
  • 网络us economy;American Economy
  1. 美国经济很可能在今年年底前出现比英国高的通货膨胀。

    The American economy is on course for higher inflation than Britain by the end of the year .

  2. 预算危机也突显了正在衰退的美国经济。

    The budget crisis also spotlighted a weakening American economy .

  3. 美国经济依然在创造着数量惊人的新就业机会。

    The US economy is still an impressive generator of new jobs

  4. 近来很少有人对美国经济持乐观态度。

    Optimism about the US economy has been a rare commodity lately .

  5. 你会听到有关美国经济发展无序、后劲乏力的议论。

    You hear talk about American business being flabby .

  6. 美国经济依赖于中东地区的石油。

    The US economy depends on Middle Eastern oil .

  7. 利率可能很快就会下调,从而刺激美国经济。

    Interest rates could fall soon and be a stimulus to the US economy

  8. 海外销售额的上升对于不景气的美国经济来说是个好消息。

    The rise in overseas sales is good news for the ailing American economy .

  9. 美国经济仍可持续发展。

    The American economy still has legs .

  10. 根据这项报告,美国经济及其海外竞争能力发展的速度开始放缓。

    The American economy , and its ability to compete abroad , was slowing down according to the report .

  11. 抛开这些,统计数据增加了对美国经济复苏的担忧。

    Despite that , the figures added to fears about the US economic recovery .

  12. 一个在二战后经历了共同增长的国家开始分裂,以至于当2007年末大萧条来袭时,人们再也不能忽视决定着美国经济格局的分歧。

    A country that experienced shared growth after World War Ⅱ began to tear apart , so much so that when the Great Recession hit in late 2007 , one could no longer ignore the division that had come to define the American economic landscape .

  13. 一项研究发现,1997年强劲的Nifio帮助美国经济增长了150亿美元,部分原因是农业收成较好,中西部的农民从额外的降雨中获益。

    A study found that a strong Nifio in 1997 helped American 's economy grow by 15 billion , partly because of better agricultural harvest , farmers in the Midwest gained from extra rain .

  14. 美国经济刺激法案中的“购买美国产品”(buyamerican)条款具有争议,但其政治用意相当明了:美国纳税人的钱应用于创造本国就业。

    The political imperative of the controversial buy American provisions in the economic stimulus bill is clear : US taxpayer dollars should create jobs at home .

  15. 针对美国经济数据,有些交易员一直以来的应对依据是,较强的经济数据将增加奥巴马(obama)获胜的几率。

    Some have been reacting to us economic data on the basis that stronger figures could make an Obama victory more likely .

  16. 通过合意方式解决纠纷&美国经济活动中ADR方式运用状况分析

    Resolution of Disputes Through Consensus & Analysis on the Application of ADR in America Economic Activities

  17. 催化剂就是一轮走弱的美国经济数据,以令人失望的3月份就业报告为顶峰,再加上美联储(Fed)较之前更温和的论调。

    The catalyst came in the form of a bout of weaker US data culminating in a disappointing March jobs report , along with a more dovish-sounding Federal Reserve .

  18. 美元最新一轮跌势,正值外汇市场出现一种越来越强的看法,认为美国经济状况比美联储(FederalReserve)所声称的要糟。

    The latest bout of dollar weakness has occurred as currency markets have developed a growing belief that the US economy is in worse shape than the Federal Reserve claims .

  19. 摩根大通(jpmorganchase)昨日报告称,由于增加了消费者相关业务的贷款损失准备金,其第四季度业绩受到影响,这种情况进一步证明美国经济状况正不断恶化。

    Further evidence of the deteriorating state of the US economy emerged yesterday as JPMorgan Chase reported that fourth-quarter earnings had been hit by higher provisions for loan losses in consumer-related businesses .

  20. 然而,随着股票市场受一波大型企业交易浪潮的抬升而屡创新高,更多的经济学家转而认为,美国经济的强劲程度足以承受更高的利率。美联储(FederalReserve)预计将在今年提高利率。

    Still , as equity markets hit new highs , lifted by a wave of large-scale corporate deal making , more economists are coming around to the view that the American economy is strong enough to absorb an expected increase in interest rates this year by the Federal Reserve .

  21. “美国经济对其它经济体的影响并未减弱,”imf提到,“相反,有迹象显示,随着时间的推移,其溢出效应已大大增加”,特别是对其它美洲国家而言。

    " The influence of the US economy on other economies does not appear to have diminished , " the IMF notes . " On the contrary , indications are that the magnitude of spillovers have increased over time " , particularly with respect to other countries in the Americas .

  22. 论欧盟对美国经济法域外效力的法律阻却

    EU 's Blocking Regulation to U.S. Extraterritorial Application of Economic Law

  23. 从道威斯计划看20世纪20年代美国经济外交

    Understanding Economic Diplomacy of U.S.A from Dawes Plan in the 1920s

  24. 官员们认为,美国经济动能并没有经济增速数据所体现的那么高。

    Officials thought that growth rate overstated the economy 's momentum . '

  25. 独立战争前美国经济发展的比较优势

    The Comparative Advantage of American Economy Before the Independent War

  26. 浅析环境产权与美国经济

    An Analysis to the Environmental Property Rights and American Economy

  27. 美国经济管制改革的比较制度分析

    Studies on Comparative Institution Analysis about American economy management reform

  28. 试析美国经济的增长性衰退及对中国的影响

    On the Growth Recession of American Economy and Its Impact on China

  29. 初析21世纪首次美国经济衰退

    Analyzing America 's First Economic Recession in the 21st Century

  30. 美国经济成长数字无助于激励投资人。

    US economic growth figures fail to encourage investors .