
  1. 综合国内外生态资产评估模型,采用物质量和价值量相结合的方法,构建基于遥感和GIS的湿地生态资产评估模型及各指标的子模型。

    Using the physical and value assessment methods , models of the wetland ecological assets is builded upon RS and GIS .

  2. 生态资产评估静态部分平衡模型的分析与改进

    Analysis and discussion of the static partial equilibrium model for the valuation of the ecosystem capital

  3. 生态资产评估研究综述

    Research Progress on Ecological Assets Valuation

  4. 确立了生态资产评估指标体系,主要包括涵养水源、调蓄洪水、气体调节、水质净化、控制侵蚀保护土壤、营养循环等6个方面。

    The main conclusion on this research : ( 1 ) The index system of the wetland ecological assets is established , which include water holding , water regulation , adjusting atmosphere component , water quality decontamination , soil conservation and nutrient cycling .

  5. 该文提出了基于遥感定量测量的生态资产价值评估模型,并利用MODIS卫星数据和其它辅助数据,对内蒙古自治区进行了陆地生态资产的定量测量。

    This paper puts forward an evaluation model of ecological capital based on quantitative measurement remote sensing , and uses MODIS satellite data and some other auxiliary data to assess ecological capital of Inner Mongolia .

  6. 静态部分平衡模型是目前生态资产价值评估中可操作性比较强的一种评估模型。

    The static partial equilibrium model is a kind of valuation model on ecosystem capital with good maneuverability .

  7. 青海生态公益林林木资产评估研究

    Study on Evaluation of Ecology-oriented Forest in Qinghai Province

  8. 生态资产定量遥感测量技术体系研究&生态资产定量遥感评估模型

    Studies on Technology System of Ecological Property Measurement Based on Remote Sensing Technology in Western China & The Ecological property Assessment Model Based on RS

  9. 生态资产是生态系统生物资源直接价值及其生态服务功能价值的总和,对生态资产价值进行评估是政府宏观决策和生态环境建设的必要条件。

    Ecological capital is the summation of direct value and ecological service function value of ecosystem biotic resources . It is necessary for government macro-decision-making and ecological environment construction to assess ecological capital .