
  • 网络Principal-agent theory;Agency Theory
  1. 本章首先分别运用委托代理理论、非对称信息理论和信号传递理论深入剖析股权结构影响企业RD投资行为的理论基础,然后在此基础上,分析不同股权结构下的企业RD投资行为机理。

    This chapter first studies deeply the theoretical basis of the affection of ownership structure on R & D investment behavior by using principal-agent theory , asymmetric information theory and signaling theory respectively .

  2. PPP模式的理论依据主要为公共选择理论、委托代理理论、新公共管理理论及治理理论等。

    The theoretical basis of PPP model includes the Public Choice Theory , Principal-Agent Theory , New Public Management Theory and the Governance Theory and so on .

  3. 本文就是利用博弈论中的非合作博弈、多阶段完全信息动态博弈以及信息博弈论中的委托代理理论,构建了一个博弈框架来对企业RD激励因素进行分析并提出了相应的对策。

    In this thesis , we apply non-cooperative game , multiple - complete information dynamic game and commitment-agency theory of information game theory to establishment the incentive mechanism of enterprise R & D .

  4. 本文主要站在GHM模型基础上进行会计信息披露变化的研究,与委托代理理论分析的信息披露变化原因进行对比分析。

    This paper carries on the research on the transmutation of disclosure mainly based on GHM Model and gives the analysis compared with the reasons of the information disclosure from the theoretical analysis of agency by agreement .

  5. 从委托代理理论看财务负责人的双重受托责任

    The Dual - entrusted Responsibilities of Financial Headers from Agency Theory

  6. 现代公司制度下所有权和经营权的分离产生了委托代理理论。

    Separation of ownership and management lead to the principal-agent theory .

  7. 双重委托代理理论:上市公司治理的另一种分析框架&兼论进一步完善中国上市公司治理的新思路

    Double Principal-agent Theory : Another Analysis Framework of Listed Companies ' Governance

  8. 基于委托代理理论的水资源资产化管理体制及应用

    Water Resources Capitalization Management System Based on Principal-Agent Theory and Its Application

  9. 基于委托代理理论的弱化牛鞭效应的对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures of Weakening the Bullwhip Effect Based on Principal-agent Theory

  10. 因此本文主要介绍委托代理理论、人力资本理论。

    This article mainly introduces the principal-agent theory , human capital theory .

  11. 委托代理理论认为所有者结构将对公司价值存在影响,分别为兴趣趋同效应和大股东侵占效应。

    Agency-Proxy theory argues that ownership structure would influence the corporate value .

  12. 国有资产使用效率问题的分析与对策研究&基于委托代理理论的分析

    The Analysis on the Efficiency of State-owned Assets Based on the Principal-agency Theory

  13. 以委托代理理论分析农民培训制度

    On Analyzing Farmers-training Systems by the Principal Agent Theory

  14. 基于委托代理理论的流域水污染治理激励机制分析

    Excitation mechanism of water pollution treatment for river basins based on client-agent theory

  15. 运用委托代理理论分析,并指出了激励的必要性。

    The principal agent theory is applied to indicate the importance of inducement .

  16. 基于委托代理理论的第三方物流问题研究

    Study on Third-Party Logistics Problem Based on Principal-Agent Theory

  17. 我们可以从委托代理理论追溯两者之间的作用机理。

    We can trace the mechanism of action between the two principal-agent theories .

  18. 其次,运用委托代理理论从产权代理关系、上下级代理关系、银企代理关系三个层面对国有商业银行风险成因进行了深入分析。

    Then follows the factor analysis from three levels based on entrusted agency theory .

  19. 委托代理理论方法在产品定价中的应用

    Application of Principal-Agent Theory for Product Price Determination

  20. 从委托代理理论角度为信用体系建立提供理论依据。

    From the perspective of principal-agent theory provide theoretical basis for establishing credit system .

  21. 本文主要利用国外的管理层收购理论:专业化的投资剥削论,委托代理理论及组织成本理论来研究。

    The article tools of agency theory and organization costs theory and so on .

  22. 作者从传统金融委托代理理论和行为金融前景理论两个方面引出了影响投资者赎回行为的因素。

    This article studied this phenomenon from two aspect : Principal-Agent Theory and Prospect Theory .

  23. 第二部分是职业经理人激励的意义,第三部分相关理论综述与研究,包括层次需要论、成就动机理论、委托代理理论、人力资本理论等;

    Second is the meaning of Professional Executive motivation ; third is relative theory statement ;

  24. 本文对委托代理理论、公司治理理论和内部控制理论进行了回顾。

    This paper review the agency theory , corporate governance theory and internal control theory .

  25. 第四部分,利用委托代理理论分析存在于我国家族企业的委托代理问题。

    The fourth part is to analyze the present principal-agent problems in our family enterprises .

  26. 委托代理理论和信号传递理论;

    Principal-agent theory and Signaling theory ;

  27. 委托代理理论在第三方物流中的应用研究

    Application of Principal-agent Theory in 3PL

  28. 委托代理理论视角下我国职业足球俱乐部经理激励研究

    Incentive for the Club Manager of Chinese Professional Football Club from the Perspective of Principal-agent Theory

  29. 经济学基础主要包括公共选择理论、委托代理理论、交易成本理论。

    The former basis includes Public Choice Theory , Principal Agent Theory and Transaction Cost Theory .

  30. 公共行政伦理及其补救&来自政治委托代理理论的启示

    Public Administrative Ethics and Its Remedy