
  • 网络project plan;Project planning;project;Plan
  1. RUP框架中一个关键组件就是项目计划。

    One of the key artifacts in the RUP framework is the project plan .

  2. 按照项目计划完成ESP的活动。

    Complete ESP activities per project plan .

  3. 开发团队在MicrosoftProject中构建项目计划。

    The development team built their project plans in Microsoft Project .

  4. 大多数软件工程学课本都花费篇幅介绍项目计划和估计,包括类似ConstructiveCostModel(COCOMO)5这样的工具。

    Most software engineering texts spend some amount of copy on project planning and estimating , including tools like the Constructive Cost Model ( COCOMO ) .

  5. GCM公司树莓高新农业产业化示范项目计划书

    GCM Corporation 's Demonstration Project Plan of High-Tech Agricultural Industrialization of Bramble

  6. 基于您的参考体系结构和一组跨全套项目计划的实际要求来设计ESB并选择ESB产品。

    Architect the ESB and make your ESB product selection based on your reference architecture and a realistic set of requirements across the complete set of project plans .

  7. 项目计划应该包括完整的WBS变更履历。它应包含一张的表,注明了任务增加、任务变更、任务删除及事件发生的时间。

    The project plan should include the complete revision history of the WBSit should contain a list of any tasks that are added , changed , or removed , and when those changes occurred .

  8. 在实施软件过程改进部分,选择了最能表现CMM过程管理思想的需求管理、项目计划、项目跟踪和监督、软件质量保证和软件配置管理过程中的一些内容进行论述。

    Only some contents of the require management , software project planning , software project tracing and oversight , software quality assurance and software configuration management are mentioned . Those activities explain the concept of quantitative process management of CMM very well .

  9. 论文首先从基础理论出发,根据PDCA循环顺序,系统地探讨了项目计划的一般过程,具体包括准备环境分析、机会和威胁的鉴别、目标设立、风险预测、计划制定五个阶段;

    Firstly , based on the PM concepts under PDCA circle , the paper discusses systematically the general process of project plan , which includes five steps , analysis for environmental , opportunity and threaten identification , target setting , risk forecasting , plan set up .

  10. 关键链&一种项目计划与调度新方法

    Critical chain & A new method for project planning and scheduling

  11. 利用Project2000可以创建和优化项目计划,跟踪项目进度及远程交流项目信息等。

    And the project plan can be created and optimized also .

  12. 这一项目计划使用北韩生产的粮食。

    The program plans to use food produced in North Korea .

  13. 定义并追踪项目计划与工作分解结构。

    Defines and tracks project plan and work breakdown structure .

  14. 企业项目计划编制中的问题及对策措施探索

    Research on existing problems in project plan formulation of enterprise

  15. 技术债务是软件质量和项目计划之间的一种权衡。

    Technical debt is a trade-off between software quality and project schedule .

  16. 实际上这是一个项目计划的回顾过程。

    In fact it is a review procedure to the project plan .

  17. 大连国际康复疗养中心项目计划书

    The Project Scheme of Dalian International Rehabilitation and Recuperation Center

  18. 基于资源约束的跨企业项目计划的研究及系统实现

    Research on Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling for Cross-Enterprise and System Implementation

  19. 这个项目计划规定了这个项目的状态和重要事件。

    The Project Plan defines the project phases and milestones .

  20. 实施项目计划,完成项目教学;

    Carrying out item plan and completing item teaching ;

  21. 论述项目计划控制在项目管理中的重要作用;

    The paper introduces the determination , implementation and control of project plan .

  22. 面向航天多项目计划编制的并行协同方法研究

    Research on aerospace multi-project planning oriented parallel coordination approach

  23. 网络联盟制造中的项目计划与协调

    Project planning & coordination in the network alliance manufacturing

  24. 你既可以使你的项目计划更复杂也可以使它更简单。

    You can make your project complicated or you can make it simple .

  25. 项目计划可以是总结性的,也可以是详细的。

    A project plan may be summary or detailed .

  26. 文档化软件项目计划。

    The plan for the software project is documented .

  27. 业务流程建模驱动项目计划

    Business process modeling is driving the project initiative

  28. 管理需求并且识别出需求与项目计划、工作产品不一致的地方。

    Requirements are managed and inconsistencies with project plans and work products are identified .

  29. 制定项目计划,其中包含时间安排和项目估算

    Create a project plan with timelines and estimates

  30. 项目计划管理中的设计进度控制

    Engineering schedule control of project planning and management