
  • 网络summary report;combination statements
  1. 汽车可靠性试验监控管理系统综合运用差分卫星定位、地图匹配、通信及计算机技术实现了对汽车可靠性试验监控管理和试验过程工况参数远程遥测、记录存储及汇总报表。

    The automotive reliability monitoring management system realizes monitoring management of automotive reliability tests and remote measurement , record and storage and summary report of test process mode parameters with syn-thetically using the DGPS , map matching , communication and computer technology .

  2. 例如,可能会希望生成按照区域显示销售量的产品销售报表,或生成显示库存水平的库存汇总报表。

    For instance , you might want a product sales report to show sales by region , or an inventory summary report that shows product inventory levels .

  3. 基于B/S的Web多级汇总报表工具,由基础及汇总模板、报表模板设计器组成,并根据下发的基层部门和时间生成所需报表。

    Web report tool for multi-level data summary which is based on B / S , consists of basic and summary template , report template designer . It produces the reports according to the sub departments and the time .

  4. PC软件由Visualc++开发,具有强大的功能和友好的用户界面,实现了运行参数流程与列表显示、报警提示、历史查询、工作汇总报表、参数曲线跟踪等功能。

    The software for PC developed by Visual C + + proves to be effective and friendly to operators , which can realize many functions such as process display , list-display of operation parameters , alarming , history querying , automatic creation of worksheet , and trend monitor , etc.

  5. 介绍了在VFP中将IIF函数和宏替换应用在SELECT-SQL语句中,生成灵活多变的汇总报表的方法,并给出了源程序代码。

    This paper introduces the method of forming the flexible and variable the summary statements by applying IIF function and macro-alternation into SELECT-SQL sentence in VFP , and gives the codes of the source program .

  6. 分布式超级汇总报表处理系统的设计与实现

    The design and Realization of a distributed SUPER-COLLECTING report processing system

  7. 基于B/S的超级汇总报表处理系统的设计

    Design of super-collecting report processing system based on B / S mode

  8. B/S结构下动态汇总报表的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of the dynamic congregate report in b / s structure

  9. 主要包括员工的基本信息、工作信息、社会信息等三方面,同时还提供了人事基本信息的分析及汇总报表。

    The personal information is composed of basic information work information and society information . In addition we offer analysis reports and compositive reports .

  10. 一般地区负责人可以录入该地区所属销售员的培训情况,总公司负责人可以随时掌握所属每个员工的培训情况和销售业绩,并可以下载相应的汇总报表。

    The general area can be input in the area responsible person belongs salesman training , and head person in charge may at any time mastering the training of each employee and sales performance , and can download the appropriate summary reports .

  11. 通用Web多级汇总型报表工具的设计

    Design of General Web Report Tool for Multi-Level Data Summary

  12. 灵活应用百事一日通软件(MCMIS)的字段更名、查改增删、统计汇总、报表生成、汉字替换和综缩微扩展等10个智能器,可实现医疗设备信息的全方位管理。

    Flexible use of the intelligent functions of MCMIS including changing , word segment , checking , changing , adding , deleting , statistic gathering , table formation , Chinese character replacement and micrographic expansion may provide all-round information management for medical equipment .

  13. 本文认为,合并财务报表比汇总财务报表更能客观公允地反映集团整体的财务状况。

    The author insists that consolidated financial statement could better reflect operating situation .

  14. 因此,被歪曲了的信息应该予以纠正。而对其纠正的工具,理应借用计划经济体制下曾经使用过的汇总会计报表。

    So the distorted information should be corrected , and the correcting tool could be the summary accounting statement once used in planned economy .

  15. 合并财务报表与汇总财务报表无论在使用范围、编制方法和编制程序都有所不同。本文还探讨了报表的合并范围、以及合并报表本身存在的局限性。

    They are different in scopes of usage , compiling methods and procedures , and there are some limitations existed in consolidated financial statements .

  16. 针对空调电机生产企业实现了质量信息的计算机管理:实现产品质量数据的数据库管理及数据的通用维护(包括数据的增、删、改及查询)等功能,并完成质量数据的汇总与报表输出。

    Computer Quality Data manage : Actualizing the database managing of product quality data . Including the universal maintenance function , such as adding , deleting , editing and searching functions , and data collection and reports output .

  17. 研究了防蜡数据查询统计系统,用户可以查询清防蜡工艺设计、施工数据,形成统计汇总等各种报表和图件;研究了软件系统开发,开发出完善的配套软件系统。

    By means of studying paraffin removel data query statistics system , users can query a variety of reports and maps that includes paraffin removel process design 、 construction data and statistics summary ; By means of studying software system design , perfect supporting software system is developed .

  18. 提出了一种基于Web的动态报表系统模型,共分为五个模块,分别是模板设计器模块、报表生成器模块、报表填报模块、报表汇总统计模块和报表显示处理模块。

    Paper proposed a web-based dynamic report system model , which is made up of five modules : template design module , report generation module , report forms module , report summary statistics module and display module .

  19. 协助收集并整理厂务经理所需的数据,汇总相关部门统计报表;

    Assist to collect and compile datum for factory manager and generate all relevant statistical report regularly ;

  20. 称量数据、汇总统计数据、报表数据只能靠手工记录、计算。

    The weighing data , the compiles statistical data , the report form data only depend on manual record 、 computation .

  21. 系统具有完善的浏览、汇总、修改、报表打印、系统服务等功能,工时计算结果合理准确。

    Moreover , perfect functions such as browsing , summarizing , revising , listing , printing and system service are available in this system , and the calculation of man-hours is rational and accurate .

  22. 本系统集数据采集、数据实时分析、状态监控、统计汇总、生成质检报表于一体,为核燃料元件制造提供了一套数据采集→数据分析→监控→报表的质量管理平台。

    Fabrication of Spherical Fuel Element for 10 MW High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor This system is integrated with the data gathering and real-time analysis , the status monitoring , the statistical summing-up and the generating of quality control .