
  1. 但根据权益类资产的风险收益特性,适度权益资产配置可以显著改善寿险组合的收益状况。

    However , due to the risk-return feature of equity assets , proper equity allocation can significantly improve yield of the whole portfolio .

  2. 因此本文认为,机构投资者对权益类资产(包括股票和证券投资基金)波段操作,事实上构成了对证券投资基金的行为套利。

    Therefore , this thesis argues that institutional investors ' band operation of Equity Capital ( including stocks and securities investment funds ) has actually formed a certain behavioral arbitrage to securities investment funds .

  3. 同时居民资产结构也发生了重大变化,权益类资产比重迅速上升,股民开户数大幅增加,截至2009年底全国股民数量已经接近2亿。

    Moreover , the residents of assets structure of major changes have taken place , a rapid increase in the proportion of equity asset class , investors accounts , a significant increase in the number of shareholders as at the end of 2009 the country has nearly 200 million .