
  • 网络Protein;protein content;PRO
  1. 只有几种蔬菜食品有如此高的蛋白质含量。

    Only a few vegetable-origin foods have such a high percentage of protein .

  2. 乳制品之所以添加三聚氰胺是因为它可以虚增蛋白质含量、在质量测试中蒙混过关。

    That substance illicitly to fool quality-inspection testers because it can mimic the properties of protein .

  3. 另外,从事有趣工作的人血液中与痴呆症相关的蛋白质含量也更低。

    And those who found their own work interesting also had lower levels of proteins in their blood that have been linked with dementia .

  4. 荧光微量检测细胞内DNA与蛋白质含量

    Microfluorometric Determination of Intracellular DNA and Protein Content and Its Application

  5. 小儿急性白血病细胞DNA、蛋白质含量及其临床意义

    The clinical significance of DNA and protein content of bone marrow cells in childhood acute leukemia by flow cytometry

  6. 以及叶子中的过氧化物酶、Mg~(2+)-ATP酶和Ca~(2+)-ATP酶活性都明显提高,而根、叶渗出液的pH和蛋白质含量显著降低。

    Significant decreases were found in pH and protein in exudate solutions of both leaves and roots .

  7. 品种对籽粒蛋白质含量、C和D醇溶蛋白组分含量的影响要比氮肥用量大,而B醇溶蛋白组分含量的差异主要是由氮肥用量的差异引起的。

    The effect of cultivar on grain protein , C and D hordein contents was larger relative to that of nitrogen treatment .

  8. 决定不同品种间成熟期子粒蛋白质含量高低的主要参数为b值,施肥量是通过影响a值的大小而影响子粒蛋白质含量,与b值的相关不密切。

    The grain protein content were mainly determined by parameter b in different varieties , by parameter a values in different fertilizer level .

  9. 经测定苦荞蛋白质含量为10.18%,必需氨基酸含量为413.7%mg/GProtein。

    The protein content of Fagopyrum tataricum is 10.18 % and the essential amino acid content is 413.7 mg / g protein .

  10. 与SEM、细胞生长曲线和细胞蛋白质含量测定结果一致。

    These were coincident with the cells ' growth curve and the result of total protein assay and SEM .

  11. 在不定芽形成前,可溶性蛋白质含量、POD和SOD的活性均呈上升趋势。

    Before adventitious shoots initiated , soluble protein content and activities of POD and SOD showed the trend to increase .

  12. 蛋白质含量过低(20%)和过高(55%),蛋白质沉积率都显著低于其它组(P<0.05)。

    Whether the dietary protein content was low ( 20 % ) or high ( 55 % ), protein deposit rate ( PDR ) were significantly lower ( PO . 05 ) .

  13. 冰核活性细菌(INAbacteria)对杏花器官ABA、IAA和可溶性蛋白质含量的影响

    Influence of INA Bacteria on the Content of ABA , IAA and Soluble Protein in Flower Organs of Apricot

  14. 结果表明,CTAB提取法DNA产量低,多糖和蛋白质含量高;

    The result showed that the way of using CTAB got poor yield of DNA and high concentration of protein and polysaccharide was higher .

  15. 添加中草药提取物可显著提高鲫鱼的体蛋白质含量和脂肪含量,改善鲫鱼的鱼肉品质(P0.05)。

    The extract from Chinese herbal medicine could significantly increase carp 's body protein and fat content , and improve fish flesh quality ( P0.05 ) .

  16. 结果表明:小麦F2代籽粒的蛋白质含量的遗传符合加性-显性模型;沉淀值的遗传符合加性-显性-上位性模型。

    The results indicated that the inheritance of protein content in F2 grains was fitted to additive-dominant model and that of sedimentation value was fitted to additive-dominant-epistasis model .

  17. kg-1以上,而10号自交系子粒的蛋白质含量最低,仅97.15g。

    Protein contents of inbred lines No.

  18. 结果表明:出糙率、精米率和蛋白质含量都随着施N量增加而增加,直链淀粉含量随N肥用量增加而略有减少趋势;

    The results show : milled rice recovery rate 、 head rice rate and protein content increases with the increasing quantity of N , amylose content decrease a bit with the increasing quantity of N.

  19. 以每克胚珠鲜重计,蛋白质含量变化与核酸的变化基本相似;以每胚珠鲜重计,蛋白质的积累基本上与RNA的积累同步进行。

    Changes of protein content per gram of ovule resembled that of nucleic acid , and accumulation of protein per ovule was basically parallel to that of RNA .

  20. 瘤状茎形成过程中单位茎切片中蛋白质含量呈下降趋势,而RNA则早期上升、后期下降。

    The protein content showed a tendency of decrease in stem section during stem swelling period . However , the RNA peaked at the middle stage of stem swelling .

  21. 用Lowry法测定蛋白质含量;

    Protein content were measured by Lowry 's method .

  22. 酸性洗涤纤维含量随生育期的进程而逐渐升高,粗蛋白质含量随生育期推进而降低,各个品种初花期CP含量都达到了18%及以上,均可作为优质蛋白质饲料利用。

    Every varieties ' CP content is above 18 % in the blooming stage . So , all the varieties are used as high quality protein feed .

  23. 不同蛋白质含量小麦品种叶片NRA与氮素积累关系的研究

    Study on the relation of NRA and nitrogen accumulation in leaves of different protein content wheats

  24. 植株氮含量(g·kg-1)与其干物质积累、果糖含量和籽粒产量均呈显著负相关,与籽粒蛋白质含量显著正相关。

    Plant tissue nitrogen content ( g · kg - 1 ) was negatively correlated with their dry matter , fructan content and grain yield , but closely positively correlated with grain nitrogen ( protein ) content .

  25. 孕穗期施氮肥(N2和N3)可显著提高卜淀粉酶活性与蛋白质含量。

    N application at booting stage ( N2 and N3 ), increased significantly P - amylase activity and protein content .

  26. 但32.65%的蛋白质含量与300mg/kg的肉碱添加量获得了最高的生长速度,与对照组差异不显著。

    But the interaction between 32.65 % protein content and 300mg / kg carnitine content can get the beat SGR which is insignificant to the control .

  27. 香蕉汁使外植体愈伤组织的蛋白质含量提高,SOD的活性受到抑制,CAT,AP和POD的活性被增强。

    The protein content in the explant callus was raised , the activity of SOD was inhibited , while the activity of CAT , POD , and AP are strengthened to some extent .

  28. NO处理后,硝酸还原酶活性升高,硝酸盐含量降低,Vc和可溶性蛋白质含量增加,小白菜品质得到明显改善。

    The application of nitric oxide increased the activity of nitrate reductase , decreased the accumulation of nitrate and increased the contents of Vc and soluble protein , leading to improved quality of Chinese cabbage .

  29. 以定远猪为母本,分别与瘦肉型猪种杂交所产F1代仔猪进行肌肉生长性状及肌肉蛋白质含量、氨基酸组分的分析与比较。

    Our research was going to test the relationship between the muscle growing characteristics and component of amino acids ( AA ) when Dingyuan Sow crossed meat type boar .

  30. 对乳品加工废水处理过程中的蛋白质含量的降解和蛋白酶活力以及COD进行了测试,找出在厌氧发酵下的一些关键影响参数:温度、pH值、泥水比以及厌氧发酵时间。

    Tests on protein decomposing proteinase activity and COD of dairy wastewater were studied to search for some key influencing parameters under the anaerobic fermentation such as temperature , pH , ratio of sludge to wastewater and time .