
  • 网络National Weather Service;NWS;Noaa
  1. 美国国家气象局报道说在伊利诺伊州出现了几次龙卷风。

    The National Weather Service has reported several tornado sightings in Illinois .

  2. 根据美国国家气象局的数据,地球上每年发生的闪电次数可达近2000万次,雷雨过程中闪电可行进10到12英里(16到19公里),瞬间让空气升温华氏5万度。

    The Earth is struck by lightning nearly 20 million times each year , and bolts of lightning can travel as much as 10 to 12 miles from a thunderstorm , instantly heating the air to 50000 degrees Fahrenheit6 , according to the National Weather Service .

  3. 尽管如此,包括美国国家气象局(USNationalWeatherService)在内的主要天气预测机构都预计,未来一个月美国中西部的天气将较以往平均水平炎热和干燥。

    Nonetheless , leading forecasters including the US National Weather Service expect the Midwest to see hotter and drier conditions than average over the next month .

  4. .美国国家气象局(nationalweatherservice)表示,周三,南部的密西西比州和阿拉巴马州部分地区遭遇了接近150场龙卷风袭击。

    Death Toll From US Tornados Rises to at Least 292 The National Weather Service says about 150 tornados tore through parts the southern states of Mississippi and Alabama on Wednesday .

  5. 如清单10所示,我可以使用curl命令从美国国家气象局了解我所在位置(纽约州布法罗市)的当前天气状况。

    As shown in Listing 10 , I can use the curl command to access the current local conditions of the National Weather Service for my location ( Buffalo , NY ) .

  6. 交互式预报辅助制作系统(InteractiveForecastPreparationSystem)是美国国家气象局(NWS)近年来列为重点开发的研究项目之一。

    Interactive Forecast Preparation System ( IFPS ) has been one of the highest priority projects of the National Weather Service ( NWS ) for years . It is also an important component of Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System .

  7. 美国国家气象局称这个风暴系统涉及众多方面。

    The National Weather Service calls this storm system multifaceted .

  8. 在印第安纳州北部,美国国家气象局发出这个消息。

    In Northern Indiana , the National Weather Service sent out this message .

  9. 嗯,芝加哥美国国家气象局昨天称其为西伯利亚。

    Well , in Chicago the National Weather service called it Siberia yesterday .

  10. 美国国家气象局称至少10起龙卷风重创这一地区。

    The National Weather Service says at least ten tornadoes touched down in the area .

  11. 美国国家气象局表示,俄克拉荷马州、阿肯色州以及密苏里州的部分地区可能会出现龙卷风。

    The National Weather Service says parts of Oklahoma , Arkansas and Missouri could say tornadoes .

  12. 美国国家气象局表示,未来几天一波强烈热流将袭击西部地区。

    The National Weather Service says an intense heat wave will grip the West for several days .

  13. 美国国家气象局发布冬季风暴预警,降雪厚度可能达到15英寸。

    The National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning was up 15-inch of snow possible at higher alleviations .

  14. WassilaThiaw在美国国家气象局天气预报中心负责研究非洲的状况。

    Wassila Thiaw studies Africa for the Climate Prediction Center at the National Weather Service in the United States .

  15. 据美国国家气象局的气象专家鲍勃·奥拉韦茨介绍,中西部地区将迎来冬季风暴,部分地区会结冰。

    There 's a winter storm icing parts of the mid-west according to National Weather Service meteorologist Bob Oravec .

  16. 美国国家气象局连续第二天向俄克拉荷马州大部分地区发出龙卷风警报。

    For a second day the National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch for a large portion of Oklahoma .

  17. 美国国家气象局表示咆哮着肆虐阿肯色州五月花镇的一场龙卷风可能有半英里宽。

    The National Weather Service says a tornado that could have been half a mile wide roared through Mayflower , Arkansas .

  18. 美国国家气象局的气象学家菲尔·舒马赫表示,强风摧毁了内布拉斯加州北部韦恩镇的房屋。

    Meteorologist Phil Schumacher with the National Weather Service says powerful winds destroyed homes in the northeast Nebraska town of Wayne .

  19. 美国国家气象局警告称,上中西部地区和五大湖地区将迎来刺骨的严寒。

    The National Weather Service is warning of a bitterly cold temperatures in some of the upper Midwest and Great Lakes states .

  20. 美国国家气象局表示,这场5.1级地震发生在周日凌晨,数个小时前曾发生一起级别小得多的地震。

    The US National Weather Service says the 5.1-mangitude temblor struck early Sunday morning following a much smaller quake several hours earlier .

  21. 美国国家气象局表示,未来几天该地区可能还会遭遇严峻天气。

    The national weather service says the chance of severe weather in this region of the country , or processed through the coming days .

  22. 美国国家气象局的信息网,由159个固定式多普勒雷达组合而成。

    Today 's severe-weather warnings draw heavily on data gathered by NEXRAD , the network of159 stationary Doppler radars operated by the National Weather Service .

  23. 美国国家气象局表示,在南佛罗里达最的坦帕湾和奥兰多的郊区,每年都会遭受大规模的雷电袭击。

    South Florida , Tampa Bay and suburbs around Orlando are tied for seeing the most bolts per year , the National Weather Service said .

  24. 美国国家气象局绘出了冬季天气预警地图,包括零下温度以及扰乱百万民众生活的冰雪天气。

    The National Weather Service maps are covered with winter weather warnings and advisories with sub-zero temperature , snow and ice disrupting life for millions .

  25. 美国国家气象局称,东北风预计将形成强风,带来暴雨,这周三或周四可能会发生洪水。

    The National Weather Service says the nor'easter is expected to generate some strong winds , heavy rain and possible flooding this Wednesday or Thursday .

  26. 美国国家气象局表示,这一飓风紧随热带风暴“伊塞尔”而来,不太可能对夏威夷列岛构成威胁。

    The national weather service says it 's unlikely to pose a threat to the island chain , comes on the heels of a tropical storm Iselle .

  27. 美国国家气象局气象专家吉姆·泰格说,今天的天气预报只说有阵雪,但是双子城的温度要比一般的寒风天气冷得多。

    National Weather Service meteorologist Jim Tiger says only flurries are in today 's forecast , but the twin cities will have colder than normal wind chills .

  28. 美国国家气象局发出暴风雪警报,纽约地区积雪厚度可能达到11至16英寸、风速达到每小时40至60公里。

    The National Weather Service has issued a blizzard warning for the New York City area , with possible snow falls of11-16 inches , and40-60 mph wind gusts .

  29. 这表明损坏程度可能大于EF3,达到4或甚至5的程度,美国国家气象局将在这里进行观测。

    That indicated damage probably up greater than EF3 , somewhere in the four or maybe even the five , the National Weather Service will be out here looking at it .

  30. 据美国国家气象局的发言人克里斯瓦卡罗称,气象学家们用这些词汇来描述那些罕见地区的罕见天气状况,随后这些词通过媒体得到迅速传播。

    According to Chris Vaccaro , a spokesperson for the National Weather Service , meteorologists are using these terms to describe weather conditions in areas that don 't typically see such events ; the use of these words is then accelerated through social media .