
  • 网络HSBC;HSBC Holdings PLC;HSBA;hsbc holding
  1. 巴克莱银行(BarclaysBankPLC)及汇丰控股(HSBCHoldings)等银行的股票也未能幸免,只不过它们的跌幅较小。

    Other bank stocks , such as Barclays PLC and HSBC Holdings PLC , fell , though not as sharply .

  2. 据报道,香港大亨方铿4月份就开始考虑售股,并已聘请汇丰控股(HSBCHoldings)担任售股交易顾问。

    The Hong Kong tycoon reportedly began to consider selling the stake in April and hired HSBC Holdings to advise on the sale .

  3. 汇丰控股周三发布了第三财政季度的最新交易情况,同时也发布了HSBCFinance的当季业绩报告。

    The bank yesterday gave a third-quarter trading update for its entire business , and reported earnings results at HSBC Finance for the period .

  4. 近期还出现了引进汇丰控股(HSBC)等主要跨国公司到中国股市上市的计划。

    More recently , plans for major multinationals , such as HSBC , to float in China have emerged .

  5. 据汇丰控股(HSBCHoldingsPlc.)称,人民币兑美元今年迄今已累计下跌2.3%,在亚洲货币中表现最差。

    The yuan has fallen 2.3 % this year , making the tightly controlled currency the worst-performing in Asia against the dollar , according to HSBC Holdings PLC .

  6. 汇丰控股亚太区国际银行及市场部门负责人菲利浦斯(RobinPhillips)说,企业融资正在发生从过度依赖贷款到利用资本市场的结构性转变。

    ' There 's a structural shift away from overreliance on loans to capital markets , ' said Robin Phillips , head of global banking and markets for Asia-Pacific at HSBC .

  7. 汇丰控股有限公司(HSBCHoldings)的董事长范智廉(DouglasFlint)指出,当监管机构上次对各大银行进行压力测试时,没有任何人考虑到油价为每桶50美元的情景。

    Douglas Flint , chairman of HSBC Holdings , noted that when regulators tested the resiliency of banks this year , none considered situations in which oil was $ 50 a barrel .

  8. 汇丰控股(HSBCHoldingsPlc)经手的债券发行额以及从中取得的收入都位居亚太(除日本)地区首位,投行业务总收入较2011年上半年上升两个名次,达到地区内第七名。

    HSBC Holdings PLC , which ranks first in the region excluding Japan for both the volume of debt deals handled , and revenue from them , has moved up two spots from the first half of 2011 to seventh place in overall investment-banking revenues in the region .

  9. 这并不是汇丰控股伦敦总部大楼第一次易主。

    A sale of the London building wouldn 't be a first .

  10. 汇丰控股的中国完胜

    The Great Success of the HSBC Group in China

  11. 汇丰控股昨日公布全年业绩,盈利较预期理想。

    H C Holdings unveiled higher-than-expected full-year profits yesterday .

  12. 香港股市流动性最高的股票汇丰控股也被停牌。

    HSBC , the most liquid stock in Hong Kong , was also suspended .

  13. 汇丰控股打算售后回租这三座大楼。

    If the three buildings are sold , HSBC plans to lease back the space .

  14. 在香港,投资者们焦急地等待汇丰控股银行的年度收益报告。

    In Hong Kong , investors waited anxiously for HSBC Holdings bank 's annual earnings announcement .

  15. 汇丰控股的组织制度安排

    The Organization Framework of HSBC

  16. 这位人士说,在有人表示对汇丰控股的办公楼感兴趣之后,该行做出了售楼的决定。

    The decision to put the buildings up for sale followed an expression of interest in them , the person said .

  17. 亚洲华尔街日报报道本周汇丰控股,渣打银行和澳新银行已入围交易。

    The Asian Wall Street Journal this week reported HSBC Holdings , Standard Chartered and ANZ had been shortlisted for the transaction .

  18. 汇丰控股发现迪拜位于重要开发区的高档别墅的广告价格环比下降19%。

    Advertised prices for upscale Dubai'villas , 'typically stand-alone homes in a master development , fell by19 % month-on-month , the bank found .

  19. 去年名列前10强的两家欧企荷兰皇家壳牌和汇丰控股,今年仅分别排名11名和14名。

    Say goodbye to the two Europe-based companies in Top 10 last year , Royal Dutch Shell ( No.11 ) and HSBC Holdings ( No.14 ) .

  20. 本文根据银行并购的效率评价理论,对《银行家》杂志中位居国际银行业排名前四位的主要依据并购而发展壮大的花旗集团、汇丰控股集团、J。

    Applying the theories in efficiency evaluation , this paper surveys four top-ranking banks in the famous magazine & the bankers , Citigroup , HSBC Holding , J.

  21. 2007年2月13日,汇丰控股宣布对其在美国发放的次级贷款增加18亿美元的坏账拨备,正式掀开了本次次贷危机的面纱。

    On February , 13 , 2007 , HSBC announced adding 1.8 billion US dollars to its provision for bad debts to cover losses from subprime mortgage loans .

  22. 跨国银行集团汇丰控股今日上升百分之一点三,汇丰将于下周一公布二千年业绩。

    Shares of global banking giant HSBC were up1.3 per cent on the day and the year at $ 117 ahead of the release on Monday of its2000 earnings .

  23. 汇丰控股说,早些时候的反弹主要是因为欧洲央行意外宣布了所谓的长期再融资操作,这一操作使欧洲的银行可以以较低的利率借款,从而减轻了银行的压力。

    That earlier rally , the bank says , was driven largely by the ECB 's unexpected announcement of its so-called long-term refinancing operation , in which European banks were able to borrow at low interest rates , which eased pressure on the banks .

  24. FirstDirect并不是第一家这样做的机构,但是这是停止对新客户的业务的最引人注目的机构。这家由汇丰银行控股的银行表示,该举动只是暂时的,银行本身没有任何问题,只是被大量抵押贷款申请淹没了。

    First Direct is not the first , but it 's the most high-profile lender to close itself to new business all together.The bank which is owned by HSBC says the move is temporary , it 's not had any trouble , it 's simply been swamped by mortgage applications .

  25. 美国参议院的报告发现,2007至2008年间,汇丰向其美国控股公司转移了70亿美元。

    The Senate report found that HSBC transferred $ 7bn to its US holding through 2007 and 2008 .