- loan by mandate

Zhejiang Longsheng Group , a chemicals maker in eastern Zhejiang province , said in its 2013 earnings report that it extended the maturity on 199.5 million yuan worth of entrusted loans to three developers last year .
The WFOE is also not permitted to use capital contributions or loans to make an entrust loan .
' There are well known conceptual problems ' with TSF , he said . The ADB looks at M2 , he said , as well as separate financial segments such as entrusted loans and bankers ' acceptances .
WFOEs cannot make entrust loans with funds that have been converted into RMB , so the WFOE cannot make a loan of IPO proceeds to the vie in this way .
The trouble two typical innovation cases run into , that are , JS Bank 's collective commission loan of city construction project and GD bank 's commission financing plan , it also poses the question of whether the market could determine the business operations for commercial banks .
Discussion on the Loan on Many-sided Commission and Its Risk Control
Explanation and Analysis of the Contract Terms of Principal Loan
No provision for doubtful debts shall be withdrawn on the trust loans .
I.You are approved to launch the inter-bank entrusted loans business with financial institutions .
Providing an associated party with entrustment loans through bank or non-bank financial institution ;
The full name that housing accumulation fund borrows money is individual housing assures entrust loan .
Bank - entrusted Loans Sound Alarm
China 's current law , banks and trust companies can be commissioned to accept the loan .
Commissioned to recover all loans , all funds entrusted to withdraw , this agreement is naturally terminated .
For the most part , however , entrusted loans are lower risk than other types of shadow banking .
If the company has entrusted loans , it shall disclose the issue with a reference to the aforesaid entrustment .
Once a money spinner , entrusted loans are no longer generating major returns for Longsheng like they used to .
That 's up from 1.28 trillion yuan in 2012 , when they stood at only 16 % of bank loans .
Suddenly , the listed Companies entrusted loan became " a target for all ", and aroused widespread concern in the community .
According to the two reports , about 80 % of all entrusted loans are between these kinds of ' related parties . '
This instrument is likely to grow , especially if the roles of commercial banks and project sponsors are clarified and disclosure strengthened .
Ditto with entrusted loans , where a bank acts as an agent on a third-party loan between a depositor and a borrower .
With the development of the entrusted loans , disputes among the client , the trustee ( financial institutions ) and the borrowers increase .
Some commercial banks debuted " public entrusted loan schemes " by intermediating funds between the social fund and the project of urban construction .
The different theory of the nature of entrusted loans ' legal relationship , which results controversy between the theory and the judicial practice .
Although entrusted loans is not the core business of commercial Banks , it has become an effective way of financing and value-added at present .
But the listed Corporation commissioned loan total negation is wrong . We should be restricted and regulated in the affirmative at the same time .
A financial enterprise does not have to set aside bad debt reserve for any entrusted loans , of which it does not bear the risk .
They are mainly used by conglomerates to move cash between units , offering companies a way to manage resources in the course of everyday business .
Entrusted loan business of commercial banks develops rapidly in recent years , and it provides a good way for the effective use of social idle funds .