
  • 网络Culture Advertisement
  1. 中西方跨文化广告传播策略思考

    Thinking on the Strategy of Intercultural Advertising Communication between China and West

  2. 此外,还特别分析了跨文化广告可能遇到的语言问题。

    Furthermore , problems arising from cross-cultural advertising are given an exposure .

  3. 跨文化广告传播中的语用失误研究

    A Study on Pragmatic Failure in Cross-cultural Advertising communication

  4. 视觉传播符号在跨文化广告传播中的解读

    Understanding of the Visual Sign in Cross-cultural Advertisement Communications

  5. 世界经济的全球化趋势已使跨文化广告传播成为必然。

    The globalization of world economy has made cross cultural advertising dissemination inevitable .

  6. 跨文化广告中的图腾文化

    The Totem Culture in Inter - culture AD

  7. 跨文化广告的符号学研究

    The Semiotic Research into the Cross-cultural Advertising

  8. 商标翻译的质量会直接影响到跨文化广告传播效果。

    The quality of brand translation will affect the effect of cross cultural advertising dissemination .

  9. 跨文化广告传播与商标翻译

    Cross-Cultural Advertising Dissemination and Brand Translation

  10. 功能等效论与跨文化广告翻译

    Functional Equivalence and Cross-cultural Advertisement Translation

  11. 跨文化广告传播与多元语言文化现象分析

    Analysis on Advertisements and intercultural communication

  12. 去年暑期我在湖北文化广告装饰公司获得了一些美术设计的实际经验。

    Last summer I gained some actual experience in art designing at Wuhan Cultural Advertising & Decorating Agency .

  13. “物本主义”是一种误读。这种误读之所以发生和流传,源于非此即彼的思维定势和弥漫于20世纪的文化广告意识。

    Theory of matter description is a misunderstanding which results from stereotyped thinking and cultural advertisement consciousness in the 20th century .

  14. 从奢侈品广告文本看跨文化广告传播基于本体的跨语言全文检索模型的研究

    A Study on Cross - cultural Communication from the Text of Luxuries Ontology Based Cross Language and Full Text Information Retrieval

  15. 将这种认识与目前中国汽车市场和广告市场的现状相联系,形成有中国特色的跨文化广告营销。

    Connecting this theory with the actuality of Chinese automotive and automobile advertising market will form special cross-culture advertising with Chinese characteristics .

  16. 伴随着全球一体化的发展,跨文化广告交流给广告语境的判断和区别带来了更大的困难。

    Cross-cultural advertising , encouraged by the on-going globalization , presents greater difficulties for evaluating and distinguishing the language context of advertisements .

  17. 跨文化广告传播在尊重差异的基础上,消弭业已存在的文化冲突,探索广告沟通的创新途径。

    Basis of respecting differences , the intercultural advertising communication should eliminate the existing cultural conflicts and explore new approaches for advertising communication .

  18. 示范&认同机制,亲近性与陌生化规律构成了跨文化广告文本的深层逻辑。

    The demonstrating & identifying system , the co-existence of proximity and strangeness help to form a deeper logic for cross-cultural advertising text .

  19. 跨文化广告传播的基本原理是在不同文化环境下的符号互动,是一个包含着文化因素的复杂传播过程。

    Cross-cultural advertising communication is fundamentally based on the interaction of semiotics in different cultures , which involves a complicated process full of cultural elements .

  20. 在跨文化广告中,广告撰写人和翻译者必须尊重目标消费者的语言及这种语言所反映的文化。

    And in cross-cultural advertising , the copywriters and translators are supposed to respect the language of the target consumers and the culture it reflects .

  21. 提升跨文化广告传播的效果必须努力扩大和积累背景文化(体)的文化势能。

    It is necessary to expand and accumulate the cultural potential energy of background culture in order to improve the effects of trans-culture advertisement dissemination .

  22. 民俗文化广告是一种综合性的实用艺术,也是一种独具魅力的审美文化现象,具有相对独立的审美价值。

    The advertisement of folk custom and culture is a practical and comprehensive art , and is also a cultural phenomenon of unique aesthetic value .

  23. 在微观层面运用文本分析法探究跨文化广告传播的符号运作规律。

    At the micro level , the thesis intends to study the rules and regulations when cross-cultural advertising communication is used by means of text analysis .

  24. 随着全球化及信息化的迅猛发展,网络这一广告的新媒体,在跨文化广告的传播中占据着很重要的地位。

    With the development of globalization and IT , online advertising , a new way of advertising , is playing a very important role in intercultural advertising .

  25. 当企业进行跨文化广告传播时,所面对的是与其母文化差异巨大甚至完全不同的文化。

    When an enterprise involves in intercultural advertisement communication , the culture of the target market would have huge difference or even be totally different with the home market .

  26. 第四部分是本论文的重点,针对受众在跨文化广告传播中存在的心理问题,提出了有实际价值的应对策略,以此来指导我国跨文化广告传播创制出自己的发展模式。

    Aiming at audiences ' psychological problems during the intercultural advertising communication , it puts forward valuable strategy to guide intercultural advertising communication of China to create its own development model .

  27. 综观跨文化广告传播事件,绝大多数都应归咎于上述客观原因,没有哪一家跨国公司或广告公司是有意而为之。

    When making a comprehensive survey on intercultural advertising communication events , most are caused by the above objective reasons . None of the transnational companies or advertising companies did that " deliberately " .

  28. 笔者认为广告符号通过能指与所指的置换,横向组合与纵向聚合的重构搭建起跨文化广告文本的表层结构;

    The author believes that advertising semiotic forms the surface structure of cross-cultural advertising text by way of the exchange of the signifier and the signified , and of the restructuring of the syntagmatic and the paradigmatic ;

  29. 在宏观层面上,追溯广告符号学研究的发展历程,认为跨文化广告符号研究系统大体上可以划分为三大板块:广告文本分析、广告的意识形态观和广告符号素养研究。

    At the macro level , it traces the history of the study of semiotics , dividing the study system of cross-cultural advertising semiotic into three parts : analysis on advertising text , the ideology of advertising and study on the literacy of advertising semiotic .

  30. 试论文化作为广告传播的软媒介

    Discussion on soft media of culture working as widespread of advertisement