
  • 网络protein interactions;protein-protein interaction
  1. 基于SVMs蛋白质交互作用关系抽取

    Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction Based on SVMs

  2. 为了阐明细胞的内部工作机制,重建细胞内完整的蛋白质交互作用网络成为了分子生物学的一大挑战。

    One of the big challenges of molecular biology is to reconstruct the complete network of protein interaction within cells in a hope to shed unprecedented light on the inner working of the cellular machinery .

  3. 日粮代谢能和蛋白质的交互作用对试鸡的日增重有显著影响(p<0.05),试鸡以中能量中蛋白水平(ME12.54MJ/kg,CP18%)最好;

    The interaction between ME and CP had significant influence on bodygain ( P < 0.05 ) > the trials with middle ME and middle CP level ( ME 12.54MJ / kg , CP 18 % ) was the best ;

  4. 通过体外饱和碳酸钙实验,研究Mg~(2+)和全壳蛋白质的交互作用对于碳酸钙晶体生长的影响;蔗糖和葡萄糖与碳酸钙结晶之间的相互作用。

    By the crystallization experiment in vitro , the effect of the interaction between the SM and Mg ~ ( 2 + ) on the crystallization of the CaCO_3 is studied ;

  5. 一般认为与蛋白质表面有交互作用的水团为何?

    What are the dominant water clusters thought to be interacting with the surfaces of proteins ?

  6. 蛋白质与多糖类交互作用对食品乳状液稳定性的影响

    Emulsion Stabilization by Interaction between Protein and Polysaccharide

  7. 生物膜中蛋白质/油脂的交互作用

    Lipid - protein interaction in biological membranes

  8. 小分子和蛋白质间的分子交互作用,例如油脂与蛋白的结合,在各种生物学过程中是很基本和重要的。

    Molecular interactions between small molecules and proteins , such as binding of lipids to proteins , are of fundamental importance in various biological processes .

  9. 为何水的结构对蛋白质次级结构与蛋白质-蛋白质间的交互作用是具有重要性的?

    Why is the structure of water important in the formation of protein secondary structures and protein-protein interactions ?

  10. 蛋白质具有许多功能性质,这些性质由于多糖与蛋白质的交互作用而得到改善,从而影响食品体系的性质。

    Proteins have had many functional properties which could be improved by interaction between proteins and polysaccharides , and finally affected the properties of food system .