
  • 网络gateway city;city gateway
  1. 这一空间定位模式尤其突出并明确了三角洲顶点城市和门户城市的城市区位与职能特征。

    Such a spatial orientation highlights the locational and functional characters of ACD and gateway city . 6 .

  2. 全球化背景下的区域发展是以门户城市为中心的区域有机发展。

    Regional development on the backdrop of globalization is an organic development on a " gateway city " for the regional centre .

  3. 中行纽约分行负责商业地产信贷的雷蒙德乔(RaymondQiao)表示,与许多其它外资银行一样,中行只对美国几个门户城市(如纽约、洛杉矶和旧金山)的知名商业资产有兴趣。

    Bank of China , like many other foreign banks , is only interested in trophy commercial assets in gateway cities such as New York , Los Angeles or San Francisco , said Raymond Qiao , who heads commercial real estate lending for Bank of China in New York .

  4. 以长江流域为例,流域双核结构具有干流、支流等不同的层次、等级性,同时体现了流域中心城市&门户城市是理想的流域双核结构空间组合。

    Regional central city-gateway city is the ideal dual-nuclei structure .

  5. 为了更好地保护我们的根基,我们需要在全球更多门户城市插上我们的旗帜。

    To better protect our base we need to plant our flag in more gateway cities around the world .

  6. 以三角洲顶点城市和门户城市所构成的双核结构是一种新型的空间组合,这一双核结构在三角洲发挥着经济发展主要驱动轴的作用。

    Dual-nuclei structure is composed by ACD and the gateway city a new spatial combination . 7 . The development of domestic delta is driven by endogenetic force .

  7. 我们目前在中国许多重要的门户城市都有业务,而这家酒店将是我们在中国快速扩张的业务的一部分。

    We now have a significant presence in all of China 's major gateway cities and this hotel will be part of our rapid expansion throughout the country .

  8. 文章以制约空间行为运行制度层面的各个因素架构为逻辑,分析门户城市增长积累体制、论证空间发展和市场效率关系。

    According to logical reasons for institutional factors on restricting space behavior article analyzes growth accumulation system of gateway city and demonstrate the relationship of space development and market efficiency .

  9. 美国智库城市土地研究所(UrbanLandInstitute)表示,全球“门户”城市(全球主要城市地区)正艰难努力为它们的劳动力大军提供负担得起的住房。

    The Urban Land Institute , a US-based think-tank , said global " gateway " cities , the world 's leading urban areas , were struggling to provide affordable housing for their workforces .

  10. 城市门户是城市空间体系的一个重要组成部分,明晰其概念和特征在城市规划设计研究中具有非常重要的意义。

    Being an important component of the city , it is necessary to confer the concept and characteristics of " Urban Door " .

  11. 以外力为主的三角洲双核结构中,顶点城市没有经历地位下降和功能转换的过程,而是在发展之初就受到门户港口城市的冲击。

    While in the dual-nuclei structure driven by ectogenic force , the ACD did not experience the process of declining and function changing but was impacted by the gateway city originally .

  12. 城市门户是城市管理者与被管理者的共同需要,是城市信息化发展到一定阶段的必然产物。

    City Portal is a common demand for both city governors and general civilian , which is an inevitable outcome of city information development when it comes into a certain state .

  13. 城市门户是城市管理信息化的重要环节,是电子政务发展的核心动力,是未来数字城市的总入口。

    City Portal is a key process of management on city information system , it is also the core driven power of development on E-Government affairs and the main way leads to the future digital Cities .

  14. 世界著名港口城市的发展历史表明,港口与城市存在互动关系,港口是城市对外开放的门户,城市是港口发展与繁荣的重要载体。

    The development history of those worldwide famous cities and ports shows that cities and ports should keep an effectively interactive relationship because ports are the opening doors of cities and cities are the important bases of the development and prosperity of ports .

  15. 伴随城市人口规模的增大,工业职能扩张已经不再是城市人口增长的重要驱动力,门户职能与城市规模变动的正向关系体现了门户开放对城市人口增长的强力驱动。

    The positive correlation between Gateway Function and the variation of urban population reflects the strong drive brought by the gateway opening that makes population grow .

  16. 城市门户开敞空间是城市生活的重要汇集处,是人们享受开敞空间的重要地点;

    It is a important site , where " city life " will converge and citizens can enjoy the open space ;

  17. 定位:此论坛定位于新天津城市门户论坛。以城市生活和政经为核心。

    Stance : the forum positions itself as a brand-new gateway forum for the city of tianjin , focusing on urban life , politics and economy .

  18. 通过实现城市门户,可以提高城市运营效率,使城市管理与被管理双方的信息交换更加便捷。

    Through implementing City Portal , the city operational efficiency can be increased , what 's more , that will be easier for city management and information exchange between two cities .

  19. 基于上述要求,寻求有效的景观设计方法来塑造城市门户形象,提升城市竞争力,已显得十分重要了。

    Based on the above request , seeks the effective landscape design method to portray the urban gateway image , promotes the urban competitive power , already appeared is very important .

  20. 文章结构包括三大部分:第一部分是校园门户空间的基础研究,讨论与校园门户空间相关的概念,校园门户空间的发展历程以及校园门户空间与城市空间的关系。

    The structure of this article is composed of three parts ; the first is a basis research to discuss the relative conception , including the history about the development of the main entrance of university campus , and the relation between urban space and the entrance of university campus .