
  1. 介绍消费者社会责任产生的背景及学术界对其进行的研究现状。

    Introduce consumer social responsibility of the background and academic circles to the present situation of the research .

  2. 人的消费行为既是自由的,又是受约束的;人们的享受消费权利的同时又必须承担责任和义务,这就是消费者社会责任,主要包括法律责任、环保责任和道德责任等。

    The consuming behavior of people is both free and bounded . Consumers have to take their responsibilities and obligations while they are enjoying their consumer rights .

  3. 公司内部机制、政府干预机制和社会监督机制共同发挥作用是促成公司履行对消费者社会责任的理想选择。

    The joint effort of corporate internal mechanism , governmental intervention mechanism and social supervisory mechanism is the best option for pushing corporations to fulfill their social responsibilities .

  4. 企业应该认识到社会责任行为带来的长期回报,而随着消费者社会责任意识的进一步提高,其对企业社会责任必将有更高的预期。

    Corporations should know that social responsibility behavior can bring long-term returns . Along with further promotion of consumers ' conscientiousness of social responsibility , their expectation to corporate social responsibility must be promoted , too .

  5. 立法是解决电子垃圾污染的最重要的一个环节,没有法规就没有有效的监管,立法能够对生产者责任延伸和消费者社会责任起到引导作用,从而有利于问题的解决。

    Legislation is to solve the electronics garbage pollution of one of the most important link , no rules without effective supervision , the legislation of extended producer responsibility to consumers and social responsibility , and guiding for problem solving .

  6. 当前,在消费主义盛行、破坏环境的消费日益突出以及绿色消费、适度消费和慈善消费等有责任消费兴起的背景下,消费者社会责任问题日益受到人们的关注。

    Nowadays , with the prevailing of consumerism , the highlighting of environmental problems aroused by consumption , and the rising of accountable consumption such as moderate consumption and charity consumption , the social responsibility of consumers is gaining increasingly attention by people .

  7. 对消费者的社会责任也一直以来都是企业社会责任重要的组成部分。

    Corporate social responsibility to consumers has always been an important component of CSR .

  8. 试论公司对消费者的社会责任

    Corporate Social Responsibility Toward Consumers

  9. 公司对消费者的社会责任与其盈利性目的之间的矛盾、冲突是绝对的,补偿与相互促进是相对的。

    The contradiction and conflict between corporate social responsibilities toward consumers and the purpose of making profits is absolute , while compensation and mutual promotion is relative .

  10. 研究发现,个体因素对消费者企业社会责任的感知存在影响。不同性别、年龄、月均收入和不同受教育水平的消费者对于企业社会责任的感知是不同的。

    The study found that individual factors influence consumers ' perceptions of CSR , consumers with different gender , age , average monthly income and education levels have different perceptions of CSR .

  11. 不同类型的社会责任引起的投资者响应存在差异,排除对自身利益的考虑,投资者最看重的是企业对消费者的社会责任和企业的经济责任。

    Different types of social responsibility results in different investor response , excluding consideration of their own interests , what investors value most is the CSR to consumer and corporate economic responsibility .

  12. 一方面,食品企业经营者应强化社会责任意识,关注不同消费者对社会责任的认知水平和响应状况,合理开展社会责任实践活动。

    On one hand , the managers of food companies should strengthen their CSR consciousness , cared about different levels of consumer awareness and responses to social responsibilities , and performed their CSR activities .

  13. 另一方面,政府应对食品企业的社会责任行为加以引导、管理和监督,并着力提高消费者对社会责任的认知水平。

    On the other hand , policy makers should take measures to guide , regulate and supervise food companies ' CSR activities . Meanwhile , the government should increase the cognitive level of consumers towards food companies ' CSR .

  14. 本文试图通过从法学的角度对企业对消费者承担社会责任问题进行深入探讨,以法律的视角界定和诠释企业社会责任的内涵,运用博大精深的法学理论建立一个企业向消费者承担社会责任的制度框架。

    This paper attempts to research social responsibility to consumers from the point of law , definite and explain the connotation of corporate social responsibility in legal , perspective and establish an institutional framework to consumer social responsibility using the broad and profound legal theories .

  15. 有关消费者对企业社会责任行为表现的响应研究以及消费者与品牌的关系研究日益引起学术界的广泛关注。

    Relevant research on consumer responses to the corporate social responsibilities and relationship between consumers and brand has attracted increasing attention .

  16. 但是,企业社会责任对归因的解释能力不是很强,这也说明目前消费者对企业社会责任的关注度还不高。

    The explanatory power of CSR on attribution is not very strong , which shows the concern on the corporate social responsibility is not high at present .

  17. 这四个因子之间两两显著相关。(5)消费者对企业社会责任各方面表现的评分均在中间值4分以上,说明消费者基本认可手机企业的企业社会责任表现。

    These four factors are significantly inter-correlation . ( 5 ) All scores for every aspect of CSR performance were above 4 point , indicating that consumers recognized mobile phone enterprises ' performance of CSR .

  18. 企业社会责任运动最初起源于西方发达国家,随着政府的推动、消费者觉醒、社会责任投资者崛起和非政府组织的活跃等日益蓬勃发展。

    Corporate social responsibility ( CSR ) campaign was first originated in the Western developed countries , then developed rapidly with the Government to promote , awareness of consumer and social responsibility investors and the rise of NGO activists .

  19. 第4章提出了消费者视角下企业社会责任实现模型的构建原则、思路与依据,并由此构建了该模型。

    The fourth chapter established the realization model of corporate social responsibility under the consumers ' perspective .

  20. 在此基础上,通过分析消费者对食品企业社会责任认知和响应状况及其影响因素,为促进我国食品企业履行社会责任提供理论支持和政策建议。

    In addition , the thesis is to analyze the awareness and response of consumers towards CSR of food companies and its influencing factors .

  21. 从其产生背景着手,分别阐释了消费者运动和企业社会责任的含义,分析了消费者运动以及社会责任运动对自愿劳工标准产生和发展的推动作用。

    Started from the Background , explain the meaning of the consumer movement and corporate social responsibility , then make an analysis of the consumer movement and exercise social responsibility in the promotion of the voluntary labor standards .

  22. 同时社会责任对消费购买意愿的影响主要通过消费者对平台的信任而产生作用,但是消费者的企业社会责任态度没有在这个过程中发挥调节作用。

    Meanwhile the mediating effect of Consumer trust is significant , while consumers ' attitude to corporate social responsibility in this process does not play a regulatory role .

  23. 本文发现,企业社会责任行为与消费者响应之间的复杂关系,既受到消费者个人特征(如消费者是否支持企业社会责任行为(CSR-support))的影响,也受到产品自身特征(如价格信号)的影响。

    The relationship between corporate social responsibility and consumer response is affected by personal characteristic and price signal .

  24. 三鹿奶粉事件正是消费者权益保护的一个典型案例。该事件的沉痛教训再一次唤醒了人们对董事究竟是谁的受托人、董事对消费者的社会责任的思考。

    Sanlu Milk Powder is a precisely illustrative case about consumers ' rights and interests protection , the extremely painful lesson from Sanlu Milk Powder once again aroused people to think whose actually trustee the directors are and what is social responsibility of the directors to consumers .