
xiāo fèi shuì
  • consumption tax;excise;excise duty
  1. 机动车消费税剧增。

    There has been a sharp increase in vehicle excise .

  2. 英国海关官员的法定权限在1969年的《关税与消费税管理法》中有明文规定。

    The legal powers of British Customs officers are laid out in the Customs and Excise Management Act of 1969 .

  3. 他们正给总理施压,要求降低啤酒的消费税。

    They are pressing the Chancellor to reduce excise duty on beer .

  4. 税率和消费税的提高将使新车买主和烟民受到打击。

    New car buyers and smokers will be hit by increases in taxes and excise .

  5. 参议院金融法案将针对个人费用高于8000美元或家庭费用高于21000美元的健康保险计划征收消费税。

    The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax on health insurance plans that cost more than $ 8,000 for an individual or $ 21,000 for a family .

  6. 这种汇率制度相当于一种消费税消费在中国国内生产总值(gdp)中只占36%并转化为对出口的高额补贴。

    The currency regime is a tax on consumption , which accounts for a mere 36 per cent of gross domestic product and represents a considerable subsidy to exports .

  7. 日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)非常清楚谈论消费税可能存在的危险。

    Naoto Kan , Japan 's prime minister , knows well the dangers of consumption tax talk .

  8. 本文采用Suits(1977)提出的Suits指数和洛伦兹曲线,首次估计和比较了中国汽车消费税和燃油税的累进性。

    This paper uses Suits index and Lorenz curve proposed by Suits ( 1977 ) to explore the progressivity of consumption and fuel tax in the Chinese auto industry .

  9. 2001年5月,国家对白酒每斤加收0.5元消费税,同时我国加入WTO必将对鲁酒企业产生重大影响。

    Since May 2001 , the government began to add a consumption tax $ 1.00/kg for liquor , and the forthcoming China ′ s return to WTO , it will give a profound inpact upon Shandong Liquor enterprises .

  10. 安倍晋三将其有关上调消费税的决定与修正GDP估值的结果以及其他数据联系在一起,例如日本央行(BankofJapan)将于10月1日公布的企业信心调查。

    Mr Abe has linked his decision on the tax to the outcome of the revised GDP estimate , as well as other data such as a survey of business sentiment by the Bank of Japan due on October 1 .

  11. 美国企业研究所(americanenterpriseinstitute)的艾伦维亚德(alanviard)表示,解决方案之一将是“降低投资的边际税率,同时在系统中引入某种形式的消费税”。

    Alan Viard of the American Enterprise Institute think-tank says one solution would be to " lower the marginal tax rates on investment while introducing some form of consumption taxation into the system " .

  12. 日本首相野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)正在利用这种担忧力推提高消费税。

    Yoshihiko Noda , the prime minister , is using such concerns to try to push through a rise in the sales tax .

  13. 当然HTF也从卡车轮胎、柴油以及与驾驶相关其他资源的相关税款(重要汽车配件消费税)中筹资,但是大部分的资金还是来源于汽油税。

    And the HTF receives some revenue from taxes on truck tyres , diesel , and other driving-related sources , but most of its money comes from petrol taxes .

  14. 本文在CES效用函数理论模型的基础上,使用中国经验数据和计量分析工具,实证考察了历次消费税政策变动对应税消费品的消费影响。

    Based on the theoretical model of CES utility function , this paper used the experience data and metrological tools , and empirically investigated the consumption effect on the taxable goods , with the changing of excise .

  15. 东京股市恢复了在周二中断的涨势。就在周二,来自日本央行(BoJ)的一项季度性调查显示,多家企业对于消费税由5%上调至8%会产生的影响十分担心。

    The gain in Tokyo resumed an upward streak that halted on Tuesday after a quarterly survey from the Bank of Japan indicated companies were worried about the impact of the sales tax rising from 5 per cent to 8 per cent .

  16. 消费税:没有,因为所有这些规定被推倒,但你可以看到的Montecito在两个小时的电视电影霹雳游侠从去年冬天。

    GST : No , because all those sets were torn down , but you can see the Montecito in the two hour Knight Rider TV movie from last winter .

  17. 新消费税实施对汽车价格和消费行为的影响

    Influence of New Consumption Tax on Automobile Price and Consumption Behavior

  18. 改革和完善我国消费税的法律构想

    On Legal Concept of Reforming and Perfecting China 's Consumption Tax

  19. 服务消费税的征收对象包括电话费和机场离港费。

    Taxes on services apply to telephone charges and airport departures .

  20. 免征关税、增值税和消费税未获免税之开支费用

    Be exempt from customs duties , value-added tax and consumption tax

  21. 调整汽车消费税政策。

    We adjusted policies for the sales tax on vehicle purchases .

  22. 提高消费税税率一事招致了最为激烈的反对。

    The sales tax increase has drawn the most intense opposition .

  23. 提高香烟消费税的全球背景和国际经验

    The global background and international experiences in raising tobacco tax

  24. 对消费税调整后鲁酒企业发展的几点思考

    Considerations on Development of Shangdong Liquor Enterprises after Adjustment of Consumption Tax

  25. 我国卷烟消费税改革面临的问题及建议

    Problems and Suggestions on the Reform of China 's Cigarette Consumption Tax

  26. 建议五,扩大消费税的征收范围。

    Five , Expand the scope of consumption tax levy .

  27. 已纳消费税抵扣的两种处理方法比较

    Comparison between Two Methods for Dealing with Consumption Tax Credit

  28. 由于消费税很多行业现在要为政府收税。

    With GST many business will now the collecting taxes for the government .

  29. 最后分析了不同市场条件下的消费税税负归宿问题。

    Finally , we analyze the tax burden on the different market conditions .

  30. 调整消费税征收范围;

    An adjustment of collection range of consumption taxes ;