
  • 网络consolidated financial statement;consolidated statement
  1. 电力集团公司合并会计报表编制研究

    The Practical Research of Consolidated Financial Statements for Electric Power Group

  2. 关于合并会计报表合并范围中的几个特殊问题

    Some special issues on the consolidation scope of consolidated financial statements

  3. 运用灰色局势决策与S.我国合并会计报表信息质量特征研究

    Study on Information Quality Characteristics of Our Country 's Combined Accounting Statements

  4. 不论是国际会计准则IAS27还是我国的合并会计报表暂行规定,都将合并范围的界定作为准则的重点;

    No matter in IAS27 or in temporary standards of consolidated accounting statement issued by our country , scope is the most important part in the standards , and be put premier .

  5. 中美合并会计报表的比较与思考

    Comparison between and Thinking on Chinese and American Consolidated Accounting Statement

  6. 医疗集团合并会计报表编制的探讨

    Discuss the workout of united accounting report forms in medical group

  7. 理论篇对合并会计报表理论进行了再探讨。

    The theory part studies the consolidated financial statement theory deeply .

  8. 对合并会计报表合并范围和方法的思考

    The Consideration of the Merge Scope and Method for Consolidated Statements

  9. 合并会计报表信息披露局限性探讨

    Discussion on the information announcing limitation of amalgamating accounting statement

  10. 论公允价值与合并会计报表中的财务粉饰

    Fair Value and the Window Dressing of Consolidated Financial Statements

  11. 我国合并会计报表的合并范围研究

    Research on Our Country 's Scope of Consolidated Accounting Statement

  12. 合并会计报表准则应当追求语言的简洁、易于理解。

    Language used in statements should be concise and easily be understood .

  13. 合并会计报表抵消内部未实现利润的问题探讨

    Elimination of Unrealized Profits Resulting from Intragroup Transactions in Consolidated Financial Statements

  14. 第三部分论述了我国合并会计报表的理论选择问题。

    The third section deals with the select of the consolidation theory .

  15. 我国高校合并会计报表实务分析

    Practical Analysis on Consolidated Financial Statements of Universities in China

  16. 透过合并会计报表审视企业集团财务决策

    Seeing through Merging Accounting Report Forms Look Closely at Group Financial Decision

  17. 完善我国合并会计报表理论与实务的思考

    Thoughts on the principles and practice of the consolidated financial statement system

  18. 合并会计报表抵销分录的编制与理解

    Drawing up and Understanding the Compensated Sale Account in the Combined Accounting Form

  19. 合并会计报表几个相关问题的探讨

    Research on several relative questions of Consolidated Accounting Statements

  20. 控制是合并会计报表的基础。

    Control is the basis for consolidating financial statements .

  21. 刍议合并会计报表中对超额亏损的会计处理

    On Accounting Treatment Methods and Reasons about Excess Deficit in Consolidated Accounting Statement

  22. 合并会计报表的局限性及其改进

    Limitation of amalgamating accounting statement s and its improvement

  23. 对合并会计报表期初数的审计

    Auditing of the Beginning Balance of Consolidated Financial Statements

  24. 现代企业合并会计报表若干问题研究

    Several Issues Study of Modern Business Combinated Accounting Statement

  25. 直至3年前我才完成了我们的合并会计报表。

    Up until three years ago , I put together our consolidated financials .

  26. 进一步了解与合并会计报表相关的问题。

    Better understand issues associated with consolidated financial reporting .

  27. 合并会计报表的所得税问题刍探&浅谈子公司净收益引起所得税的抵销

    Income and Expense Statement A Probe into the Income Tax of Combined Accounting Statement

  28. 编制合并会计报表要以一定的理论为依据。

    The making of combined financial statement should be based on the valid theory .

  29. 论合并会计报表模式

    Discussion on The Patterns of Consolidated Accounting Statements

  30. 合并会计报表合并范围研究

    Study on Consolidation Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements