
  • 网络cultural packing
  1. 广告语言的文化包装与解读偏见

    The cultural packing and understanding prejudices in advertising language

  2. 本文论述了广告语言的文化包装和解读偏见。

    This paper discusses the cultural packing and the understanding prejudices in advertising language .

  3. 谈区域旅游的文化包装

    On Cultural Packing of Regional Tourism

  4. 商品文化在包装中的体现

    Embodiment in Packing of Culture of the Goods

  5. 提升湖南旅游文化礼品包装设计水平刻不容缓。

    It is urgent to improve package design level of tourism cultural gift in Hunan .

  6. 民族文化在包装设计中的传承

    Inheritance of Folk Culture in Packaging Design

  7. 中国龙文化与包装艺术

    Chinese Dragon Culture and Packaging Art

  8. 绝对浩室数字音乐俱乐部把努力的重点便聚焦在了音乐和文化的包装之上。

    Absolute House Digital Music Club makes its endeavor towards the packing of the music and culture .

  9. 而地方产品包装应立足于地域文化,包装越有地方文化,销量就越好。

    The local product packaging should be based on local culture , the more packaging , the sales better .

  10. 文化是包装设计创新的基础,没有文化味的包装就如同一个没有灵魂的躯壳。

    Culture is the basis for packaging design innovation , no culture is like a taste of the packed shell without a soul .

  11. 通过应用事例,反映了目前酒文化与包装文化的某种共性和相溶性,从侧面揭示了酒文化的博大精深。

    The compatibility and commonness of packing culture and wine culture is reflected via case history and the broad and deep history of wine culture was uncovered from another angle in this paper .

  12. 中国传统吉祥图案和现代包装装潢设计二者之间有一定的结合点,传统吉祥图案文化对包装装潢设计具有深刻影响。

    Deep influence passed the analysis to pack the design to the Chinese traditional good luck pattern and the modern , tried hard to look for two combine point , clarified the traditional good luck pattern culture .

  13. 本文以数字化技术的应用为切入点,以实际的设计制作案例为基础,依托包装文化与包装设计流程,展开对黑茶这一具有浓郁地方特色的产品包装文化进行阐述。

    This paper takes application of digital technology as key point , actual design cases as a basis , relys on packaging culture and design process and opens up the product packaging culture of rich local characteristics dark tea .

  14. 中国传统文化元素在包装设计中的应用及意义

    Application and Significance of Traditional Chinese Cultural Elements in Packaging Design

  15. 这使得酒文化与酒包装形成了紧密联系、不可分割的整体。

    So the wine culture is integrated with the package design .

  16. 论文化底蕴对包装设计的基础作用

    On the Basic Functions of Cultural Information Inside for Package Design

  17. 融入地方文化特色的包装设计教学初探

    Culture with Local On the Teaching of Packing Design of Characteristics

  18. 略论传统文化与现代包装设计

    General Introduction of Tradition Culture and Modern Packaging Design

  19. 文化支持是包装设计的基础。

    Cultural support is the basis for packing design .

  20. 在传统文化中构建包装设计

    Designing Packages in the Context of Traditional Culture

  21. 中国酒文化与酒包装容器

    Chinese Wine Culture & Wine Packaging Container

  22. 传统文化与现代包装

    Traditional Culture and Modern Packaging

  23. 介绍了新闻纸、文化用纸和包装用纸上市公司2001年的主要业绩并对其发展前景作了分析。

    The paper introduces the achievements of listed companies of pulp and paper industry in2001 and analyzes their prospect .

  24. 对其他地区民族、民俗视觉文化元素在包装设计中的应用具有一定的参考价值。

    In other regions , ethnic , folk visual cultural elements in packaging design application has a certain reference value .

  25. 在文章中引入了成功运用中国传统文化元素的包装设计作品,并发表了个人意见和看法。

    The article quotes the works which use traditional Chinese cultural elements in packaging design successfully , and makes a personal opinion .

  26. 最后从文化与商品包装的角度,就设计有中国特色的商品包装提出了一些个人的看法和建议。

    And then advances some suggestions for designing the sales package with Chinese characteristic from the angle of the culture and the Commodity package .

  27. 将中国传统馈赠文化与现代包装设计科学、准确地结合在一起,充分把握它的民族性、国际性与时代性。

    Gift will be traditional Chinese culture and modern packaging design science , combined with an accurate , take full advantage of its national character , international with the times .

  28. 本文通过酒包装艺术设计范例教学实践解析,阐述了中国传统文化与酒包装艺术设计有机结合的可行性创作思路。

    The paper elaborated the practical creative train of thought of the organic combination of Chinese traditional culture spirit packing art by analyzing example teaching practice of art design of spirit packing .

  29. 精美的旅游纪念品配上独具民族文化特色的包装设计,既增添了旅游纪念品的艺术价值和文化内涵,又增加了旅游纪念品的经济价值。

    Beautifully produced tourist souvenirs with unique national characteristics packaging design , The packing not only added the artistic value and cultural connotations of tourist souvenirs , but also increase the economic value of tourism souvenirs .

  30. 文中从文化传统、包装设计的关系出发,具体分析当今中国包装设计对传统文化的认识误区,提出包装工作者应吸取文化传统与设计文化传统中的优秀基因,以及对文化传统持正确的态度。

    The misunderstanding of Chinese traditional culture in packaging design was analyzed beginning from introduction of the relationship between traditional cultures and packaging design . It was suggested that packaging worker should extract excellence in traditional culture and maintain positive attitude .