
  • 网络prime minister;Prime Minister of Italy
  1. 有历史价值的建筑divert:tomakesomebody/somethingchangedirection使转向背单词—服装英语词汇为刺激经济增长,帮助经济复苏,意大利总理西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼日前在一则新的电视广告中号召意大利人在本国度假,享受意大利的“蓝天、阳光和大海”。

    Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi urges Italians to vacation in their own homeland of " skies , sun and sea " in a new television advertisement aimed at boosting an economy struggling to emerge from recession .

  2. 意大利总理马里奥蒙蒂(MarioMonti)的政治赌注昨日也有所增加。

    The political stakes for Mario Monti , the Italian prime minister , also rose yesterday .

  3. 意大利总理西尔维奥·贝鲁斯科尼(SilvioBerlusconi)和法国总统萨科齐(NicholasSarkozy)周五均承诺支持雅典。

    Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi and French President Nicholas Sarkozy , both pledged support for Athens Friday .

  4. 意大利总理马里奥蒙蒂(MarioMonti)表示,要说意大利已经决定提出申请为时过早。

    In Rome , Italian prime minister Mario Monti said it was premature to say Italy had already decided to apply .

  5. 迄今为止,这场危机中倒下的牺牲品已经囊括了意大利总理、希腊总统、法比银行Dexia和最近的美国证券经纪公司明富环球金融(MFGlobal)。

    The casualties , thus far , include the leaders of Italy and Greece ; Dexia , the French-Belgian bank , and most recently MF global , the American brokerage .

  6. 她对意大利总理马里奥蒙蒂(MarioMonti)给予高度赞扬,后者致力于削减退休金成本。

    She has warmly praised Mario Monti , the Italian prime minister , who is committed to cutting the costs of pensions .

  7. 再也没有比意大利总理马里奥蒙蒂(MarioMonti)为周日公布的紧缩方案所选择的名称更能说明问题的了。

    The name chosen by prime minister Mario Monti for the austerity package announced on Sunday could have hardly been more telling .

  8. 一个补救措施就是结束事实上的终身就业保障机制,比如意大利总理马里奥蒙蒂(MarioMonti)正在努力改革的那种。

    A remedy is to end the virtual lifetime job guarantees such as those that Italian prime minister Mario Monti is working to change .

  9. 意大利总理马里奥蒙蒂(MarioMonti)开始把巩固财政和养老金及劳动力市场改革结合起来,值得效仿。

    In Italy , Mario Monti , prime minister , has begun an exemplary combination of fiscal consolidation and reforms of pensions and labour markets .

  10. 其他人,例如意大利总理西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼(SilvioBerlusconi),看到了建立新国家资本主义的机会,以保护本国产业不受到外界的侵害。

    Others , such as Italy 's Silvio Berlusconi , have seen an opportunity to construct a new state capitalism to shield their industries from outsiders .

  11. 尽管意大利总理西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼SilvioBerlusconi向峰会做出了一大堆承诺(见另文),德国还是很有感到担心的理由。

    Despite a list of promises presented to the summit by Silvio Berlusconi , Italy 's prime minister ( see article ), Germany has good reason to worry .

  12. 我从柏林方面听到的消息是,德国政府认为,只要马里奥蒙蒂(mariomonti)当上意大利总理,市场就会恢复平静。

    I am hearing from Berlin that the German government believes that the arrival of Mario Monti as Italian Prime Minister is all it will take to calm the markets .

  13. 意大利总理马泰奥•伦齐(MatteoRenzi)认为,处理利比亚不断恶化的局势,将从根本上解决问题。

    Prime Minister Matteo Renzi argues that dealing with the deteriorating situation in Libya would tackle the problem at the root .

  14. 例如,有时被斥责为美国跟班的意大利总理西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼(silvioberlusconi)就是对正面围堵俄罗斯政策最持保留态度的欧洲领导人之一。

    For example , Silvio Berlusconi , the Italian prime minister who has sometimes been accused of being a vassal of the US , is one of the most reserved European leaders with regard to a policy of containment vis a vis Russia .

  15. 。”上述保证似乎已赢得了意大利总理马泰奥•伦齐(MatteoRenzi)的改革派政府的赞同。伦齐政府正在寻求提振经济,因此对外国投资采取更开放的政策,它将中国化工与倍耐力的这笔交易视为政府开放立场的体现。

    Such reassurances appear to have won over Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi 's reformist government , which is highlighting the ChemChina-Pirelli deal as a sign of its more open policy on foreign investment as it seeks to boost the economy .

  16. 美国总统布什星期四在罗马和意大利总理贝卢斯科尼会谈,星期五将会见教皇本笃十六世。

    Bush in Italy for Berlusconi Talks , Meeting with Pope

  17. 意大利总理贝卢斯科斯尼在利比亚反对派代表马哈茂德·贾布里勒访问意大利之际,作出了这项宣布。

    The announcement came during a visit to Italy by Libyan rebel representative Mahmoud Jibril .

  18. 昨天,意大利总理对两天前的恐怖袭击事件表示了愤慨和担忧。

    Yesterday , the Italian prime minister expressed indignation and worry about the terrorist attack two days ago .

  19. 意大利总理贝卢斯科尼表示,世界从来没有经历过目前这样的金融危机。

    Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said that the world has never seen a financial crisis like this one .

  20. 法国总统、德国总理和意大利总理毫不克制地相互指责。

    The French president , the German chancellor and the Italian prime minister have not refrained from mutual recriminations .

  21. 布朗星期四将同意大利总理贝卢斯科尼举行会晤,讨论有关的经济计划。

    Gordon Brown will meet to discuss economic plans Thursday with his Italian counterpart , Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi .

  22. 意大利总理恩里克·莱塔启动调查,以回应联合国人权报告员的质询。

    Responding to questions from the UN , human rights rapporteur , Prime Minister Enrico Letta launched an inquiry .

  23. 意大利总理贝卢斯科尼,面临越演越烈的应召女郎绯闻,声称他不是圣人。

    Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi , facing a snowballing call girl scandal , said he is no saint .

  24. 意大利总理西尔维奥·贝鲁斯科尼表示,重建拉奎拉城区,恢复其艺术遗产需要几年的时间。

    Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi says it will take years to rebuild L'Aquila delicate , urban and artistic heritage .

  25. 今年79岁的贝卢斯科尼曾4次当选为意大利总理,但也曾因逃税和收受贿赂而被判有罪。

    Berlusconi , 79 , has served as prime minister four times but was convicted of tax fraud and bribery .

  26. 意大利总理朱塞佩·孔特表示,新冠病毒导致的“封国”措施将在4月3日后继续延长。

    Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has said the nationwide coronavirus lockdown will be extended beyond its initial April 3 deadline .

  27. 我问布兰特,他是否认为蒙特泽莫罗会像大家广泛传言的那样,竞选意大利总理。

    I ask Brant if he thinks Montezemolo should run for Prime Minister of Italy , as has been widely rumoured .

  28. 但意大利总理贝卢斯科尼说,选举结果只会使巴勒斯坦建国变得更加困难。

    But Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi says the results will only make the creation of a Palestinian state more difficult .

  29. 只是,如果根据这个星期天意大利总理竞选的情况来判断,这些怀疑论者想的也确实有道理。

    Judging by the Italian prime ministerial elections taking place on Sunday , however , they may actually have a point .

  30. 意大利总理贝卢斯科尼在参议院和众议院都赢得了关键的信任案投票。

    Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has won a critical confidence vote in both the Senate and the lower house of parliament .