
wén huà jīnɡ jì rén
  • cultural broker
  1. 麦当劳俨然是一位文化经纪人,通过提供产品得到消费者认同,并建立起情感的纽带。

    McDonald 's seems to be a cultural broker , through the provision of products for the consumer recognition and establish emotional bonds .

  2. 电脑和互联网的发明促进英语成为全球性的语言,以及在世界范围内的通信,因为语言是文化的经纪人,世界范围内使用英语就像培养越来越多的头脑思考一样。

    The invention of computers and Internet promotes English to be a global language and dominate in the communication worldwide . Since language is the agent of culture , the worldwide use of English fosters more and more minds thinking alike .

  3. 雅皮士的兴起不足为奇,在此之前,昏天黑地的70年代早已屈服于股市中唾手可得的金钱(直到1987年,至少),因为那些曾在大学宣扬反主流文化的华尔街经纪人与婴儿潮一代人毕业之后都热衷于投资。

    It 's no surprise that the yuppie flourished after the gloomy " 70s had yielded to easy money in the stock market ( until 1987 , at least ) for postcollegiate brokers and boomers eager to invest after their youthful fling with the counterculture .