
  • 网络Doe;Department of Energy;U.S. Department of Energy;US Department of Energy;US DOE
  1. 美国能源部在一份书面声明中称,这种新的照明技术,一旦投入商业生产,将很可能为“室内外宽阔场地提供高质量、高效率的照明”。

    The new lighting technology , DOE said in a written statement , is most likely to take the form of " high quality , high-efficiency illumination for large indoor or outdoor spaces " once it is made commercially available .

  2. 美国能源部再次提供了一个很好的解释你的选择。

    The DOE again offers a good explanation of your options .

  3. 2012年6月,Mosaic还从美国能源部(DepartmentofEnergy)获得了200万美元的拨款。

    Mosaic also got a $ 2 million Department of energy grant in June 2012 .

  4. 之前,该公司曾获得约5.40亿美元融资以及美国能源部(DepartmentofEnergy)提供的5.28亿美元低息贷款。

    It previously raised around $ 540 million , plus a $ 528 million low-cost loan from the Department of energy .

  5. 美国能源部(USDepartmentofEnergy)特别指定17种稀土元素中的5种为关键元素,它们的供应不足局面预计将持续到2018年。

    In particular , the US Department of Energy has designated five of the 17 rare earths as critical , with supply deficits expected until 2018 .

  6. 据美国能源部(DepartmentofEnergy)估算,今年冬天,美国每个家庭的取暖费用将提高22%,从去年的1466美元上升至1785美元。

    The Department of Energy is estimating the average home heating bill will increase by 22 per cent this winter to $ 1,785 from $ 1,466 last year .

  7. 美国能源部SSL办公室预言,未来的价格如下。

    The US Department of Energy SSL office forecast the future pricing as follows .

  8. 并且可以得到DOE(美国能源部DepartmentofEnergy)高达总项目投资额30%的项目补贴。

    And you can get DOE ( U.S. Department of Energy ) up to30 % of the total project investment project subsidies .

  9. 美国能源部(DepartmentofEnergy)数据显示,过去12个月期间,燃煤发电量下降19%,而燃气发电量增长38%。

    In the last 12 months , coal-fired generation has slumped by 19 per cent while that using gas has increased by 38 per cent , according to the US Department of Energy .

  10. 据美国能源部(departmentofenergy)预测,从2009年至2035年,只要没有更严格的环保法规,燃煤发电量还将上升四分之一,仅略微落后于整体市场的增幅。

    In the absence of more stringent environmental regulations , the US Department of energy forecasts that coal-fired generation will rise by a quarter between 2009 and 2035 , only slightly lagging overall market growth .

  11. 她似乎也在暗示,如果2009年波士顿电池公司被美国能源部(DepartmentofEnergy)选为15亿美元政府补贴的受益人之一,可能就不会有现在这个交易了。

    She also seemed to imply that Boston-Power might not have done this deal had the Department of energy picked the company as a beneficiary of $ 1.5 billion in battery-related grants handed out in 2009 .

  12. 介绍了美国能源部于2002年开始实施的固体照明(SSL)技术的下一代照明计划。

    The technology of the solid state lighting on next-generation lighting initiative started to implement by the Department of Energy of USA in 2002 is introduced .

  13. 最近美国能源部(DOE)发布的报告显示,在种类众多的照明项目中,以传感器为基础的LED照明设备确实节省了能源。

    A recent Gateway report by the Department of Energy ( DOE ) demonstrated substantial energy savings in projects which retrofit their lighting projects with sensor based LED luminaires .

  14. 最近美国能源部要求IBM建造一台巨型超级计算机用以模拟核武器,这样他们就再也不用进行核爆炸试验了。

    Recently the US department of energy asked IBM to build a gigantic super computer to simulate nuclear weapons so that they will never have to be exploded for test purposes , ever again .

  15. 本文根据美国能源部资料介绍了对车用PEM燃料电池的成本分析。

    Based on the information provided by American Energy Department , it describes the cost analysis of PEM fuel cell for cars .

