
  1. 本文就根据波特的钻石体系,归纳出生产要素供给、需求条件、相关产业支持、企业结构和产业竞争状况、经济发展面临的机遇、政府政策等六个方面的因素对我国汽车产业进行分析。

    Using Michael Porter 's theory of " National competitive Advantages ", the paper analyzes Chinese auto industry from following six aspects : factor supply , demand factor , supportive industries , structure and competition of enterprise , opportunities , governmental policies .

  2. 外资之所以选择在我国汽车产业进行跨国并购,一方面是由于我国充裕且高质量的生产要素供给、不断成长且规模较大的汽车市场需求、外商投资政策的松动等环境因素;

    The reason why those giant companies choose China 's automobile industry is that , on one hand , we have abundant production factor supply with high quality and large automobile market demand , they can find excellent environment and favorable policy ;

  3. 从总体上来说,避税为企业生产要素供给、资金运转以及投资等方面都产生了正面效应;此外还表现在避税产生了国际收支的恶化效应;第二部分,经济方面的效应。

    Generally speaking , tax avoidance produces positive effects on the supply of production factors , capital operation and investment . In addition , it is also generated deteriorating effect in the international balance of payments . Part Two is the effect of economy .

  4. 第一,较低的税收导致较高的储蓄、投资、劳动和革新的实际收益,促使这些生产要素总供给的扩大和总产量的提高。

    First , the lower revenue brings the real benefits of savings , investment , labor and innovation on higher .

  5. 必须使经济增长与潜在增长率相协调,与生产要素的供给能力和资源环境的承受能力相适应。

    We must ensure that economic growth is in accord with the potential economic growth rate , the ability to supply factors of production , and the bearing capacity of resources and the environment .

  6. 社会经济的发展离不开劳动力、资本、技术等生产要素,这些生产要素的供给既可以通过内部实现,又可以通过要素的流动来获得。

    The development of social economy cannot leave some elements of production , such as labor forces , capital and technical . The supplies of these elements can finish not only through internal mechanism , but also through the elements flows .