
  • 网络the fallacy of composition
  1. 中国贸易增长的大国效应与合成谬误

    The Big Country Effect of China 's Foreign Trade Growth and Fallacy of Composition

  2. 文章论证了合成谬误是一种宏观市场失灵,因而稳定化政策是政府的必然选择。

    The fallacy of composition is a kind of " macro-market failure ", so the stabilization policy should be chosen by the state .

  3. 这种支持一般都源自于对“劳动合成谬误”(lumpoflabourfallacy)的无知,该理论令人难以置信地认为,除了失业以外,这些合同聘用的技术工人绝对没有其它的选择。

    Such support generally rests on the economic illiteracy of the " lump of labour fallacy " , which improbably assumes that the skilled workers employed under such contracts have absolutely no other options except unemployment .

  4. 科斯定理、合成谬误与囚犯难题

    Coase Theorem , Fallacy of Composition and Prisoner 's Dilemma

  5. 然后分析了合成谬误论的逻辑演绎过程和赖以得出结论的基本假设。

    Then analyze the logical deduce process and basic presumption of the fallacy of composition argument .

  6. 其次,从三个角度、用三种方法对合成谬误趋势进行检验。

    Secondly , we conduct empirical test on the trend of FOC by three methods from three angles .

  7. 但从动态看,众多国家同时采用这一战略,必然导致合成谬误的产生。

    But from a dynamic view , it must be a fallacy of composition for many countries to do so at the same time .

  8. 合成谬误是由于受到发达国家需求约束导致的,而南南贸易拓展被认为是规避合成谬误的有效途径。

    FOC is caused by the demand constraints in developed countries , while South-South trade expansion is considered to be an effective way to avoid FOC .

  9. 纯粹的市场经济存在着信息不对称、公地悲剧、外部性问题和合成谬误等自身难以克服的缺陷,需要政府对旅游经济运行进行干预,因而在旅游发展过程中政府主导力量起着重要的推动作用。

    As pure market economy is defected with information dissymmetry , public land tragedy , externality and synthesized falsehood , government intervention need to be introduced into tourism management .

  10. 合成谬误发展的结果是引起短期内经济波动发生转换,而这正是由于合成谬误所具有的个量与总量之间存在着非对称性这一根本特征所决定的。

    The asymmetry between individual and total is another basic characteristic owned by the fallacy of composition , which changes the economic fluctuation if the fallacy of composition develops continually .

  11. 二是,从发展中国家出口结构相似导致贸易竞争的角度,运用跨国面板数据的广义矩估计方法检验合成谬误趋势。

    Second , from the perspective of the trade competition caused by similar export-structure of developing countries , we conduct empirical test the trend of FOC by the method of GMM estimation .