
  • 网络Entrusted financial management;trust investment
  1. 委托理财法律问题研究

    Legal Analysis on " Trust Investment "

  2. 委托理财业务面对风险大都与自营业务相似,主要是市场风险和法律风险。因此,上文所述的VaR模型分析法同样适用于这部分的风险分析。

    The risk of entrustment business is similar with self-settlement business .

  3. 债务负担轻或近期曾实施股权融资(IPO、配股和增发)的公司可支配资金较多,倾向于委托理财;

    Companies with lower debt ratio or with recent equity financing tend to do it .

  4. 两年多来我国商业银行开展的委托理财业务得到迅猛发展,并且为顺应我国加入WTO金融市场将全面开放的形势进行着不断创新。

    For more than two years , the business of asset management developed by the commercial banks have been improved and innovated remarkably , conforming to the fully open situation of the financial market in China entry into WTO .

  5. 在我国上市公司委托理财的委托财产仅限于货币资金。

    In China , the assets are limited to currency fund .

  6. 金融信托与委托理财的规范运作与风险防范

    Standard Operation and Risk Precaution in Financial Trust and Entrusted Financing

  7. 关于金融委托理财业演变的理论研究

    A Theoretical Research on the Existence and Evolution of Delegated Investment Business

  8. 对委托理财业务缺乏监管力度;

    Lack of the supervision on the asset management business ;

  9. 我国券商委托理财业务研究

    Research on the Entrusted Asset Management of Chinese Securities Companies

  10. 对上市公司委托理财的思考

    Thinking of Entrusting Financial Transactions of Companies with Listed Securities

  11. 再次,对委托理财的性质进行了阐述。

    Thirdly , it discusses the nature of commissioned financing .

  12. 实践中,委托理财的形式多种多样。

    In fact , entrust financial investment has many forms .

  13. 金融性委托理财合同的效力认定

    On Validity Determination OF Authorized Financial Property Management Contracts

  14. 道德风险下的最优委托理财契约研究

    Optimal contract for delegated portfolio management with moral hazard

  15. 从委托理财收益率看上市公司委托代理问题

    Research on the Agency Problem of Listed Companies : Evidence from Entrusted Investment

  16. 基于代理理论的上市公司委托理财影响因素研究

    The Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Trust Financing for the Listed Company

  17. 论我国证券委托理财的立法完善

    On Legislative Perfection of Entrusting Financial Transaction in China

  18. 浅析上市公司的委托理财

    Analysis on the Entrusting Money Management of the Companies on the Stock Market

  19. 我国上市公司委托理财动因和影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Investigation into the Phenomenon of Entrusted Investment by China 's Listed Companies

  20. 首先,从合同法法理上对委托理财进行了分析。

    First , analyse trust management from the respect of " contract law " .

  21. 三问上市公司委托理财

    Several discussions about financing entrusting of listed companies

  22. 上市公司对委托理财的过度热情,可能会影响公司的可持续发展。

    Excessive zeal on entrusting of listed companies may affect the sustainable development of companies .

  23. 深市上市公司委托理财专题研究

    On Trust Financing by SZSE-Listed Companies

  24. 委托理财型受贿是时下出现的一种新类型的受贿犯罪。

    Bribery by the way of finance in trust is a new type of bribery crime .

  25. 本章首先简要介绍了委托理财及委托理财纠纷的产生背景。

    Firstly , this chapter briefly introduced the entrust conduct financial transactions and entrust financial disputes background .

  26. 因此本文选取券商的委托理财业务作为研究内容,对券商的委托理财业务作一些探讨。

    So this thesis selects the entrusted asset management of securities companies as the content to study .

  27. 利益与风险偏好差异:上市公司委托理财行为及对策的经济学分析

    Interest and Risk Preference Difference : an Economics Analysis on Mandated Financing and its Solution of Listed Companies

  28. 本章结合案例详细论述了委托理财合同相关的基础理论问题。

    This chapter discusses the combination of case entrusted financial contract of the basic theory of related problems .

  29. 本文以德隆为主要案例,通过理论研究与案例分析相结合的方法对我国上市公司委托理财法律环境不完善的状况进行论述,并提出相关解决建议和未来研究重点。

    This paper analyzes the " Delong " fact about entrust finance law environment and puts forward related suggests .

  30. 并从投资者保护的角度提出建议,规范委托理财市场的健康发展。

    The author raised her recommendation about the protection of the investors and the specification of the entrustment management market .