
  • 网络Project Packaging;packing of the project
  1. 使用Maven构建一个JAR文件比较容易:只要定义项目包装为“jar”,然后执行包装生命周期阶段即可。

    Building a JAR file with Maven is pretty easy : just define the project packaging as " jar " and then execute the package life-cycle phase .

  2. addOrderFrom()方法成为公共类的匿名内部类创建的定义,将这两个工作项目包装起来。

    The addOrderFrom () method collapses to the definition of an anonymous inner class creation of the command class , wrapping the two work items .

  3. 项目包装和标识,没有架子的服装。

    Item Packaging and labeling-No hangers on garments .

  4. 为创业者和中小企业提供项目包装、寻找投资商。

    Offers project packing service for investors and small-and-medium - sized enterprises , looking for investors .

  5. 同样的,产品化阶段的度量方法主要关注的是评估发布就绪情况和将这个项目包装成一个整体。

    As such , the focus of measurement in the Transition phase is on assessing release readiness and on wrapping up the project as a whole .

  6. 本文从轨道交通项目包装、技术和金融的创新、管理体制、监管体制以及纠纷解决机制的建立等方面也做了分析,对轨道交通事业吸引民间资本会有一些参考作用。

    All traffic from the track project packaging , technology and financial innovation , management systems , regulatory institutions and the establishment of dispute settlement mechanisms have also done an analysis of the orbital transport attract private capital will have some reference value .

  7. 竞争激烈、市场细分和复杂程度的加大、顾客经验的日趋丰富要求旅游服务营销要更加关注游客的需求、旅游项目包装、活动策划以及重视并鼓励各种协作组织间的营销协作。

    With the intensified competition , segmenting and complication of markets , and more experience of customers , marketing of tourism service is expected to pay more attention to the need of customers , packaging of tourism projects , planning of activities and marketing cooperation among different organizations .

  8. 该概念的一个典型示例是XML中的父元素和子元素,这些元素提供一个围绕相关项目的包装器。

    A good example of this concept appears in XML in the form of parent and child elements , which provide a wrapper around related items .

  9. 服务项目还包括包装和递送礼物。

    The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts

  10. 包括服务项目还包括包装和递送礼物。

    The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts .

  11. 工作项目:设计包装、海报、宣传册;制作标书、各种表格。

    Working fields : package design , poster , pamphlet ; biding , and various tables and forms .

  12. 哈尼梯田体育旅游资源丰富但需要科学对各项目分类、包装逐步推向市场。

    Hani terraced sports tourism resources are rich , but for each project to scientific classification , packaging to the market .

  13. 在这种环境下,项目已在设法包装品牌和各种物体和概念总是与餐馆,咖啡馆和产品这两个乐趣,工作的概念。

    In this environment , projects have sought Packaging Branding and various objects and concepts are always related to these two pleasures from restaurants , cafes and product , to work conceptual .

  14. 针对如何培养现代包装人才的问题,结合世界银行贷款21世纪初高等教育教改项目,讨论了包装工程人才的培养目标,介绍了株洲工学院在现代包装工程人才培养方面的教学改革和实践。

    Combining the problem of how to cultivating the skillful technicians for packaging engineering with the Project of 21st Century Higher Education Investment by the World Bank Loan , this article introduces the purpose , education reform and practice in training packaging technicians in modern times .

  15. 金建新苑的营销策略包括项目市场状况、项目优劣势分析、目标客户定位、项目价格定位、项目品牌定位、项目品牌形象包装、项目销售战术安排及售后营销安排等。

    , the detail is as follow : 1 The marketing strategy of JinJian Company includes market situation , advantages and disadvantage analyzing , potential customer targeting , prices setting , brand setting , brand advertising and sales strategy making and after sale arranging and so on .