
  1. 两类企业公开信息及其交互作用对消费者品牌关系的影响

    The Effects of Two Kinds of Corporate Publicity on the Customer-brand Relationship

  2. 依据消费者品牌关系的实证研究明确了企业社会责任与品牌资产的关系机理,理清了累积品牌资产的路径,为营销管理实践提供了重要参考。

    Empirical research based on consumer-brand relationships clears the relationship mechanism between corporate social responsibilities and brand equity , clarifies the path of accumulating brand equity , and provides important reference for the marketing management practice .

  3. 本研究使用中国消费者&品牌关系质量(CBRQ)量表,从高低两种关系水平情境检验并解释了中外企业品牌资产的差异,识别了国产品牌的局部优势。

    Using CBRQ scale , the author explains the differences of brand equity between local brands and foreign brands under two relationship situations high-relationship level and low-relationship level , and identifies the partial advantage of the local brands .

  4. 消费者-品牌关系影响因素的探索性研究

    Factors Influencing Consumer-Brand Relationship : An Exploratory Research

  5. 消费者&品牌关系维系:基于心理契约的研究

    A study of Maintenance of Consumer-brand Relationship : from a Perspective of Psychological Contract

  6. 现有基于消费者&品牌关系对品牌忠诚影响因素的实证研究,发现品牌信任和品牌情感是品牌忠诚的决定因素。

    Existing empirical research on basis of consumer-brand relationship identifies brand trust and brand affect as the determinants of brand loyalty .

  7. 在可辩解型产品伤害危机下,是什么因素在影响消费者-品牌关系断裂?这些因素又是通过什么途径影响的?已有的理论研究没有对这些问题做出回答。

    Under the defensible product harm crisis , what is the factor influencing the consumer-brand relationship ? Which way influence these factors ?

  8. 因此,从中国本土社会心理出发建立消费者&品牌关系质量概念模型,并通过实证研究发展测量量表,具有很大的理论和应用价值。

    This article presents an empirical study which develops and validates a measurement model of consumer-brand relationship quality based upon Chinese indigenous social-psychology .

  9. 社会心理视角则以消费者-品牌关系为核心,提出品牌活化在品牌故事、理想化的品牌社群、品牌精髓和品牌悖论等四个方面的考虑。

    The perspective of social psychology , centered with customer-brand relationship , proposes that brand rejuvenation should consider four aspects : brand story , ideal brand community , brand essence and brand paradox .

  10. 本文识别出五个消费者-品牌关系的影响因素类别,确认了一系列促进或破坏消费者-品牌关系的企业行为。

    This research identifies five factors influencing consumer-brand relationship , and provides a list of corporate behaviors than may enhance or destroy consumer-brand relationship . Finally , limitations and future research directions are discussed .

  11. 从实际应用的角度,对能够影响消费者与品牌关系的因素和相关的企业营销策略进行研究,对于帮助企业了解市场需求,促进品牌战略管理有着非常重要的现实意义。

    The researches on the factors having influences on the consumer-brand relationship and on the relevant marketing strategies , from a practical point of view , are very important in order to help a company to well understand the market demands and to improve its management of brand strategy .

  12. 虚拟社区知识共享与消费者品牌转换的关系研究

    An Empirical Study on Relationship between Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities and Consumers Brand Switching Intention

  13. 这与我们10年前看到的情况相同,表明消费者与品牌的关系同以往一样重要。

    This is the same as we saw 10 years ago , showing that the relationship consumers have with brands is as important as ever .

  14. 品牌个性作为品牌形象的核心,决定了消费者与品牌之间的关系。

    As the core of brand image , brand personality decides the relation of customer and brand .

  15. 在此过程中,消费者同购买品牌的关系质量起到了显著的调节作用。

    During the process , the quality of relationship between consumer and brand acts as a significant moderator .

  16. 其次,针对上述研究结论对企业提出了引导消费者归因、加强品牌关系维护及重视消费者投诉等有利于强化品牌关系管理的建议和意见。

    At last this paper puts forward three suggestions to the enterprises : to guide consumer attribution , enhance brand relationship maintenance and pay attention to customer complaints .

  17. 同时本文还验证了公司品牌通过与消费者建立的品牌信任关系影响了消费者的行为倾向。

    And also proved that there are different between corporate brand and cluster-branding on brand trust when the consumer involvement various . The article also verified that the corporate brand influence the consumer behavior intention by the establishment of brand trust relationships .

  18. 经过系统性的研究工作,本次研究获得的主要结论如下:①消费者对关系的承诺(消费者承诺)是消费者-品牌关系持续的本质。

    LIBERTY MUTUAL 's Commitment Based on the systematical research work , the main conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) The consumer commitment is the essence of the consumer - brand relationship 's continuance .

  19. 现代品牌是个基于消费者的概念,其价值核心建立在消费者与品牌之间的关系上。

    According to the theory of modern branding , " brand " is a concept based upon consumers . Brand core value depends on the relationship between consumers and brand .

  20. 有关消费者对企业社会责任行为表现的响应研究以及消费者与品牌的关系研究日益引起学术界的广泛关注。

    Relevant research on consumer responses to the corporate social responsibilities and relationship between consumers and brand has attracted increasing attention .

  21. 其中心理契约理论主要用来解释员工对组织的忠诚关系,这与企业希望消费者对品牌忠诚是一样的,所以心理契约对消费者与品牌的关系具有较强的解释力。

    Among these theories , the psychological contract theory is mainly used to explain the loyal relationship between organization and staff .

  22. 消费者满意度和品牌忠诚也是显著的正相关,品牌认同和品牌忠诚,消费者满意度,品牌关系之间也是显著正相关。

    Apart from that , there is a positive significant relationship between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty , brand loyalty and brand identity .

  23. 但消费者品牌转换意愿产生的诱因很多,现有文献只关注于某个因素研究其对消费者转换意愿的影响,未能深入探讨转换诱因、消费者与品牌的关系和转换意愿之间的作用机制。

    There can be lots of incentives for consumers switching to another brand . Existing literatures mainly study about certain factors of switching will with no further investigation of the mechanism of brand switching will , its incentives and relation between consumers and brands .

  24. 考察消费者与品牌之间的动态可以帮助我们理解品牌忠诚。本研究对65名MBA学员进行开放性问卷调查,对结果进行了内容分析,试图找到影响消费者-品牌关系的主要因素。

    The objective of this research is to explore factors influencing consumer-brand relationship . 65 MBA students participated an open-ended survey .