
xiāo fèi zhě quán yì bǎo hù
  • consumer protection;consumerism
  1. 论《消费者权益保护法》第49条对医疗纠纷的适用问题

    On the Application of Article 49 in Consumer Protection Law to Iatrical Disputes

  2. 严隽琪说,自去年3月15日修订后的《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》生效以来,北京市朝阳区人民法院已经处理了107起类似争端。

    Beijing Chaoyang District People 's Court has handled 107 such disputes since the revised Chinese Consumer Protection Law took effect on March 15 last year , she said .

  3. 第三部分,WTO其他主要成员国消费者权益保护的法律经验。

    The third part : the legal experience of WTO 's other main protection of consumers ' rights and interests of member states .

  4. 2001年我国加入WTO这给我国的消费者权益保护带来了前所未有的挑战。

    All changed greatly . Entry to the WTO has brought the unprecedented challenge to protection of consumers ' rights and interests of our country .

  5. B2C交易中的消费者权益保护问题

    Issues concerning Consumer Protection in B2C E-Commerce

  6. 电子商务B2C模式下的消费者权益保护案例分析

    The Case Analysis for Protection of Consumers ' Rights and Interests under E-Commerce B2C Pattern

  7. 加入WTO和网络经济的兴起,我国消费者权益保护事业在自己的发展过程中又面临着许多新的问题,呈现出一些新的特点。

    Joining WTO and the rise of the network economy , our protection business of consumers ' rights and interests in own development process again faces many new problems , and presents some new characteristics .

  8. 要想及时解决这些问题,确保B2C的顺利发展,尽快建立有效的电子商务消费者权益保护体系应属当务之急。

    In order to solve these problems in time to ensure the smooth development of B2C , the establishment of an effective system of consumer protection should be of top priority .

  9. 保险消费者权益保护是一个重要议题。

    The protection of insurance consumer rights is an important topic .

  10. 消费者权益保护法,给消费者提供基本的权利框架;

    Consumer law gives consumers a framework of certain basic rights .

  11. 消费者权益保护存在的问题及立法完善

    The Problem Existing in the Consumer Rights Protection and Legislation Perfection

  12. 论消费者权益保护执法信息公开建设

    On Construction of Information Publicity of Enforcing Law to Consumer Protection

  13. 论惩罚性赔偿制度在产品责任领域中的适用&兼评我国《消费者权益保护法》第49条

    Application of Punitive Damages System to the Field of Product Responsibilities

  14. 手机通讯服务中的消费者权益保护

    Protecting Consumers ' Rights and Benefits in Mobile Phone Communication Services

  15. 欺诈:一种竞争法的理论诠释&兼论《消费者权益保护法》第49条的适用与完善

    Fraud : An Interpretation from the Visual Angle of Competition Law

  16. 商品房消费者权益保护研究

    Study on Safeguarding Rights and Interests of Commodity House Consumers

  17. 消费者权益保护的本质

    On the Essence of Protecting Consumers ' Rights and Interests

  18. 而我国金融消费者权益保护还处于空白阶段。

    And our financial consumer protection is still in the blank stage .

  19. 冷却期制度与消费者权益保护

    Term for Calm Consideration and Protection of Consumers ' Rights

  20. 对我国《消费者权益保护法》中的三个问题的比较研究

    On Issues of the Protection Law of the Consumer Rights and Interests

  21. 消费者权益保护并非为二战后特有。

    Consumer protection is by no means unique to the postwar period .

  22. 医疗纠纷与消费者权益保护法的适用

    Iatrical entanglement and the use of law of consumer-profit protection

  23. 医疗纠纷能依消费者权益保护法解决吗

    Solving Medical Dissension by the Law of Consumer Rights and Interests Protection

  24. 基于数字水印的消费者权益保护协议研究

    Study on the Protection of Customer 's Rights Based on Watermarking Techniques

  25. 试论国际消费者权益保护法律中的义务冲突问题

    On the Conflicts of Obligations in the Law of International Consumers Rights

  26. 论《消费者权益保护法》的完善

    On the Law of Consumers ' Rights and Interests Protection

  27. 常熟市消费者权益保护委员会(消费者协会)研究

    Changshu Consumer Rights and Interests Protects Committee ( Consumer Association ) Research

  28. 我国《消费者权益保护法》第49条规定了双倍赔偿制度,这被视作惩罚性损害赔偿制度在我国的建立。

    Punitive damages system has been established in Chinese consumer protection law .

  29. 在线交易消费者权益保护法律制度研究

    Study on Law Protection of Consumer Rights in Online Contraction

  30. 消费者权益保护组织民间化的探讨

    A Discussion on the Non-governmental Form of Consumer Right Protection