
  • 网络EST;Edt;Eastern time
  1. 每周二,美国东部时间午夜0点左右开始,苹果都会在它的音乐商店推出一首免费的“本周单曲”(SingleoftheWeek),本周的曲目是科科•琼斯(CocoJones)的“DejaVu”。

    Every Tuesday , starting around 12 a.m. Eastern Time , Apple offers a free Single of the Week on its iTunes store . This week it 's ' D é j à Vu ' by Coco Jones .

  2. 220磅重的着陆器“菲莱”(Philae)成功着陆的消息,在德国达姆施塔特本地时间下午5时03分(美国东部时间上午11时03分)到达了那里的“罗塞塔”任务控制中心。

    News of the touchdown of the 220-pound lander , named Philae , arrived at the mission control center in Darmstadt , Germany , at 5:03 p.m. local time ( 11:03 a.m. Eastern time ) .

  3. 美国东部时间10月27日晚7:30(NBALeaguePass)

    Oct. 27 , 7:30 p.m. ET ( NBA League Pass )

  4. 美国东部时间11月3日晚10:30(NBALeaguePass)

    Nov. 3 , 10:30 p.m. ET ( NBA League Pass )

  5. 克利夫兰骑士VS金州勇士(美国东部时间下午3点)

    Cleveland Cavaliers at Golden State Warriors ( 3 p.m. ET )

  6. 美国东部时间10月26日晚10:30(TNT)

    Oct. 26 , 10:30 p.m. ET ( TNT )

  7. 预计在定于美国东部时间今天下午5点举行的第四季度业绩发布会上,eBay将更深入地就此问题发表意见。

    The company is expected to further address the matter during its previously-scheduled Q4 earnings call today at 5pm et.

  8. 《生活大爆炸》一剧将于周四、九月23日美国东部时间8点、中部时间7点回归CBS。

    The Big Bang Theory will premiere on CBS on Thursday , September 23 at 8 / 7c .

  9. 美国东部时间3月28日晚9:30(ESPN)

    March 28 , 9:30 p.m. ET ( ESPN )

  10. 美国东部时间12月13日晚7:00(ESPN)

    Dec. 13 , 7 p.m. ET ( ESPN )

  11. 美国东部时间2月9日晚8:00(ESPN)

    Feb. 9 , 8 p.m. ET ( ESPN )

  12. 截至美国东部时间周二上午9点,意大利MIB指数在周一大涨3.6%的基础上继续上涨了0.1%。

    The Italian MIB index was up 0.1 % by 9:00 AM EDT , after rising 3.6 % on Monday .

  13. NASA表示,“龙”飞船预计将在发射约27小时32分钟后与空间站对接,时间是美国东部时间11月16日晚11点左右。

    The spacecraft is scheduled to dock to the space station about 27 hours and 32 minutes after the launch , around 11 pm EST Monday , according to NASA .

  14. 第十季将于美国东部时间周一晚8:00在CBS电视台首播,在周二晚间的橄榄球直播结束后,将改为每周二播出。

    The show will air at 8 p.m. ET on Monday nights on CBS , before switching to the same time on Thursday nights , following the conclusion of Thursday night football .

  15. 美国东部时间11月15日晚7点27分,“龙”飞船搭乘SpaceX“猎鹰9”火箭从肯尼迪航天中心历史性的LC-39A发射台升空。

    The spacecraft lifted off on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket at 7:27 pm EST Sunday , from historic Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center .

  16. 它还将于美国东部时间1月26日星期四下午7点揭晓全明星替补阵容。NBA全明星正赛将于2月19日星期日在新奥尔良球馆举行。TNT将于当地时间下午8点通过电视直播,ESPN电台全程广播。

    which will also unveil the All-Star reserves on Thursday . Jan. 26 at 7 p.m. ET. The NBA AU-Star Game is set for Sunday . Feb. 19 at Smoothie King Center in New Orleans and will be televised by TNT at 8 p.m. ET and broadcast by ESPN Radio .

  17. 在线广播将在美国东部时间星期六晚上11点开始。

    The online broadcast will begin on Saturday at 11 P.M. Eastern time .

  18. 错误订单从美国东部时间周一下午3:38分开始,持续了6分钟。

    The mistaken order flow began at 3:38pm Eastern time on Monday and lasted six minutes .

  19. 我希望你能调整美国东部时间下午8:00在今晚观看了总统的讲话。

    I hope you 'll tune in tonight at8:00 PM EDT to watch the President 's address .

  20. 客户们很高兴享受免费配送,当他们在美国东部时间半夜下单,并能在8个小时候的拿到鞋子的时候,他们非常愉快。

    They are delighted when a customer orders by midnight EST , and gets the delivery eight hours later .

  21. 这次理事会的会议定于美国东部时间中午举行,但关于制裁案的表决时间还没有定。

    A full council meeting is set to convene at noon ET but a vote on sanctions is not assured .

  22. 倒计时进行得很顺利,天气方面也没有任何问题,208英尺(约合63.4米)高的火箭在美国东部时间上午10时21分升空。

    The countdown had proceeded without a hitch or worries about weather , and the 208-foot-tall rocket lifted off at 10:21 a.m. Eastern time .

  23. 小行星2012DA14有150英尺(45米)宽,相当于半个足球场那么大,将在美国东部时间下午2点24分(北京时间16日凌晨)抵达近地点,在印尼上空飞过。

    Asteroid 2012 DA14 is 150 feet ( 45 meters ) wide - about half the size of a football field - and will make its closest approach to Earth at 2:24 p.m. EST ( 1924 GMT ) when it passes over Indonesia .

  24. 在旧金山举行的苹果年度全球开发者大会上,首席执行官蒂姆o库克于美国东部时间下午1点登台,欢迎数千名与会软件开发人员。他们中有些人为了确保能参会,在一天前就已经开始排队。

    CEO Tim Cook took the stage at 1 p.m. ET at Apple 's annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco to welcome a crowd of a few thousand software developers - some of whom had lined up a day earlier to ensure themselves a spot in the audience .

  25. 演唱会时间为美国东部标准时间周六4月18日晚上8点,会在电视和社交媒体上直播。

    The concert will be broadcast live on TV and on social media Saturday , April 18 at 8 p.m. ET.

  26. 他的作息基本遵循美国东部标准时间,醒时也多半都在上网,不过我一直这么过的。

    He lives mainly on Eastern Standard Time and spends most of his waking hours online - but it always has been so .

  27. 例如,显示美国东部当前时间的网页对于东亚地区的客户来说便缺乏可信度。

    For example , a web page that displays the current time in the eastern part of the United States will lack credibility to a customer in eastern asia .