
  • 网络Document management;paperwork management
  1. 接着以文书管理模块中全流程跟踪功能、4D工作模块中重点工作跟踪应用、文档管理模块中文档库功能以及认证授权模块为例,介绍了平台的详细设计。

    Next , it introduces such examples as file tracing function in file management module , major task tracing function in 4D module , document library function in document management module that show detail design of the platform .

  2. 管理职能主要是针对办公室内部而言,集中体现在以下三个方面。一是文书管理。

    Administrating function : The internal administration of the office can be viewed from three aspects : first , document maintaining .

  3. 设计实现消防文书管理子系统,表明利用构件技术开发分布式信息系统是高质、高效的。

    A document management subsystem for the fire prevention is designed and implemented , which shows that the distributed information system development is high and efficient with component technology .

  4. 本文介绍用dBASEⅡ语言设计的文书档案管理系统的软件技巧,对于字符串连接和宏代换(?)

    The technique of using dBASE II to develop the document management systems is presented in the paper .

  5. 机关文书档案管理中的问题及对策

    Problems Existing in Office File Management and Countermeasures Against

  6. 结论法制教育对护理文书质量管理起重要的作用。

    Conclusions It takes an important role to apply law education to nursing records and its quality management .

  7. 现代秘书较高的文字素养是文书档案管理工作的重要基础;

    The fair high wording quality possessed by a modern is an important foundation for the document management .

  8. 针对这种现况,设计了一套更高效的、基于B/S结构的文书档案管理系统。

    In the light of this situation , a more effective file management system based on B / S is designed .

  9. 随着高等教育改革的深化,高校规模不断壮大,传统的文书档案管理模式已经远远不能满足高校现代化管理的要求。

    With the deepening reform and the expansion scale of universities , the traditional file management mode can no longer satisfy the demands of modern management .

  10. 面对21世纪改革开放的大好机遇,文书档案管理一定要顺应时代的发展,与时俱进。

    Facing the good opportunities of the reform and open door policy in China , in the 21st century , the management of the files and documents in institutions of higher learning must cater for the development , and keep with the pace of the times .

  11. 浅谈护理文书环节质量管理模式

    Preliminary Study on Quality Administration Pattern of Nursing Documents

  12. 方法应用“护理书写质量控制本”对护理文书质量进行管理。

    Method The " nursing records control book " was applied to control the quality of nursing records .

  13. 在信息化浪潮的冲击下,文书、档案管理工作向文档一体化方向发展已成为一种必然趋势。

    Under the impact of upsurging informationization , it is inevitable for the management of documents and archives to develop in the direction of integration .

  14. 在今后研究和实施病例组合的过程中,需要加强医疗文书规范化管理、成本核算、临床诊疗常规等多方面的工作。

    In subsequent study , we need to enhance the quality of records management , cost measuring , the standardization of clinical pathway and so on .

  15. 关于文书学与档案管理学课程内容有机整合的思考

    On Reorganizing the Teaching Contents of Secretary and File-management Courses

  16. 用多站式质控方法进行护理文书书写质量的管理

    Application of multi-station quality control to nursing records

  17. 文书部门文件立卷管理的探索工程竣工资料与工程审计

    Discussion on Volume-making Management in Sectors of Amanuensis COMPLETION FILES AND AUDIT OF PROJECT

  18. 文件、资料的立卷工作是联系文书处理和档案管理的纽带,即文书立卷是文书处理过程中的最后环节,又是档案管理工作得以顺利开展的基础,被人们称为咽喉环节。

    Founding dossier work of file and datum is the link which relates writ treatment and dossier management .

  19. 本文从文书档案的收集、立卷、归档、服务利用和档案人员的素质几方面论述了新形势下如何开展文书档案管理工作。

    The author explained how to manage the files and documents in the institutions of higher learnings from the aspects of collection , filing of documents and offering services and the staff training .

  20. 第一部分,详细的介绍了明代文书档案职官的设置及其职能,并从明代中央政府和地方政府两方面详细的阐述了明代各级政府对文书档案工作的管理。

    Chapter one introduces the archival system settings and management functions of Ming Dynasty , and gives a detailed analysis of the government managements from the central to local government at various levels .