  16. 低温吸附储氢系统是目前少数几个能够较好达到美国能源部(DOE)轻型车辆储氢系统目标的解决方案之一。

    Cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage is one of a few solutions which can partly fulfill the DOE ( United States department of energy ) targets .

  17. 美国能源部(USDepartmentofEnergy)的数据显示,截至去年11月底,美国已经从沙特阿拉伯进口了超过4.5亿桶石油,超过2009、2010或2011年的全年进口量。

    By the end of November the US had already imported more than 450m barrels of crude from Saudi Arabia , more than it imported from Riyadh in the whole of 2009 , 2010 or 2011 , according to figures from the US Department of Energy .

  18. 美国能源部(DOE)提议较大范围的修订其根据《能源政策与节约法案》规定的日光灯整流器测试程序。

    The U.S.Department of Energy ( DOE ) proposes major revisions to its test procedures for fluorescent lamp ballasts established under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act .

  19. 美国能源部(DOE)制定了储氢媒介在室温或接近室温的条件下储存-释放氢气的量达到6wt%的首要目标。

    The United States department of energy ( DOE ) established primary aim for hydrogen storage media to reach hydrogen storage-release of 6 wt % in room temperature or close to room temperature condition .

  20. 建造NIF是从1997年开始,受到美国能源部国家核安全管理局(简称,NNSA)的资助。

    Construction of the NIF began in1997 , funded by the US Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration ( NNSA ) .

  21. 为达到美国能源部(DOE)车载储氢技术的要求,必须开发出高体积能量密度与高质量能量密度的轻质储氢材料。

    In or-der to meet the requirements of US Department of Energy ( DOE ) for on-board fuel cell vehicle , it is essential to develop new technologies and materials with high volumetric and gravimetric energy densities .

  22. 这十分有趣,因为Venter博士一直认为合成生物学是新能源技术的来源之一,这个观点也得到了美国能源部的支持。

    That is of particular interest , since Dr Venter sees synthetic biology as a source of new energy-generating technologies & and he has the backing of America 's Department of Energy to prove the point .

  23. 这场战火引发了人们对于也门和吉布提之间的曼德海峡(Babel-Mandebstrait)脆弱性的担忧,美国能源部认为这里是全球石油市场一个潜在的阻塞点。

    The fighting has raised concerns about the vulnerability of the Bab el-Mandeb strait between Yemen and Djibouti , which has been identified by the US Department of Energy as a potential chokepoint in the global oil market .

  24. 介子转化为电子实验装置(MECO)是美国能源部目前在建的一个高能物理项目。

    The Muon-Electron Conversion Experiment ( MECO ) which seeks to detect direct muon to electron conversion is to be installed at Brookhaven National Laboratory ( BNL ), USA.

  25. JimBrodrick说。他是美国能源部,能源效率和可持续能源办公室(EERE)光源项目组的负责人。

    " [ LEDs and OLEDs ] can be more efficient than any light source available ," says Jim Brodrick , lighting program manager for the DOE 's office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy ( EERE ) .

  26. 上周,这笔交易资金得以隆重付清。美国能源部宣布投资34亿美元发展智能电网,并把其中超过5.6亿美元的资金拨给与SSN有合约的电力公司。

    The deal appeared to pay off in a big way last week , when the Energy Department announced $ 3.4 billion in smart grid grants . Of the total , more than $ 560 million went to utilities with which Silver Spring has contracts .

  27. 美国能源部燃烧2000计划中的低污染锅炉系统(LEBS),具有投资成本少,污染小,效率高等特点,是常规煤粉锅炉的革命性发展。

    Low emission boiler system ( LEBS ), which is under Combustion 2000 program of the United States Department of Energy has lower investment cost , less emission and significantly higher thermal efficiency , LEBS is revolutionary development of routine coal-fired boiler .

  28. 美国能源部科技报告管理和服务现状分析

    Analysis on the Status of DOE Technical Report System in America

  29. 美国能源部小企业创新研究计划评估情况综述

    The Assessment Summary of Small Business Innovation Research Program in U.S.Department of Energy

  30. 美国能源部表示,目前不会立即对公众健康产生威胁。

    The Energy Department says there is no immediate threat to public health .