
  1. 最后,对实现TD-SCDMA产业内企业间的协同效应提出了相应的对策。

    Finally , this paper proposes countermeasures to achieve the synergy of TD-SCDMA industry .

  2. 研究这一产业内企业的发展战略,对于我国在加入WTO之后的服装生产企业有着非常重要的意义。

    Therefore , studying the prospect of this industry , there are very important meanings to our country 's development of garment manufacturing enterprise after the accession into the WTO .

  3. 随着我国逐步落实WTO承诺以及国家进一步放开成品油营销市场,行业内企业竞争日趋激烈,因此成品油行业也亟需对国内市场营销进行战略选择,以更好地适应市场发展,维持企业的竞争优势。

    Along with the gradual implementation of WTO commitments , as well as the country further open product marketing in the industry market , enterprise competition is becoming increasingly fierce .

  4. EVA作为一种新型的公司业绩衡量指标表明了一定时期内企业为股东增加的价值,因而在国内外得到了广泛的应用。

    As an emerging index to evaluate company 's performance , EVA indicates how much value managers increase for shareholders in a certain period thus it is now widely used in both home and abroad .

  5. 然后通过对几种主要战略成本管理模式的分析比较,得出了Shank模式为群内企业提供了一个可供借鉴思路的结论。

    Then through comparing several kinds of prevalent strategic cost management mode , we arrive at a conclusion that the Shank mode provides a good thinking for enterprises within the cluster for reference .

  6. 生态工业园区内企业共生融资模式研究

    The Research of Enterprises ' Commensal Financing Mode in Eco-Industrial Park

  7. 在航空系统内企业开展安全质量标准化分析与探讨

    Analysis and Probe into Implementing Safety Quality Standardization in Aviation Industry

  8. 孵化器内企业集群的知识溢出问题

    The Issue of Knowledge overflow of Business Cluster in Incubator

  9. 这种蠕虫病毒已经影响到了世界范围内企业的生产与运行活动。

    The worm has affected manufacturing and utility companies worldwide .

  10. 产业内企业盈利绩效决定因素的理论回顾及启示

    Retrospection and Revelations : Theories of Decisive Inner - Industry Enterprise Profit Factors

  11. 信任、契约与规制:集群内企业间信任机制动态变迁研究

    On Dynamic Evolution of Trust Mechanism within Enterprise Clusters

  12. 我国三大经济圈内企业对外直接投资动因实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Motivation of OFDI in China 's Three Economic Circles

  13. 产业集群对集群内企业在竞争力提升上有重要作用。

    Industrial Cluster has an important role for its enterprises in strengthening competitive power .

  14. 产业组织是指同一产业内企业与企业之间的关系。

    The term Industrial Organization refers to the relations among enterprises within one industry .

  15. 集群内企业间接融资的博弈模型和策略分析

    Analysis of Strategies and Models on the Game of Indirect Financing of Enterprises in Industrial Clusters

  16. 知识分享通过合作伙伴和经常发生的与其他区域内企业的非正式互动来进行。

    Knowledge-sharing partners , and other areas with frequent informal interaction within the enterprise to carry out .

  17. 产业集群内企业技术创新动力的根源在于追求技术创新利润。

    The dynamic source of technological innovation within the industrial cluster is pursuing profits of technological innovation .

  18. 因此,产业集群有利于集群内企业获得竞争上的优势,从而带动某一地区乃至整个国家经济的发展。

    Industrial clusters can also lead to competitiveness , and this will promote the economic development there .

  19. 产业集群是群内企业间高度分工与协作的网络;

    Industrial cluster is a network that highly divides the work and cooperation in group among enterprises .

  20. 并根据路径系数和调研数据计算得到调研的产业网络内企业满意度得分。

    And reckon corporation satisfaction inside the inquisitional industrial networks according to the path coefficient and the data .

  21. 产业集群对全球价值链内企业升级的影响

    Analysis on the Influence on the Enterprises ' Upgrading in the Global Value Chain by the Industrial Cluster

  22. 再次,对日本、美国网络内企业之间合作的方式、合作机制进行了分析。

    Thirdly , the cooperation way , mechanism between firms in Japan and United States of America is analysed .

  23. 园区内企业隶属关系、产值统计、财税收入等归创办方。

    The ownership , production statistics and financial income of enterprise in the park belong to the sponsoring party .

  24. 不同时期的部分经济学家或理论学派对影响产业内企业盈利绩效高低的因素都曾作过深入的探讨。

    Some economists or theorists at different eras have studied in depth the factors that affect inner-industry enterprise profit .

  25. 基于他们的特征和影响因素的基础上,归纳出影响群内企业间品牌竞争的关键因素。

    Based on the above analysis results , we also summarized the influencing factors which affect their brand competitions .

  26. 希望通过本文的研究,为IT行业内企业的外包决策提供可行度高的理论指导。

    The auther also hopes that this study can provide feasible theoretical guidance for the IT enterprise in outsourcing decision .

  27. 区内企业应当与海关实行电子计算机联网,进行电子数据交换。

    In-area enterprises should hook up with the electronic computer network of the customs and carry out electronic data exchange .

  28. 同时,产业内企业结构、规模和竞争方式的雷同加剧了建筑产业的过度竞争行为。

    Meanwhile , excessive competitive behavior in construction industry was aggravated by duplication of enterprise structure , scale and competitive methods .

  29. 特区内企业是指在特区内注册登记的法人企业和非法人企业。

    " Enterprise " in Special Zone refers to the enterprises as legal person and non-legal person registered in Special Zone .

  30. 最后,运用实地调研的资料结合实证数据的分析,最后提出促进集群内企业间开展合作营销的建议。

    Finally , based on the spot investigation data and empirical data analysis , put forward to promote cooperative marketing suggestions .