
wěi tuō dài kuǎn
  • loan by mandate
  1. 浙江化工生产商浙江龙盛集团股份有限公司(ZhejiangLongshengGroup,简称:浙江龙盛)在2013年的财报中称,该公司去年把提供给三家开发商的价值人民币1.995亿元的委托贷款延期。

    Zhejiang Longsheng Group , a chemicals maker in eastern Zhejiang province , said in its 2013 earnings report that it extended the maturity on 199.5 million yuan worth of entrusted loans to three developers last year .

  2. 同时,也不允许WFOE将这些转移或转借的资金用于委托贷款。

    The WFOE is also not permitted to use capital contributions or loans to make an entrust loan .

  3. 他说,社会融资规模存在着众所周知的概念性问题;亚洲开发银行盯的是M2以及单独的金融领域,例如委托贷款、银行承兑汇票等等。

    ' There are well known conceptual problems ' with TSF , he said . The ADB looks at M2 , he said , as well as separate financial segments such as entrusted loans and bankers ' acceptances .

  4. WFOE不能把已经兑换成人民币的资金用于委托贷款,所以无法通过这种方式将首发募集资金借给VIE。

    WFOEs cannot make entrust loans with funds that have been converted into RMB , so the WFOE cannot make a loan of IPO proceeds to the vie in this way .

  5. 通过两个发生在我们身边的典型案例&JS银行城市建设项目集合委托贷款和GD银行委托理财计划两个创新业务遇到的困境,提出问题,为什么商业银行的业务不能由市场决定?

    The trouble two typical innovation cases run into , that are , JS Bank 's collective commission loan of city construction project and GD bank 's commission financing plan , it also poses the question of whether the market could determine the business operations for commercial banks .

  6. 论多方委托贷款及其风险控制

    Discussion on the Loan on Many-sided Commission and Its Risk Control

  7. 解析委托贷款的契约安排

    Explanation and Analysis of the Contract Terms of Principal Loan

  8. 委托贷款不得提取呆账准备。

    No provision for doubtful debts shall be withdrawn on the trust loans .

  9. 同意你行开办金融机构同业委托贷款业务。

    I.You are approved to launch the inter-bank entrusted loans business with financial institutions .

  10. 通过银行或非银行金融机构向关联方提供委托贷款;

    Providing an associated party with entrustment loans through bank or non-bank financial institution ;

  11. 住房公积金贷款的全称是个人住房担保委托贷款。

    The full name that housing accumulation fund borrows money is individual housing assures entrust loan .

  12. 银行委托贷款警钟急鸣

    Bank - entrusted Loans Sound Alarm

  13. 中国的现行法律,银行和信托投资公司可以接受委托贷款。

    China 's current law , banks and trust companies can be commissioned to accept the loan .

  14. 委托贷款全部收回,委托基金全部提走,本协议即自然终止。

    Commissioned to recover all loans , all funds entrusted to withdraw , this agreement is naturally terminated .

  15. 不过,总体来讲,委托贷款的风险比其他类型的影子银行业务要低。

    For the most part , however , entrusted loans are lower risk than other types of shadow banking .

  16. 若公司有委托贷款事项,也应比照上述委托行为予以披露。

    If the company has entrusted loans , it shall disclose the issue with a reference to the aforesaid entrustment .

  17. 委托贷款曾是一项非常赚钱的业务,但现在不像过去那样为浙江龙盛带来巨额回报了。

    Once a money spinner , entrusted loans are no longer generating major returns for Longsheng like they used to .

  18. 2012年委托贷款增加1.28万亿元,占当年新增人民币贷款的比例仅为16%。

    That 's up from 1.28 trillion yuan in 2012 , when they stood at only 16 % of bank loans .

  19. 顿时,上市公司委托贷款成为众矢之的,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。

    Suddenly , the listed Companies entrusted loan became " a target for all ", and aroused widespread concern in the community .

  20. 据上述两份报告显示,全部委托贷款中约有80%是在此类关联方之间进行的。

    According to the two reports , about 80 % of all entrusted loans are between these kinds of ' related parties . '

  21. 作者相信,在商业银行和项目发起人加强角色定位和完善信息披露等前提下,集合委托贷款将会有较大的发展。

    This instrument is likely to grow , especially if the roles of commercial banks and project sponsors are clarified and disclosure strengthened .

  22. 在委托贷款中,银行也只是在储户与借款人之间的第三方贷款中充当中间人。

    Ditto with entrusted loans , where a bank acts as an agent on a third-party loan between a depositor and a borrower .

  23. 随着委托贷款的发展,委托人、受托人(金融机构)和借款人之间的纠纷不断增加。

    With the development of the entrusted loans , disputes among the client , the trustee ( financial institutions ) and the borrowers increase .

  24. 部分商业银行开始牵头集合委托贷款项目,充当社会资金和城建项目的融资中介。

    Some commercial banks debuted " public entrusted loan schemes " by intermediating funds between the social fund and the project of urban construction .

  25. 理论界在委托贷款法律关系性质问题上存在不同学说,司法实践中也存在较大争议。

    The different theory of the nature of entrusted loans ' legal relationship , which results controversy between the theory and the judicial practice .

  26. 委托贷款虽然不是商业银行的核心业务,目前却成为企业融资和增殖的一种有效方式。

    Although entrusted loans is not the core business of commercial Banks , it has become an effective way of financing and value-added at present .

  27. 但是对上市公司委托贷款业务全盘否定、因噎废食的做法也有欠妥当,应当在肯定的同时加以约束和规范。

    But the listed Corporation commissioned loan total negation is wrong . We should be restricted and regulated in the affirmative at the same time .

  28. 金融企业不承担风险的委托贷款等资产,不计提呆账准备。

    A financial enterprise does not have to set aside bad debt reserve for any entrusted loans , of which it does not bear the risk .

  29. 委托贷款主要被企业集团用来在各分公司之间转移现金,它为企业提供了一条在日常业务中管理资源的途径。

    They are mainly used by conglomerates to move cash between units , offering companies a way to manage resources in the course of everyday business .

  30. 近几年,商业银行委托贷款业务迅速发展,为社会闲置资金的有效运用提供了良好的途径。

    Entrusted loan business of commercial banks develops rapidly in recent years , and it provides a good way for the effective use of social idle funds .