
  • 网络Threshold Theory;threshold analysis;gate theory
  1. 门槛理论与珠江三角洲区域发展

    The threshold theory and the regional development of the Pearl River Delta

  2. 基于门槛理论的森林生态系统类型自然保护区生态环境规划&以壶瓶山自然保护区为例

    Ecological Environment Planning of the Forest Ecosystem Type Natural Reserve Based on Threshold Analysis

  3. 基于门槛理论的湘西北少数民族聚居地新农村整治规划

    New rural area 's constructing planning in minority 's area of northwestern Hunan based on the threshold analysis

  4. 物业公司应该进行前期介入,本文使用门槛分析理论证明了物业公司前期介入可以降低管理成本,并提高公司信誉;

    Estate company can process prophase intervention , which can reduce the management cost ( Doorsill analysis theory may prove it . ) and improve credit standing of company .

  5. 门槛蠕变应力理论很好地解释了复合材料较高的表观应力指数,经门槛应力补偿后,复合材料的真应力指数与基体合金相同。

    Creep resisitance were effectively enhanced by the reinforcements . High apparent stress exponents of TMCs were successfully explained by threshold stress theory . And after compensated with threshold stresses , the stress exponents of the TMCs and matrix alloys were the same .