
  • 网络Rural collective assets
  1. 农村集体资产评估问题研究

    Studies on Rural Collective Assets Valuation

  2. 笔者认为,探索建立实体化的村集体资产经营主体、重建科学合理的乡村治理结构,才是有效管理和经营农村集体资产唯一的根本出路之所在,这就是本文研究结出的初熟果子。

    The author believes that the establishment of an entity of the village collective asset management , scientific and rational reconstruction of the village governance structure is the only fundamental way to lead to effective management and operation of rural collective assets .

  3. 集体资产评估是改革开放大潮中开创的一项社会公正性的工作,是防止农村集体资产流失的闸门。

    Collective assets evaluation is an impartial task in socialism reform .

  4. 论农村集体资产保值增值的实现途径

    Discussion on Rural Collective Capital Inflation - proof and Increase in Value

  5. 如何做好我国农村集体资产的评估工作,是今后农村集体资产管理工作的一项重要内容。

    How to do it well is an important work in later management of collective assets .

  6. 本文论证了农村集体资产的保值增值的实现途径。

    The paper discusses how the rural collective capital to realize its inflation - proof and increase in Value .

  7. 但是到目前为止,我国还没有系统的法律对农村集体资产处置管理进行统一的规范,而原有的相关政策、法规多已严重滞后,不再适应现实的需要。

    However , up to now , no systematic legislative principles are available to standardize the management of the rural collective property .

  8. 二是要建立和完善集体资产运营体系,建立有效的激励和约束机制,健全农村集体经营性资产评估制度,乡镇企业的财务监督体系和严格的民事责任追究制度。

    Two is necessary to establish and perfect the collective assets operation system , establish effective incentive and restraint mechanisms , and improve the system of rural collective operational assets assessment , township enterprise system and strict civil liability system of financial supervision .

  9. 通过农村集体经济组织产权制度改革,上海探索出一条加强农村集体资产管理、明晰农村集体资产的产权关系的新路子。

    Through the reform of property rights of rural collective economic organizations , strengthen the management of rural collective assets , to explore a relationship between ownership and new ways of a clear rural collective assets .

  10. 随着上海近郊地区城市化进程的加快,农村集体经济在各方的共同努力下,取得了快速发展,农村集体经济组织也积累了大量的农村集体资产。

    With the acceleration of the process of urbanization in the outskirts of Shanghai , the rural collective economy under the joint efforts of all parties , the rapid development of rural economic collective and has accumulated a large number of rural collective assets .