
  • 网络ecological assets;Ecological capital
  1. 该文提出了基于遥感定量测量的生态资产价值评估模型,并利用MODIS卫星数据和其它辅助数据,对内蒙古自治区进行了陆地生态资产的定量测量。

    This paper puts forward an evaluation model of ecological capital based on quantitative measurement remote sensing , and uses MODIS satellite data and some other auxiliary data to assess ecological capital of Inner Mongolia .

  2. hm-2;其次为湿地(21353元.hm-2),说明森林和湿地对生态资产的贡献最大。

    Forest had the highest value ( 24 673 yuan · hm-2 ), and followed by wetland ( 21 353 yuan · hm-2 ), both of which gave the most contribution to the ecological capital .

  3. 基于遥感和GIS的湿地生态资产定量研究

    Quantitative Research of Wetland Ecological Assets Based on RS and GIS

  4. 综合国内外生态资产评估模型,采用物质量和价值量相结合的方法,构建基于遥感和GIS的湿地生态资产评估模型及各指标的子模型。

    Using the physical and value assessment methods , models of the wetland ecological assets is builded upon RS and GIS .

  5. 森林生态资产是从未人账核算的资产。

    Forest ecological assets have never been included in financial accounting .

  6. 中国生态资产区划的理论与应用

    The theory and application about the regionalization of Chinese ecological assets

  7. 吉林省不同地区的生态资产差异明显。

    Ecological assets in different regions of Jilin Province are different .

  8. 内蒙古生态资产测量及生态建设研究

    Measurement of Ecological Capital and Ecological Construction in Inner Mongolia

  9. 河北省太行山区县域生态资产评价与开发利用对策

    Eco-capital Assessment and Development Countermeasures of Taihang Mountainous Areas in Heibei Province

  10. 基于生态资产的生态系统风险分析模型及应用实例

    Model of ecosystem risk based on natural capital : a case study

  11. 湖州市生态资产遥感测量及其在社会经济中的应用

    Ecological capital measurement by remotely sensed data for Huzhou and its socio-economic application

  12. 草地生态资产受损致因及重建新模式的探讨

    Cause of eco-property loss of grassland in China and discussion for renewal construction of new-model

  13. 从生产资产到生态资产:资产&资本完备性

    From produced ( physical ) asset to ecosystems asset & completivity of asset and capital

  14. 生态资产包括有形的自然资源价值和隐形的生态系统服务功能价值。

    Ecological assets include tangible value of natural resources and the hidden value of ecosystem services .

  15. 生态资产评估静态部分平衡模型的分析与改进

    Analysis and discussion of the static partial equilibrium model for the valuation of the ecosystem capital

  16. 汾河流域土地利用对生态资产的影响&以娄烦县为例

    The Influence of the Utilization of the Land in Fenhe River Valley on the Ecological Assets

  17. 生态资产评估研究综述

    Research Progress on Ecological Assets Valuation

  18. 静态部分平衡模型是目前生态资产价值评估中可操作性比较强的一种评估模型。

    The static partial equilibrium model is a kind of valuation model on ecosystem capital with good maneuverability .

  19. 介绍和分析国内外生态资产估价方法的研究进展,为中国开展生态资产估价提供借鉴。

    This paper analyzed and reviewed the research progress on ecological assets valuation methods at home and abroad .

  20. 本文对生态资产的确认、计量、账务处理及披露方式进行了相关讨论。

    This paper expounds the intension and characteristics of ecological assets , raises reviewing and regional planning methods .

  21. 根据各省、直辖市、自治区的生态资产密度,开展了全国的生态资产区划。

    The national regional planning is conducted according to the density of ecological assets of various province , municipality and autonomous region .

  22. 最后,文章指出,生态资产是一种依附资产,天然属于林木,并且只能由林木控制着这种资产的启动、开发和利用。

    The paper points out that ecological asset is adhere to tree naturally and be controlled its starting exploiting utilizing by tree only .

  23. 生态资产定量遥感测量技术体系研究&生态资产定量遥感评估模型

    Studies on Technology System of Ecological Property Measurement Based on Remote Sensing Technology in Western China & The Ecological property Assessment Model Based on RS

  24. 增加经常性事业经费使用明细表和专项资金使用明细表,在现有报表体系内增加林木资产、林地资产、生态资产项目。

    So add regular business funds lists and special funds list and in report system increase project to reflect forest assets , forest land assets , ecological assets .

  25. 生态资产是国民经济可持续发展的物质基础,更是人类社会和谐共处的基本保障。

    Ecological asset was the material basis for the sustainable development of the national economy , but also it was the basic guarantee of harmonious coexistence of human society .

  26. 在此基础上,结合地理属性数据及统计数据,计算海岸带区域的生态资产价值分布图。

    Finally , the ecological assets distribution in the coastal zone was calculated on the basis of integration of the above work and the geographic attributes and statistics data .

  27. 通过建立生态资产遥感测量和野外抽样测量与检验的集成系统,实现系统的业务化运行。

    To realize operation of ecological capital measurement based on the development of integrated system of ecological capital remote sensing measurement and on ground sampling fieldwork surveys and quality control .

  28. 本文论述了流域水资源的生态资产价值、流域水资源开发生态后果及其生态资产的经济评价方法。

    The paper reviewed and discussed the eco-asset value concept the medium and long-term affect of the de-velopment as well as the methods of economic assess-ment of eco-asset of watershed water resources .

  29. 考察了西北部分地区草地生态资产受损状况,分析了长期以来人为因素为主要的破坏因素。

    In this article we have investigated the injured state of ecological property of grassland in part of northwest area and analysed its main reason being the man-made destroy for a long time .

  30. 生态资产是生态系统生物资源直接价值及其生态服务功能价值的总和,对生态资产价值进行评估是政府宏观决策和生态环境建设的必要条件。

    Ecological capital is the summation of direct value and ecological service function value of ecosystem biotic resources . It is necessary for government macro-decision-making and ecological environment construction to assess ecological capital .