
  1. 第二章:有限合伙创业投资基金。

    Chapter Two : venture investment fund in limited partnership .

  2. 灵活信任、企业家能力资本化与治理&对家族化合伙创业企业的分析

    Flexible Trust , Capitalization of Entrepreneurship and Corporate Governance Interpreting Analysing the Family-style Business Partnership Firms

  3. 本文对家族化合伙创业企业治理结构进行了研究。

    This article is mainly centered around the dynamic patterns of corporate governance related to the family-style partnership enterprises .

  4. 第三章:有限合伙创业投资基金激励约束机制之法律设计。

    Chapter Three : legal design about the stimulate and restriction system of venture investment fund in limited partnership .

  5. 我在大学期间同住的10个男生几乎全都自己开了公司,或是和别人合伙创业了。

    Of the 10 guys I lived with in college , nearly all have started a company or been on a founding team .

  6. 然后对有限合伙创业投资基金当事人法律关系进行了分析,认为其体现出多个信托架构复合的特点。

    Thirdly , it makes a legal analysis about the parties ' relationship , regarding that it has incarnated the accordance of various intrust forms .

  7. 要知道,说出上述之言的,是和一个企业家结了婚,而且和一个企业家合伙创业的人(谢天谢地,这两个企业家不是同一个)。

    You should know that all of this comes from a guy who is married to an entrepreneur , and started a firm with one ( different people , thankfully ) .

  8. 同样,那些上同一所大学的合伙人投资成功的几率会减少22%,如果过去曾合伙创业,那么成功几率将减少18%。

    By the same token , those partners who went to the same college saw their chance of success drop by 22 percent , and by 18 percent if they started a business together before .

  9. 有限合伙制创业投资机构制度创新与应用思考

    System Innovation and Application Thinking of Limited Partnership in Venture Investment Organization

  10. 个人抑或社会本位立法?&有限合伙及创业投资法抉择探索

    Personal or social standard legislation ? & Probe into the choice between the limited partnership and the undertaking and Investment law

  11. 因为美国的有限合伙型创业投资基金最为发达,因此本章以美国法的研究为中心。

    This chapter center on the American law because the venture capital fund in limited partnership is most developed in the United State .

  12. 本文讨论了有限合伙制创业基金中有限合伙人与创投家的委托&代理关系,研究了合伙关系的动态激励问题。

    The paper discusses the principal-agent problem between limited partner and venture capitalists in venture capital fund . We study the incentive problem in partnerships from a dynamic perspective .

  13. 我国目前不能盲目效仿美国采用有限合伙制发展创业投资,而应根据经济、法律和社会文化环境等国情,采用股份有限公司制创业投资机构。

    Our country should adopt venture capital organization of the joint-stock company system according to national conditions , such as economy , law and social culture environment and etc.

  14. 创业投资的特点决定了有限合伙制是创业投资公司的最佳选择,我国要发展创业投资,应该制定《有限合伙企业法》,以满足创业投资公司的需要。

    The characteristics of pioneering investment company determine that the partnership is the best selection of pioneering investment company . In order to develop pioneering investment in China , " Limited Partnership Law " should be formulated to meet the demands of pioneering investment company .