
wén huà xiānɡ duì lùn
  • cultural relativism
  1. 传统卫道士们也许会叫嚣反对,但在当今世界,文化相对论确实是占据着统治地位。

    Traditionalists may howl , but in today 's world , cultural relativism rules

  2. 文化相对论视角下的中美身势语的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Body Language from the Perspective of Cultural Relativism

  3. 并且也探讨了刻板印象研究者的文化相对论等研究立场。

    The sources of stereotype and stances of researchers are also discussed .

  4. 从文化相对论视角透视民族文化

    A perspective on national culture from the angle of view of culture relativity

  5. 文化相对论二分观:文化评价与文化交流的武器

    Revisiting Cultural Relativism for Cultural Evaluation and Exchange

  6. 本项研究是文化相对论、语言学习与语言教学关系之间的讨论。

    The present study concerns itself with a discussion of linguistic relativism and its influence on language learning .

  7. 文化相对论的方法能够引领我们正确认识口头文学与书面文学各自的不可替代的价值。

    The third chapter introduces the method of cultural relativism in anthropology and discusses its status in the research of literary anthropology .

  8. 文化相对论坚持了人是多元的存在而失却了人的发展本质,最终落入文化保守主义;

    On the one hand , cultural relativity insists humanity 's plural living but loses its developmental nature and as a result falls into the cultural conservatism .

  9. 宗教人类学具有一些独特的研究方法,如田野调查和参与观察的方法、比较的方法、文化相对论的方法等。

    There are some unique research approaches in anthropology of religion , such as investigation in the field , participant observation , comparative study and cultural relativity .

  10. 另外,本文在结论部分提出在中美商务谈判中推行文化相对论的三个步骤,又是本文的另一创新点。

    Moreover , the author proposes three steps to promote cultural relativism in Sino-US business negotiations in the Conclusion section , which is another new idea of this thesis .

  11. 生态标准同样具有全球性和绝对性的特征,但不否定文化相对论。本项研究是文化相对论、语言学习与语言教学关系之间的讨论。

    Based on the ecological criterion , cultural relativism is still acceptable . The present study concerns itself with a discussion of linguistic relativism and its influence on language learning .

  12. 在理论上以实际发生的事实对文化相对论和民族边界论作出回应,这些理论为我们提供了一定的实践价值,但在新的环境背景下,他们的应用范围也会受到限制。

    In theory , this paper uses facts to respond Culture Relativism and Ethnic Boundary Theory , which provide us with a certain practical value but whose application scope will be limited in the new environment .

  13. 文化相对论对我国当代音乐教育的启示作者根据文化相对论的有关理论,指出尽管现实中仍有文化不平等现象存在,但所有文化应该是相对平等的、互补的。

    The Positive Role of Cultural Relativism in Contemporary Musical Education in China Based on the theory of cultural relativism , the author points out that cultures are relatively equal and mutually compensative , though they are not equal in reality .

  14. 本文着重用文化相对论的理论来分析中西食文化的差异,并就中西方在饮食态度,内容和特点等方面的跨文化差异,进行了具体的对比分析和论证。

    The writer emphasized on and analyzed the difference between Chinese and western food cultures with the theory of cultural relativism in this thesis . The writer also did comparative analysis and argument about concept , content and characteristics of foods in China and west .

  15. 文化一体论,文化相对论,文化冲突论,在全球文化争鸣中颇具代表性,但是其各有偏执。

    While the concepts of cultural unification , cultural relativity and cultural conflict are the representative theories in the discussion of global culture , each of them is stubbornly biased .

  16. 文化进化论与文化相对论作为最有代表性的两种文化学理论,二者的对立和冲突对整个文化学理论的发展产生了重要的影响,并贯穿于文化学发展的过程之中。

    Two of the most famous doctrines in culture theory are cultural evolutionism and cultural relativity . The antagonism between them has greatly affected and passed through the development of whole culture theory .

  17. 文化适应的理论基础文化相对论和人志学的文化研究方法,文化适应的概念和分类;

    Theory of cultural relativism and ethnographic method of culture study , definition and classification of culture adaptation ;

  18. 学术上,人类学家认为文化适应属于人类学的范畴,是文化相对论的内容之一,主要用于文化研究。

    Academically , culture adaptation is one of the content of cultural relativism in anthropology , which is used for culture studies .

  19. 关于文化与心理治疗的关系,主要有文化相对论与文化中立论两种观点。它们各有一定的积极之处和局限性。

    There were two theories about the relation between culture and psycho-therapy , culture-relativism and the view of culture-free , Either of which has its advantage and limitation .

  20. 本文首先在对文化的基本理论进行简单论述的基础上,对文化相对论进行综述。

    The thesis illustrates cultural relativism in detail on the basis of explanation of basic theories of culture .

  21. 本文所运用的基于文化人类学的原理有:文化的定义,种族主义,文化相对论以及跨文化适应。本文所列举的关于文化休克研究的理论有文化休克病理论,成长论。

    The principles of cultural anthropology serve as the basis for the concept of culture , ethnocentrism , cultural relativism and the process of cross-cultural adaptation .

  22. 全球化正在推动世界不同民族文化间的比较研究,这种研究中目前存在严重的理论观念分歧,即文化一体论与文化相对论之间的对立和冲突。

    The comparative study of different cultures in the world , now being promoted by globalization , is much divided in theory , namely , the antagonism and conflict between cultural uniformity and cultural relativity .