
  1. 优化生产要素结构与增强企业竞争力的内在联系

    Internal Relations between the Optimization of the Structure of Production Factors and the Increase of Productive Power in Enterprises

  2. 传统产业竞争理论认为,劳动生产率、国家的生产要素结构和产品的要素投入结构是产业竞争优势的源泉。

    The traditional theories of competitive advantage of industries argue that labor productivity and national production factor structure and factor input structure of products are the source of competitive advantage of industries .

  3. 从信息要素的角度来看,网络传播的运行中包含着一些重要的经济运行机理,它改变了政府宏观调控及商品流通的方式,使生产要素结构优化。

    From the angle of information elements , this motivation of network propagation contains important economical mechanism , since it changes the government 's macroscopic readjustment and control as well as the circulation of commodities to optimize the structure of production elements .

  4. 新时期经济环境下,由于各地区间生产要素禀赋结构的变化,产业转移现象越来越普遍。

    Under new economic environment , because element of production structure across regions is changing , transfer of industrial cluster more popular than before .

  5. 加强城市化进程,已成为中国经济发展与社会进步的强烈呼唤,成为调整经济结构和优化生产要素地域结构的必然选择,成为启动内需,拉动经济增长,改变通货紧缩局面的战略举措。

    Enhancing the urbanization has been the call of economic development and social progress , the inevitable choice to adjust the economic structure and optimize the regional structure of production factor , the strategically act to start-up internal needs , to bring along economic increase and change the deflation situation .

  6. 技术、制度和生产要素的组合结构&兼论企业竞争的实质

    Technology , institution and the combination of the factors of production

  7. 创新并不仅指技术创新,对具有不同生产或经营要素结构的企业来说,形成和强化核心竞争力的途径是不同的。

    Regarding the innovation , it never just means the technical innovation , for the enterprises with the different production and business elements , the way to form and strengthen their core competence differs from each other .

  8. 由于自然资源、生产要素、产业结构以及政策倾斜等一系列的原因,我国各区域的经济发展一直处于不均衡的状态,近几年的经济危机进一步突显了该问题。

    Due to a series of reasons like resource , factors of production and policy tilting , regional economic development has been in a unbalanced state , the economic crisis of the past few years to further highlight the problem .

  9. 由于不同区域在影响经济发展的自然资源、生产要素、产业结构、历史发展基础、思想文化观念等众多方面的差异,总会导致出现地区经济的非均衡发展。

    Owing to different regions of the natural resources , production factors , industry structure , historical development foundation , and many other aspects of the concept of ideology and culture differences , there will always lead to unbalanced development of regional economy .

  10. 其次,本文通过前述一系列实证研究和综合评价,从自然条件、生产要素、产业结构、对外开放程度和区域发展政策五个方面来分析内蒙古区域经济差异的成因。

    Secondly , through the aforementioned series of empirical studies and comprehensive evaluation , from the natural conditions , production factors , industry structure , openness and regional development policies in five areas to analyze the causes of regional economic disparities in Inner Mongolia .

  11. 产业组织理论认为组织要素是市场的关键生产要素之一,市场结构是决定企业市场行为进而影响市场绩效的基本因素,构筑有效的再保险市场结构是促进再保险市场发展的基础。

    According to the theory of industrial organization , organization is one significant factor of production ; the market structure is the basic factor that affects the market conduct and then the market performance .

  12. 因此国家应通过市场竞争机制,充分利用现有要素禀赋发展具有比较优势的产业,从而不断积累更高级生产要素,实现产业结构的升级。第五部分提出了产业结构调整的思路;

    So in order to accumulate continually the superior factors and achieve the industrial structure improvement , a country should make full use of the factor endowments to develop the comparative advantage industries by competition in the market .

  13. 其中,信息技术是企业组织虚拟化的主要影响因素,知识资本是企业的主导性生产要素,网络社会结构则是企业组织虚拟化的制度因素。

    , all these consist of the moving space of the virtualized business organization , in which , the information technique acts as the main influenced factor , the knowledge capital as the leading productive factor , and the network society as the virtualized systematic factor .

  14. 临沂要保持国民经济持续发展,应大力积极发展现代物流,提高生产要素配置效率、结构优化效率、规模经济效率和科技进步率。

    In order to maintain the sustainable development of national economy , Linyi needs to promote the modern logistics actively , improve the efficiency of the allocation of production factors 、 the efficiency of the structure and the efficiency of the scientific and technological progress rate .

  15. 而产业结构的变化又包括了生产结构和各种生产要素结构的变化,在众多因素当中,最为重要的一个因素就是劳动力。

    And changes in industrial structure also includes the production structure and the various factors of production changes in the structure , at a number of factors , the most important factor is the labor force .

  16. 农业生产知识化趋势要求改变农业生产要素的投入产出结构,知识农业将成为强化国民经济基础地位的发展方向。这些醚化产物的结构由红外、核磁、质谱确定。

    The input and output structures need some adjustment in the process of agriculture production promoted by knowledge . Knowledge-based agriculture is becoming the trend of strengthening the base of national economy .

  17. 高技术企业核心生产能力的建设包括R&D能力及其核心人力资源的储备与开发、核心生产技术的获取与开发、核心生产技术秘密的积累与保护和优化组合生产要素的组织结构的开发与应用。

    Development of a high-tech enterprise 's core productivity includes its R & D capacity , key human resources , possession and development of key technology , accumulation and protection of key technical secrets , development and application of organizational structure for optimizing and integrating various production factors .