
  • 网络Cultural Transplantation;cultural transplant;culture transplantation
  1. 翻译中的文化移植&妥协与补偿

    Cultural transplantation in translating : compromise and compensation

  2. 从《红楼梦》英译看文化移植中的妥协

    On Compromise in Cultural Transplantation Based on the English Versions of Hong Lou Meng

  3. 西方哲学基因eimi的跨文化移植&译名与词义

    The Grafting of the Western Philosophical Gene Intra-cultures : The Translations and Senses of the Greek Word Eimi

  4. 积极的文化移植是一个有选择的接受过程。

    Positive culture transplantation is a process of acceptance with choices .

  5. 王安专业电脑字处理软件中西文化移植报告

    The Report on Transplanting Word Processing Software on Wang Professional Computer

  6. 校园文化移植问题的理论探讨

    The Theoretical Discussion on the Transplant of the Campus Culture to New Campus

  7. 立足全局,标本兼顾&论英语习语翻译中的文化移植

    Totality Means Everything & On Translation of English Idiom with Rich Cultural Connotation

  8. 从异国文化移植任何东西都是一个困难的过程,这过程可能使得引进之物遭到污染腐化。

    Transplanting anything from a foreign culture is a difficult process which may corrupt what is being imported .

  9. 文化移植需要多种方法和模式,归化和异化都有存在的理由。

    Culture transplantation needs various methods and modes , therefore , both the two strategies should be adopted .

  10. 张向阳认为,在中西文化移植中,功能观不容忽视。

    Zhang Xiangyang found that functionalist concept should not be neglected in the cultural graft between China and the West .

  11. 美国:文化移植、文化整合与文化格式的重建&《20世纪美国文化研究》序论

    On the Transplantation , Integration and Reconstruction of American Culture & A Preface for The Study of American 20th-Century Culture

  12. 在翻译过程中,文化移植还需要根据不同的文本,进行具体手法上的变化,不能只局限于简单的直译,还应有适当的增译等等。

    Based on different types of the text , the concrete means should include literal translation , addition and so on .

  13. 我国早期科技社团的产生不是近代科学技术发展的自然产物,而是外来文化移植的产物,是社会变革的需要。

    The founding of Chinese scientific-and-technical community met the needs of external cultural transplant and social reform rather than the need of scientific-and-technical development .

  14. 作为资产阶级的一部分,买办对于近代中国的经济发展、社会变革和文化移植起了战略性的重要作用。

    As a part of the bourgeois , compradors are strategically important for the economic development , social transformation and cultural transplantation of modern China .

  15. 金词是文化移植的产物。女真文化落后,金朝建立之初无词可言。

    However , there was no Ci at all at the very beginning due to the backward Jurchen culture since it was a product of cultural transplantation .

  16. 形式转换、意义传递或文化移植都需要充分发挥译者主体性。

    The translating process is therefore unavoidably subject to the translator 's subjectivity , which is tangled with the process of transformation , semantic transmission or cultural transplantation .

  17. 论我国对西方法治文化的移植

    Transplantation of Western Legal System Culture to China

  18. 翻译不仅是语言的转换过程同时也是文化的移植过程。

    Translation is not only the conversion process of language meanwhile also a cultural transplant process .

  19. 译入语语境是原语语言信息和文化信息移植到译语以后新的生存环境。译入语语境对翻译起着明显的制约作用。

    The context of the target language is the new environment for the information of the source language to survive in translation .

  20. 在结语部分,作者指出了清末商事立法所具有的借鉴意义,从法律文化的移植与融合等角度提出了自己的主张。

    The author also put forward his own view of constructing the legal culture in the areas such as transplantation and integration .

  21. 背景与机理:关于设立证据开示程序的反思&一个跨文化法律移植的话题行政诉讼中简易程序的设立

    A Reflection on Establishment of Proof Show Procedure in Chinese Juridical System Legal Reflections on the Establishment of Simplified Procedure of Administrative Litigation

  22. 本文力图通过西方体育为切入点来探讨近代以来我国对西方文化的移植以及本土化的相关问题。

    The author sought the Western sports as a starting point to explore the issue of the transplantation of Western culture , and issues related to localization .

  23. 也就是说,翻译作为语际交流,它不仅只是语言之间的转换过程,也是文化的移植过程。

    In other words , translated as interlingual communication , it is not just between the language of the conversion process , as well as cultural transplantation process .

  24. 可以说马迭尔的新艺术风格建筑装饰并非简单形式的移动,而是一种整体文化的移植,是一种欧洲建筑装饰文化的传承。

    We can say its Art Nouveau style is not a simple form of addition , but is the whole culture transplantation and an inheritance of European architectural decoration .

  25. 换句话说,阅读教学的终极目标并非只是知识的积累、文化的移植、技能的训练,而是一种个人思维方式的形成和发展,个人情感世界的重构。

    In other words , the ultimate goal of reading training is not only to acquire knowledge , learn about other cultures and master skills , but to develop a way of thinking .

  26. 文章从法律移植的历史纷争谈起,分析法律移植的实质,认为法律移植是一种文化的移植,提出法律移植与法律本土化并不矛盾。

    This paper analyzes the argument about the law transplantation , the reason of law transplantation , and draws the conclusion that the law transplantation is the culture transplantation . And thinks law transplant or law localization is not contradictory .

  27. 旅游手册中文化意象的移植

    Transfer of Cultural Imagery in Tourist Brochures

  28. 中国后现代的产生不是西方后现代文化的单向移植。

    The thought of Chinese postmodernism is not a one - way explant of western postmodernism culture .

  29. 其作品最鲜明的特征是将中国文化大规模的移植进英语文本。

    Her works feature best in transplanting Chinese traditional culture into English text to a large-scale extent .

  30. 中华文化将被移植到南非,得益于2.5亿美元的主题公园,与一个正在修建的公司华强集团。

    Chinese culture will be transplanted to South Africa thanks to a $ 250 million theme-park-with-a-difference being built by local company Huaqiang Holdings .