
  • living financing
  1. 而且,目前商业银行主要缺乏的就是对生活理财的全面规划。

    Furthermore , commercial banks lack of financial planning for life now .

  2. 生活理财和投资理财是个人财务规划的两个方面,并不存在谁高谁低之分。

    It is unscientific . They are two aspects of financial planning . There is no distinction of higher or lower .

  3. 在以往的研究中,普遍认为生活理财是个人理财的初级阶段,投资理财是高级阶段。

    In previous studies , it was generally contended that living finance is initial stage of personal finance , and investment finance is advanced stage .

  4. 日常生活中理财、购物等涉及数字信息处理的事务都需要有估算的参与。

    In daily life , financial management , shopping and other digital information processing services are required to participate in the estimation .

  5. 跟费里斯一样,塞西擅于提供一些非常简单、读者可应用在日常生活的理财妙计(热衷提高自身生产力的人群称之为“黑客秘笈”)。

    Like Ferriss , Sethi specializes in coming up with simple tweaks or hacks , as productivity junkies call them that his readers can apply to their lives .