account regulations .

  23. 诸如:为何要有内部转移价格、内部转移价格制定方法以及内部转移结算方式等问题。

    Such as : Why should the internal transfer price , the internal transfer price of the development of methods and internal transfer of billing methods , and other issues .

  24. 本文认为,在货币资金内部控制方面,企业可以通过设立内部银行或内部资金结算中心的方式,来加强资金集中管理。

    This paper argues that internal controls in the money funds , companies can set up internal resources within the bank or clearing house approach , to strengthen the centralized management of funds .