
  • 网络internal financing;internal finance;Endogenous Finance;external finance;internal capital
  1. 从宏观角度来看,我国中小企业内源融资不足;

    In macro sense , SMEs are lack of internal financing .

  2. 活化民营企业内源融资的法律研究

    A Legal Study on the Activation of the Internal Financing in Non-state-owned Enterprises

  3. 西方金融界对企业融资的研究较为成熟,经典的啄食理论(PeckingOrder)认为企业应该遵循内源融资债权融资股权融资的顺序进行融资。

    The classic Pecking Order theory holds that enterprises should follow an order of internal financing-debt financing-equity financing to raise funds .

  4. 内源融资是企业从内部寻找资金的过程。

    Internal financing is the process that enterprise finds resources from the internal .

  5. 现代融资方式主要分为外源融资与内源融资。

    Modern means of financing is divided into exogenous and endogenous financing financing .

  6. 与大企业相比,中小企业融资表现出更偏好内源融资,更依赖债务融资等特征。

    Compared with big enterprises , SMEs are inclined to internal and debt financing .

  7. 股利分配管理从实质上说是企业内源融资管理的一部分。

    Dividend allocation management is a part of inside financing channel of hi-tech SMEs .

  8. 施工企业内源融资问题探讨

    Discussion about Internal Circulating Funds of Construction Enterprises

  9. 论我国家族企业的内源融资

    Study on Family Firms ' Internal Financing

  10. 强化民营经济内源融资机制民营经济融资难的制度原因

    Strengthen Internal Funding System in Private-run Companies The Institutional Cause for Financing Difficulties of Non-State-Owned Enterprises

  11. 本文通过实证检验发现,中国上市公司的融资结构表现为内源融资在融资。

    This paper first analyzes the financing structure of listed companies in China by empirical examination .

  12. 企业可以从两个渠道筹措资金,即内源融资和外源融资。

    Enterprises can raise funds from two sources , that is internal financing or external financing .

  13. 基于内外部融资成本的差异,企业偏好内源融资。

    Owing to the difference between internal and external financing cost , corporate prefers to finance internally .

  14. 只有内生性金融制度的存在和发展才不至于损害民营经济可贵的内源融资基础。

    Only under such a system the internal financing mechanism of private economy will not be harmed .

  15. 中小民营企业如何更好利用内源融资方式

    Self-financing for Private SMEs

  16. 而这因素主要有两类,分别是内源融资因素和外源融资因素。

    Which factors are mainly two types , namely the financing of endogenous factors and exogenous financing factors ?

  17. 按照资金来源,融资主要可以分为内源融资和外源融资。

    According to sources of capital , financing can be divided into the internal financing and exogenous financing .

  18. 在收益方面,首先,内源融资模式限制了家族企业规模收益。

    In income aspect , first , the financing model of internal originates has limited family firm scale income .

  19. 在外源融资中,股权融资所占比重又远远高于债权融资,即中国上市公司的融资顺序依次为股权融资、短期债务融资、长期债务融资和内源融资。

    Further more , the proportion of stock financing in external financing is even higher than that of debt financing .

  20. 在俱乐部具备内源融资的能力时,应优先选择内源融资。

    When the professional sports club has the ability of Endogenous financing , it 'd better apply Endogenous financing firstly .

  21. 研究发现,内源融资、短期借款对治理绩效的影响是一个先上升后下降的过程。

    The study found that effect of endogenous financing and short-term borrowing on governance performance is first increase and then decreased .

  22. 处于成长阶段的上市公司由于内源融资能力较强,同时增长机会较多,因此企业保持较低的财务杠杆,资本结构和成长阶段显著负相关;

    The listed company in growth stage usually has lower leverage because of powerful internal funds capability and more growth opportunities .

  23. 金融部门的存在,对推动内源融资的转化有着十分重要的作用。

    The existence of financial department plays an important role in putting forward the transformation from endogenous financing to exogenous financing .

  24. 民营企业主要依赖内源融资和民间金融,而间接融资和直接融资均显不足;

    Privately operated enterprise main depends on internal financing and folk finance , but indirect financing and direct financing reveals the insufficiency ;

  25. 在市场经济条件下,中小企业获取资金的方式可分为内源融资和外源融资。

    Under the market economy , the finance of the small and medium enterprises is mainly the internal source capital and outside loans .

  26. 他们认为,发展中国家内源融资盛行,因此,货币与实质资本是互补的。

    They considered that internal finance was prevalent in the developing countries so that money and real capital were complementary to each other .

  27. 当前广东省中小企业的融资问题主要体现在内源融资能力和外源融资能力不足。

    Current financing problems of SMEs in Guangdong Province is mainly reflected a lack of financing capacity of endogenous and exogenous financing capacity .

  28. 由于种种原因,我国的融资顺序表现为股权融资、短期债务融资、长期债务融资和内源融资。

    However , the preferred financing sequence in China is stock financing , floating debt financing , long-term debt financing and internal financing .

  29. 重塑市场化的银企关系、大力发展成熟的债券市场、培育健康的股票市场、改善我国企业内源融资。

    Reinvent market-oriented relations between band and enterprises , develop bond market energetically , cultivate stock market , improve current situation of endogenous financing .

  30. 资金集中管理可以降低代理成本,发挥内部资本市场功能,发挥内源融资的优势。

    Capital centralized management can lower the agent cost and develop the faction of an internal capital market and take advantage of internal financing .