
  • 网络Economic equilibrium
  1. 考虑了n种群常系数Lotka-Volterra生态系统的Gordon理论,建立了相应系统的经济均衡条件,讨论了其经济均衡点在Lotka-Volterra几类系统中的的稳定性;

    The Gordon theory of n-population Lotka-Volterra ecological system with constant coefficients is considered , the economic equilibrium conditions of the corresponding system , and the stability of economic equilibrium of system are discussed .

  2. 本文是关于微分包含、Aubin的生存理论及其对一般经济均衡论的应用的综述。

    This is an expose on the differential inclusions , Aubin 's Viability Theory and their application on the theory of general economic equilibrium .

  3. 1996年以来外国直接投资(FDI)大量输入中国,它对宏观经济均衡的影响与日俱增。

    A great deal of foreign directly investment ( FDI ) has been imported to China since 1996 , which influences the Macroscopic Economy management increasingly .

  4. 对于旨在实现全球经济均衡、有力而可持续复苏的更广泛g20进程而言,此举并非吉兆。

    The move does not bode well for the wider G20 process aimed at creating a strong , sustainable and balanced global recovery .

  5. Debreu所给出的。Debreu也因此于1983年获得了诺贝尔经济学奖,Debreu是利用集值分析的方法以集值映射的不动点定理为工具证明Walras经济均衡理论的。

    Debreu after half a century in 1952 . Therefore Debreu won the Nobel economics prize in 1983 , Debreu proved the Walras compete competition equilibrium exist theorem by fixed-point theorem of set-valued mapping .

  6. 关税和汇率政策配合与宏观经济均衡研究

    Tariffs and exchange rate policy research of the balance of macroeconomy

  7. 以银行经营转型促进经济均衡发展

    On Promoting Harmonious Development in Economy through Management Transformation of Banks

  8. 分析城乡经济均衡发展的内涵,阐释了什么是城乡经济均衡发展,为什么要实现城乡经济均衡发展;分析农业专业化提出的背景,农业专业化的含义、分类和意义;

    The meaning and context of balanced development of rural-urban economy ;

  9. 制度与开放经济均衡增长的关系是什么?

    What is the relationship between institution and economic balanced growth ?

  10. 经济均衡论发展简介

    The summarized account of the development of theory of economic equilibrium

  11. 汇率的宏观经济均衡分析法和人民币均衡汇率分析

    A Study on the Trend of Equilibrium Exchange Rate of RMB

  12. 关于无界无限维商品空间上的生产经济均衡

    Production economies equilibria in an infinite dimensional and unbounded commodity space

  13. 我国内外经济均衡与汇率政策调整

    Interior and Exterior Economy Equilibrium and Foreign Exchange policy Adjustment in China

  14. 它并不试图解释长期的经济均衡。

    This does not attempt to define long-term economic equilibrium .

  15. 区域投资与经济均衡增长&广东省区域经济失衡的投资因素分析

    An Analysis of Investment Elements in the Regional Economy Imbalance in Guangdong

  16. 带有局部凸拓扑的向量格中的生产经济均衡问题

    Production economies equilibria in an vector lattices endowed with a locally-convex topology

  17. G-凸空间中的连续选择定理与经济均衡点的存在性

    Continuous Selection Theorem on G-convex Spaces and Existence of Equilibrium of Economy

  18. 一般经济均衡模型中的偏前序及无序偏好关系

    The General Economics with Partial Preorder or Non-ordered Peferences

  19. 技术矩阵水平与经济均衡增长

    The level of Technology Matrix and Economic Equilibrium Increase

  20. 要素流动粘性、制度竞争与区域经济均衡

    The Stickiness of Factor Flow , Institution Competition and Equilibrium of Regional Economy

  21. 生产力区域差别的经济均衡趋势分析

    Productive district difference 's economy balance trend analysis

  22. 在估计参数的基础上,给出宏观非一致增长经济均衡轨道性质。

    The concept of equilibrium path of quadratic optimal complete control model is given .

  23. 一般交叉规划与经济均衡模型

    General interaction programming and economical equilibrium model

  24. 二.三线建设是区域经济均衡发展战略的需要。

    Secondly , it is the demand of the balanced development strategy of regional economy .

  25. 分析了经济均衡时税收,政府环保投资,私人环保投资对经济增长率和社会福利的影响。

    It analyses how tax and investment affect the equilibrium growth rate and society welfare .

  26. 汇率是影响内部经济均衡和外部经济均衡的关键变量。

    Foreign exchange rate is a vital variable which influences the balance of ex-economy and im-economy .

  27. 微分包含与经济均衡

    Differential inclusions and Economic Equilibrium

  28. 内外经济均衡视角下中国投资和消费关系的调整

    A Study on Adjustment of Investment and Consumption of China from the Perspective of Internal-external Economic Equilibrium

  29. 欧盟区域政策对中国区域经济均衡发展的启示和建议

    The Revelation and Suggestions of European Union ' Regional Policy on China 's Regional Economic Balanced Development

  30. 科技成果转让的均衡价格法研究西方主流经济学中的两个伪问题&评均衡价格与经济均衡

    Study on the Method of Harmonious Price about Science and Technology Achievement Two False Problems in Western Mainstream Economics