
nóng yè qǐ yè
  • agricultural enterprise
农业企业[nóng yè qǐ yè]
  1. 基于.NET技术的农业企业销售型CRM系统

    The marketing & crm system for agricultural enterprise based on . net technologies

  2. BOT模式在农业企业中的应用研究

    The Research on Implementation of the BOT Model in Demestic Agricultural Enterprise

  3. 对双方来说,转基因食品似乎是支持农业企业或是反科学的标志。

    For both sides , GM foods seem to act as a symbol : you 're pro-agricultural business or anti-science .

  4. 对环境保护主义的反对者来说,转基因食品是邪恶的,是一种未经研究的、可能有害的工具,被大型农业企业用来控制全球种子市场和压榨当地农民。

    To environmentalist opponents , GM foods are simply evil , an understudied , possibly harmful tool used by big agricultural businesses to control global seed markets and crush local farmers .

  5. 结论是:虽然转基因作物尚未实现其最初的承诺,而且一直由农业企业主导,但我们有理由继续使用和开发它们,以帮助应对可持续地为不断增长的全球人口提供粮食的巨大挑战。

    The conclusion : while GM crops haven 't yet realized their initial promise and have been dominated by agricultural businesses , there is reason to continue to use and develop them to help meet the enormous challenge of sustainably feeding a growing planet .

  6. 基于模糊AHP的珠三角都市型农业企业创新能力的测评

    Evaluate on Innovation Capability of PRD Urban Agriculture Enterprise based on F-AHP Method

  7. 21世纪随着WTO的加入,我国农业企业的竞争逐渐国际化和全球化。

    With the entry of WTO in the 21st century , the competition between agribusinesses is internalizing and globalizing .

  8. 它在2006年就预料到了这样一些趋势,建立了一个全球农业企业基金(globalagribusinessfund),对与食品相关公司进行投资,其中包括农场主、生物科技公司、设备制造商、食品加工商以及销售商。

    It anticipated some of these trends as long ago as 2006 by creating a global agribusiness fund to invest in food-related companies , including plantation owners , biotechnology companies , equipment makers , food processors and distributors .

  9. 在经济全球化的今天,以客户为中心的客户关系管理(CRM)是企业核心竞争力的关键,而我国农业企业在这方面普遍存在不足。

    In this age , the Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) that focuses on customers is the key to improving core competitive power of corporation . But at present , Our country agriculture company generally in this existence insufficiency .

  10. SLC从很早期就采用了“大型农业企业”的模式,这和当时普遍存在的家族经营、小规模的模式形成了鲜明的对比。

    In sharp contrast to the family-run , small-scale model common at the time , SLC implemented a model of " corporate farming " from a very early stage .

  11. 据三名知情人士称,美国收购集团黑石(Blackstone)今年早些时候退出了对一家中国农业企业的投资,此前对方警告黑石称,其持股将使提价计划复杂化。

    Blackstone pulled out of its investment in a Chinese agricultural company earlier this year after the group warned the buy-out firm that its involvement would complicate moves to raise prices , according to three people familiar with the matter .

  12. 农业企业发展电子商务首先要确定自身所处的信息化层次,再根据所确立的目标采取相应的阶段策略,逐渐向协同的营销型电子商务靠近,最终实现完全信息化&电子供应链(e-chain)。

    To develop EC , the agribusiness need to position the Hierarchy of its informationalization firstly , secondly adopt the Stage strategy accordingly toward the established goal , and gradually approach the collaborative Market-Driven EC , realize the complete informationalization ( e-chain ) at last .

  13. 北京农业企业科技人才现状与培养模式研究

    Research on Sci-tech Talents Training Model for Agricultural Enterprises in Beijing

  14. 加快广州优势农业企业发展的对策

    Strategy on promoting the development of advantageous agricultural enterprises in Guangzhou

  15. 农业企业生物资产账面价值的确定

    Sureness of the Book Value of Biological Assets in Agribusiness

  16. 基于企业生态理论的农业企业竞争与合作策略分析

    Analysis to Agricultural Enterprise Competition and Cooperation Policy under Enterprise Ecological Theory

  17. 农业企业化:中国农村经营体制的又一次创新

    Agricultural enterprisization : An innovation of Chinese rural economic system

  18. 农业企业生产作业机器配置优化研究

    Study on Optimum Disposition of Production Machines for Agricultural Enterprises

  19. 中国现代农业企业组织的形式及演进

    Form and Evolution of Modern Agricultural Enterprise Organization in China

  20. 我国工厂化农业企业经济效益影响因素分析

    Analysis of impact factors of economic benefits of industrialized agribusiness in China

  21. 科技创新;农业企业;政策体系;

    Technological innovation ; agricultural enterprises ; policy system ;

  22. 农业企业进销存综合管理系统研制

    Sales and inventory integrating management system for agricultural enterprises

  23. 农业企业发展与可持续性研究

    Study on the Development of Agri-Enterprise and Its Sustainability

  24. 广州优势农业企业影响因子分析为优势种群。直译的优势

    Factor analysis research on advantageous agricultural enterprises of Guangzhou

  25. 广州优势农业企业行业差异比较研究

    Study on the industry differences comparison of the advantageous agricultural enterprises in Guangzhou

  26. 工厂化农业企业核心竞争力培育研究

    Research on Enterprise 's Core Competencies of Factory Agribusiness

  27. 农业企业化经营中的生态环境问题研究

    Agriculture Enterprises Operating in the Study of Ecological Problems

  28. 论文的研究结论为促进我国农业企业的可持续发展提供了一定的依据。

    The findings are helpful for Promotion of sustainable development of agricultural enterprises .

  29. 关于农业企业人才队伍建设的思考

    Thoughts on Personnel System Construction of Agricultural Companies

  30. 借鉴西方经验,提出建立其或有会计的核算内容,对于丰富和完善现有的农业企业财务会计核算内容,提供全面的、详细的会计信息具有很大的作用。

    It is highly important operation for the accounting content and the accounting information .